
Yoriichi Tsugikuni In Bleach

Yoriichi after his passing, meets Yamamoto who takes him to the soul society who meets many future legends like Kenpachi, Shunsui, Gin and even Aizen. Will he be able to compete with such level fighters or will he die to Aizen's plan? If this is your art and you do not wish for it to be used, drop a comment and I will change it within an hour. I usually reply quickly to comments!

ZetzuSensei · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter.7 Isshin Secret / Return

AyO Happy New Year you guys! Just be careful, some retards who shoot guns today fail to realize one basic physics rule, whatever goes up must come down! So stay away from people who are shooting. I do want you guys to stay safe after all!


I finish the last 2 hollows with relative ease, before I kill the remaining Gillians. But I did have to hold back my bankai, and I mean by a lot. If I didn't, 1, there would be light in Hueco Mundo. That will attract more hollows. And 2, I would become a miniature sun. The heat from my bankai is the temperature of the sun, but if I can train my bankai I will get the true powers of my bankai.

I look around before realizing I am lost. I lost their tracks due to the fight and the ceros that rained down. I decide to turn back to the marker with my squad and use shunpo to get there. It takes a week to do but once I get back everyone looks at me worriedly. That's when I notice my clothing is torn into shreds. "I'm alright. Don't worry, I was just in a fight with a couple hundred hollows a week ago." They look at me with gazes full of astonishment, while some are just relieved that I'm not injured. I smile at their antics before going into our base.

Walking into the captain quarters my fatigue finally hits me like a truck. The last thing I can do before soundly falling to sleep is slumping into my chair. Anything after that is blank.

- Giyu Tomioka POV -

'Why wasn't it me…' All that hard work to not fall behind and not to be a burden for all those years, just to be erased as one of my best friends died once again. Unlike me, he is extremely talented and was even thought of being a candidate for the next captain of another division. But all that was taken away due to me not taking that mission that day.

The day he was given the mission, there was a choice if I were to take it or Muichiro-san would. I declined as I wished to stay on top of my training to finally catch up to him once again. But after 3 days something felt off. This is a 2 day mission just due to the trip. All they had to do was an examination for this month.

But once I got here and saw his body, I felt despair deep inside me, losing a friend and a rival due to the hands of a hollow…'I swear when I find who did this… ' my hand tightened around my zanpakuto sheath before I sighed and calmed down. Getting angry won't change anything…

But I will remember the reiatsu that was on his last strands of cloth, and I will continuously hunt down this reiatsu till I eradicate it, not even giving its soul a chance to enter the soul society! But first I need to train. We should be leaving in another month and reaching the soul society in another due to the other members' speed. I guess Captain Yoriichi will double their training in shunpo and stamina… I can only look at them with pity at the moment.

- POV End/ Change -

- Isshin Kurosaki POV -

Sigh…how did I get myself into this type of problem… I am sitting in front of Kisuke as he is explaining what I need to do to save someone. A couple months ago I fought against a Vasto Lorde hollow with the help of a quincy hollow and we successfully defeated it. But apparently that same hollow infected her before she died so now she is on death's door. Meaning I have to go into her mindscape and fight the hollow for her. Such a predicament indeed.

I nod towards Kisuke one last time before he smiles kindly before opening the door behind him which leads to a massive ground. Inside here Masaki is laying on the ground with Tessai who has his bakudo complete. I walk up to him and nod as we silently agree to hurry and get this over with.

I lay down next to her before losing my consciousness.

- 3rd POV -

The minds of Isshin and Masaki slowly come together as one as you can see a hollow, masaki and Isshin together. But Isshin and Masaki don't seem pleased by the intruder. Isshin draws his sword before activating his shikai.

(His shikai or bankai has never been revealed so i'm just going to use Ichigo shikai but different)

His sword doesn't change much, only growing longer by a little and adorning a suffocating aura. Masaki also prepares for battle by using her reishi to conjure a bow and arrow as custom for quincys. The 3 are locked into a tense staring contest before the hollow disappears, surprising the 2 by its speed.

It reappears behind Masaki, trying to cut her in half with his blade he just made out of reiatsu, similar to how quincys do the same with reishi. Isshin reacts quickly blocking the blade before the hollow charges a point blank cero, surprising the captain. He is forced to take the attack as Masaki is behind him. She jumps back, firing multiple arrows before landing wondering if Isshin is alright. "Isshin-san!" The dust settles as you can see a kneeling Isshin who is grinning slightly. "That bastard packs a punch. Think we should turn this up shouldn't we partner?" He says as his grins widen. "Alright!" She says with determined eyes as she shoots more arrows as Isshin shunpos. All while this is happening the hollow was charging up an even bigger cero.

