
Yoriichi Tsugikuni In Bleach

Yoriichi after his passing, meets Yamamoto who takes him to the soul society who meets many future legends like Kenpachi, Shunsui, Gin and even Aizen. Will he be able to compete with such level fighters or will he die to Aizen's plan? If this is your art and you do not wish for it to be used, drop a comment and I will change it within an hour. I usually reply quickly to comments!

ZetzuSensei · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter.5 Kokushibo and the Missing members PT.1

Before the chapter i'd like to say we are moving out of the timeskip arc. Just 1 or 2 chapters and it's over. Second. I'm gonna age up everyone, but not by just the number. So Yamamoto is now 2,000 years old. Jeesh. I know it doesn't make sense but I made the mistake of trying to use the plot of 2 anime whose time works differently. Muzan is 1,000 years old. As Yamamoto is also 1,000 years old in cannon. So to balance it out I'm doing this.

Also, Yoriichi's strength is comparable to Ichigo in the soul society with his mask (Ichigo vs Byakuya) But stronger due to his Kido. I'll also show more of that from now on.

Lastly, I have decided on a love interest. No, it isn't Yoruichi or Rangiku or Kokushibo (I was scared when I saw a comment say "Kokushibo X Yoriichi) . I'm actually caught up on which one it should be. So I made it possible for them to be picked later on. The last 2 options are…

Tier - 9

Soi-fon - 12



Pov: Kokushibo

'Ugh, when will those damned soul reapers stop bothering me during my meals! Just wait till I get stronger like Tier and then ill send them running back to their captain! Ugh, this is stressing me out…'

Was Kokushibo's thoughts at the moment. Currently he is nothing but a GIllian, though he is close to becoming an Adjuchas so he will lose his current stander Gillian looks. Like all Gillians, he has a large white mask with a long nose, while his body is large with dark coverings over it for its skin. He is quite strong compared to normal Gilllians as well. His cero is unnaturally fast and its power is another thing.

He could be compared to an experienced Adjuchas. But something else sticks out. He is unnaturally aware, not being a mindless soldier like all the others. He fights with tactics, although not much as he is still in development of becoming a Adjuchas. It has been about 60 years since his hollowfication and he had some ups and downs but now he is in the process of evolution.

He runs towards his 'Base' in Hueco Mundo where he finds 3 other Gilians transforming into Adjuchas as well. He frowns a bit as they didnt wait for him to all evolve together. But you definitely could not tell he is frowning, as well…his face is uhhhh. His face is a blank canvas as you would say.

He looks at the scared silly Gillian who is in the corner trying not to be noticed, but unfortunately he was left for Kokushibo and Kokushibo alone. He quickly leaps towards him and smashes his mask, pushing him back for a minute before they both start to charge up cero's. Sadly he is fighting Kokushibo who cero is not only faster, but stronger.

He lets his cero off before the GIllian kills him instantly, before he starts to eat his quickly dissolving body. Once he finishes he lets out a large raur which alerts the other 3 evolving GIllains, but they ignore him quickly after. As they shrink, the first one becomes a white and blue color. His mask has streaks that run through it going along the body. It also has a muscular build that increases its intimidating aura. The second has become more feline, growing paws and black fur with its mask shaping into one of a black cat.

The third one started turning pale white with red and golden stripes on his body. But the mask turned into one that looks like a pure demon, growing horns on the side of it. Finally, Kokushibo, the 4th hollow grows 4 more eyes and patterns similar to the moon forms on his forehead. He shrinks like the other 3 but he gains more human features than the rest. He grew hair that goes down to his chest.

After their evolution, chaos erupted in Hueco Mundo, with Kokushibo in charge of the 3. The abilities that the first demon got, whose name is Akaza, gained the ability to send out shock waves of reiatsu, but not like any shock waves. They disrupt the ability to manipulate their reiatsu, leaving the target confused and stunned.

The abilities of the second one, Kaigaku, has the fastest speed in the 4, along with his lightning he can easily incapacitate the enemy, although his attack damage is lacking… His cero is the fastest in the group.

The abilities of the 3rd one who is Douma, has the ability to freeze reiatsu, along with any moisture. His cero has an effect that freezes whatever it hits. Meaning 1 solid hit can end a life of anyone, possibly even a vasto lorde.

And finally the 4th, Kokushibo. He has the ability to use his reiatsu to create moon-like blades in any way he pleases. With his sharp nails he can use his moon breathing and recreate the moves from scratch once again. At the moment he could fight with a captain level fighter, although he will lose if they release their shikai…

But together, these 4 can kill even a vasto lorde together. Which is a grand feat to be done as captains in their bankai have trouble killing them. But that is for the future…

(A/N: heheHEHE I swear I'm a genius sometimes. Future rivals? For whom? Well that's for the future! Also I've been procrastinating for a while.)





Pov: Yoriichi

Yoriichi: "Soi-fon-san, please relax. It isn't a big deal…"

Soi-fon: "What do you mean it isn't a big deal?!?! You just abandoned your post and left it for me!"

The 2nd division has to work together to find any hidden hallows in the soul society at times so the 2 captains often work together and make "posts" where we gather the information before sharing it. Its not a difficult task, just extremely time-consuming. Along with me having to do paperwork I have to train my division and monitor the human world at times as we are the 1st defense.

Yoriichi: "Sorry, but I was hunting hollows… There was a sighting of 4 adjuchas. They got away in negacion sadly." I say with a pensive expression, not like Soi-fon cared as evident with her glare.

Soi-fon: "I swear, you're always running away from your job. Give everyone a break will ya!"

Yoriichi: "A break? I guess a vacation is well needed…" I say before cutting Soi-fon off.

Yoriichi: "Well i'll see you later Yoruichi-san. I need to go over my division's training once again. I can't have the incident when Muichiro-san almost died due to performing a bakudo incorrectly." I say while smiling before shunpoing away. Yoruichi kicked the ground, cursing the soul reaper.

I enter the newly found 14th division and see havoc already. Giyu is running away from Shinobu who wants to try the new poison on giyu. Shinobu made this poison with the help of Unohana as she has a lot of knowledge of toxins and the human body, aswell does shinobu so it was only natural they became friends. I knew she is scary when they started hanging out often. But Shinobu became the main healer of the squad, which troubles the solem Giyu at times.

Then there is Yachiru, who is the incarnate of destruction. Wherever she goes there is a problem. But seeing things might get out of hand I calm everything down before sending Yachiru back to her division. I then gather all the members, but notice a team is missing. Particularly Muichiro's team. A week ago I gave him the task of hunting hollows in Hueco Mundo yet he hasn't come back yet. He should be here though as he has a team of capable members who can fight low grade menos on their own.

And Muichiro himself has the strength of a lieutenant so something is definitely going on…

Yoriichi: "Shinobu, Giyu, and Kairu follow me. We are going to look for Muichiro and his squad."

(Kairu is a self insert and will just die in like a year so don't worry about him- is that spoiling… maybe but i've procrastinate writing for so long it doesn't even matter.)

Yoriichi: "Shinobu, bring 3 capable healers and Giyu, bring half of your squad. Something has to be wrong of Muichiro is still gone after a week." I say as they nod before sunpoing away to gather their things and to do the tasks I gave them. I nod in satisfaction as I do my decad recap once again.

In the last 10 years I became captain of the 14th squad in the Soul Society who is tasked with things such as retrieving lost or wounded soul reapers, killing hollows in hueco mundo to release their souls. And to kill any hollows that come to the soul society. Though that's rare.

Currently my squad is seen as the 3rd strongest. Only behind the 3rd division and the 11th. This is due to the people I have recruited. First one was Muichiro Tokito. After he died a good 500 or so years ago I brought him to the soul society along with the other dead Hashira. Some just wanted peace, which I respected. But Muichiro decided to join me. He uses mist breathing which gives him extraordinary speed and quick slashes. Not even mentioning he is a prodigy of his own. In the span of that 500 years I've trained him to become a Lieutenant level power house as he unlocked his shikai, which gives him the ability to manipulate mist on a large scale. With this he can change the entire scenery with mist and continuously use surprise attacks. Along with the fact he can create solid clones with his shikai.