Isshin appears next to the hollow before slashing its horn which is helping stabilize the cero with his getsuga tenshou. The cero explodes as Isshin shunpo away, looking at the damage while preparing a bakudo. Sadly he won't get to finish this as the hollow comes out pretty pissed at Isshinactions quickly appearing in front of Isshin, swiping at his head wildly with his reiatsu produced sword. Isshin barely dodges clashing with the hollows before he jumps back as a volley of arrows land on the hollow as he charges up his hado number 31, shakkaho.

He pumps quite a bit of reiatsu, intensifying the effects as it also hits the hollow, pushing it back with the explosion. He then prepares a bakudo as fast as he can. To buy some extra time he quickly uses bakudo number 1, Sai to stall even if it's for half a second.``Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six! Bakudō #61, Rikujōkōrō" as 6 light rods hold the hollow before he charges up his hado to finally end the hollow. "Masaki! When I say go use your strongest attack!" He says seriously. She replies with a simple "Ok" with an equally serious expression on her face.

"Ye Lord! Mask of flesh and bone, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Engulf and ravage, burn ye who tarnishes your name! Hado #54, Haien! Now Misaki!" We both release our attacks as she unleashes a large arrow that has the strength to easily kill a normal hollow 1,000x over. The two attacks come together creating a burning arrow which hits the hollow as an explosion occurs, pushing us back.

"Hah..hah…did we get him…?" Isshin squints before shaking his head no "Not quite. It seems he is quite feisty…" He says before raising his sword once more as his reiatsu rises once again. "This time, it's over for sure. Bankai…Engetsu!" Isshin claims in a solid tone as the dust reveals the hollow standing with both his horns missing, an arm which is regenerating along with half its body. If we used another attack immediately after we might have killed him there.

But the hollow seems to notice the change in Isshin as his sword, which may not have changed but his strength surly has. Now, he can for sure handle the hollow due to its current state and his activation of bankai. Walking towards the hollow chillingly the hollow creates another sword as the last one was blown to a crisp with the last attack.

"Bakudo #4 Hainawa. Isshin says as he points his hand outward as a rope forms, grabbing the hollow who quickly breaks it with its pure strength. But it looks up for Isshin to no longer be there. The hollow turns around wide eyed as Isshin has his sword preparing for a getsuga tenshou that was going to split the hollows mask in half. The hollow barley lifts its sword up to block some of the damage. In the outcome it lost the arm it just regenerated once again.

"Bakudo #9 Geki, May bondage be my guide and place thee in submission - Bakudo #63 Sajo Sabaku." Isshin chants, rapidly using bakudo to seal its movement so he can quickly finish the hollow off. Due to its strength Isshin gathers this won't even be enough. So he uses a kido that directly counters physical strength. "Dark Suns, nine shadows, stilled cosmos. Ensnare and conquer in the name of thee. Bakudo #79 Kuyo Shibari." Black orbs form as he finishes the incantation. 8 of them going around the hollows body while the 9 one where it's supposed to go in its chest, goes into its neck. Without having to worry about the hollow moving any more his reiatsu spikes for one last time. Gathering up an absurd amount of reiatsu he slashes down on the hollow mask, ending the fight in a decisive move.

Isshin then plops on the ground dead tired before looking around for Masaki who is in a similar situation. She used all her reiatsu in her last attack so it's to be expected. But without them knowing, a piece of this hollow stays with Masaki.




Once Isshin and Masaki woke up and looked around to see they were sealed off by Tessai himself, who doesn't want to take the risk to destroy the shop. Isshin gets up, not before helping Masaki up which she smiles at. They walk towards where an exit should be but would have to wait an extra 20 minutes. During this time, they talked about their profession, what they did in their past. Mostly things people talk about when they are interested in another. Not like I can relate…


Once Kisuke came and released the bakudo they walked up and had to talk about the Isshin situation. He had illegally come to the human world, and stayed for months. If this wasn't a violation he doesn't know what it. He is surprised Yoriichi hasn't hunted him down yet. Or even Soi-fon. Isshin then looks over to a black cat before smiling slightly. 'So she did come with these 3. That's a relief…Maybe I should settle down in the human world. Maybe even start a family.' Isshin thinks to himself as his smile brightens even more slightly.

"So, you will be staying in the human world" Kisuke says plainly, ripping the ban-aid off without warning. Isshin doesn't mind but that does mean he would have to protect his family from soul reapers and hollows. But knowing Kisuke, he has something in mind already.