Now, my improvements. I decided to focus on Bakudo's for awhile as right now I'm working on Bakudo #98 Izaritoki (Grinding time) which creates a spear around the target and inside the sphere time slows dramatically. I can currently summon 2 of them but my target is 4. The spell is useful for defeating those who are faster than me, like Yoruichi-san and Shunsui-san.

Along with my pseudo bankai, I'm able to contend with even Shunsui-san in a fight. Another thing, the other new captain…he has some bad intentions in mind. Sosuke AIzen, in first glance he is nothing but a sincere and kind captain to all. But he tries to do things like showing shinigami his zanpakuto which sets me off, which is why I refrained from looking at it. Even though that got me his attention.

But he does a great job in his division. After… that event happened…

10 years ago, and a month before I became captain there was the hollowfication of soul reapers happening. The survivors was the previous captain, Shinji, the Lieutenant Hiyori and more. The one who was blamed for it was Kisuke Urahara. No matter how much I tried to defend him as I was with him at the time before he left to find Hiyori, the stubborn old man refused and even threatened to label me a traitor as well. This led to the promotion of Sosuke Aizen, the lieutenant of Shinji, who was the previous captain and became what we call visords.

This also increased my suspicions on Aizen as he was nowhere to be seen when the hollowfication occurred. Not even mentioning the sudden disappearance of Captain Amagai. Yamamoto said he betrayed us but I still didn't understand what he did. And after that, the prodigy, Gin Ichimaru was promoted to captain. He also has relations with Aizen which makes me suspect Aizen even more.

(Gin did become captain due to this but not due to Aizen's help. This is just me trying to make Yoriichi cautious of Aizen for the future.)

But that's about all that happened in the last 10 years. Oh, I almost forgot. Yoruichi and Tenssai also left with Kisuke. Due to Kisuke and Tessai being labeled as criminals due to the hollowfication of a captain and his subordinates of squad 9, Kisuke were to lose all his shinigami powers and to become a human and Tessai would be put in the 3rd level of the detention center for life.

So in short, we lost 5 captain, some lieutenants and the development of the 14th squad. So we were basically the squad that were to shine hope onto others. And the ones who were promoted were the following.

Soi-fon became the captain of the 2nd division

Gin Ichimaru became the captain of the 3rd division

(Just went in circles trying to find out who the kido corp captain is and what division it is… so im skipping that)

Tosen became the captain of the 9th division

(Isshin is still a captain for another month or 2 as he has already fought the vasto lorde so uh, plot coming in a good uh, 18 to 20 years ig)

So in conclusion, this past 10 has been chaos for the soul society. Some suspicious activity, greedy soul reapers trying to become captain (which they didn't) and the development of an entire squad. I sigh before walk towards the gate of our squad and see Giyu, Shinobu and Kairu with 30 other soul reapers behind them. I nod before telling the to follow me.

As we reach the senkaimon, we meet Isshin who says he has to do something in the human world so I just ignore it. He is 9/10 going there illegally but he allowed me to do the same in the past many times. Not even mentioning we became friends due to this. But I wish him good luck before heading out to Huecco mundo…


End of chapter


So uh I was playing minecraft instead of typing so this came out hellishly late. Not even mentioning I had work 5 days out of this week (Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday), mind you this is my FIRST job so the off guarded me. So with me having a social life and playing games with my friends and trying to be more active on discord Ive been sliping on my chapters (Which take about 2 hours to write as I dont like pushing out short chapters)

So I will give you guys 2 choices.

I make 600-1000 word chapters but they come out more.


I continue to do this but I have to write more each chapter.

Btw im going to write another chapter as soon as this post so this will be seen a good 2 days later.

But here is some spoilers :)






















What do you take me for? A super villain? NO SPOILERS FOR YOU! Anyway, hope you enjoyed have a great night/day and stay safe.

Im the laziest guy, I know but please give me a powerstone or 100 for extra motivation. I see all of your comments aswell and constructive feed back is needed as i've seen the plot holes I have already made. They will be filled in by plot starts so dont worry too much! If you read this you deserve the love of millions!

ZetzuSenseicreators' thoughts