"So, you will be using my newest invention! A permanent gigai! You just cant use your soul reaper or quincy powers while in it. But dont worry, We have items to remove your soul from your body so you can get them later." He says enthusiastically as he brings in 2 blank dolls. I'm guessing they change once our soul enters…

"Thank you Kisuke-san. This means alot to me" Misaki says with a large smile. I nod agreeing with her. He really did go above and beyond for us…




- Yoriichi POV -

"So you mean to tell me…I was asleep for a week?" I ask as Shinobu only smiles as I get my answer. I sigh "Tell everyone to pack up. We are heading back to the soul society. Yamamoto-san is going to have an aneurysm when he sees me…" I say clearly dreading the outcome when I get there. Giyu seemed a bit excited when I said we were leaving as he quickly nodded before telling everyone. Shinobu follows him curiously while I get up to also help.

It took 5 hours to fully pack everything but once we did we ventured back towards where we came in from. There, there is a marker for the Senkaimon to pick up our reiatsu. Going straight in is almost impossible from here as I have no way to sense anything from the human world or the soul society at the moment. The trip there took a month and when we got there everyone was exhausted and desperately wanted to rest, me included.

My bankai took too much out of me so i'll need some more rest. Maybe I'll stick to paperwork for a month. I squat down and move some sand away to reveal a stone platform. Everyone steps on as I open up the Senkaimon and wait for someone to come out saying we are allowed to enter. It took 5 minutes for someone to come but once they did they immediately let us in with a flustered expression. I let everyone off to do as they please as they cheer in joy. They had to live in that hell for months, so I don't blame them. But now I have to drag myself to see Yamamoto-san.

The trip was swift and once I got there I immediately saw him glaring at me. "Where were you Captain Yoriichi!" I sigh before sitting down on the ground. This is going to take awhile…

"Ok so, this all started a few months ago when my Lieutenant left for an examination mission in Hueco Mundo to ensure there isn't a high population of Adjuchas. But it seems he went missing along with his squad he took with him. After a week I set out with my 2nd, 3rd and 4th seat to find him.He is pronounced dead by hollows. They seemed to have taken his zanpakuto and 3 others as well." I say while taking some pauses in the middle of my talk to let him digest what I said from time to time.

"I'd like to take my 2nd seat off duty for 5, no 4 months to train him to become a proper Lieutenant. In that time I will train him in combat, the duties of being a Lieutenant, and leadership. This is reasonable is it?" I ask hoping he would accept this. Even though Giyu is strong, he was still no match for Muichiro. So I decided to train him to become stronger, so this won't happen again. I wish for him to be able to protect not only his life but others.

"I can do this, but this doesn't explain why you didn't come back immediately after finding Muichiro's body! What were you doing at that time?!" He says in a grumpy tone. He really does need to relax, i'm not like Shunsui-san who would rather laze around and drink tea.

"During that time, I have subjugated 486 hollows. 12 Adjuchas, while the rest were Gillians. There was one group of hollows that gave me some troubles though. It was a group of 5 Adjuchas and 180 Gillians if I am correct." I pause so he can process this information before I continue.

"During this fight, I had to use my incomplete bankai along with my in develop Bakudo #98 that senior Kuchiki taught me briefly. It's a hado that slows down time. I had to also use other kido, but all of them was lower than 90 except hado #90. All of the hollows were subjugated." I say with a relaxed tone before Yamamoto finally dismisses me. Finally, I can rest. I walk out only to bump into Soi-Fon to which I grunt in frustration, which only made her more angry.

"So not only are you abandoning your station, you're slacking off too! You know what-" Ill have to stop her there… I not only not have the energy for this I am extremely tired. "Soi-fon san…I had to try and recover my Lieutenant from Hueco Mundo. Sadly he died along with his squad. During those months I had to kill hollows as their population was more than I thought." I say to which she looks shocked from the news. Its not often a Lieutenant dies so this came to her surprise. While she is quiet I shunpo away only for her to start yelling at me once again…troublesome woman.

I finally get to my division and lay down on an actual bed. I now know I have been ungrateful until now. The ability to sleep on something this soft is a miracle right now, it's like it's washing away all my fatigue. I slowly drift off to sleep with peaceful thoughts.



"Achoo! A pretty lady must be thinking about me- ACK Lisa-san I didn't do anything!"

- End of chapter -

(This is Yoriichi Bankai sword, forgot about this ngl)

(2825 words)

Yeah, I was supposed to come out at 12 but, it's me. Happy new years guys! This year i'll try to push out at least 30 chapters before I go back to my Mha fanfic as that is one of my favorites to write. Also try to complete your new year resolutions to make yourself a better person than you were last year! Mine is to procrastinate less. I don't make impossible goals so I wont just stop procrastinating. Hope you enjoyed your new years eve and the chapter and stay safe guys!