
Yahweh (Reincarnation of God)

What would you do? If you suddenly found yourself forgotten about your memories? Young sixteen year old Arthur Christ wakes up in the hospital with no recall of what happened, when he asks what happened to him? his gets told that he is lucky he's still alive because apparently he jumped off a building and landed in dumpster. He gets a nightmare and dreams of a beautiful white place full of angels statues, while there he witnesses the joy and glory fade away when a evil person sits in the beautiful golden throne and with his servant the whole once beautiful place turns into darkness and the once beautiful angels turn into demons. In his awake from the nightmare he discovers that there's a monster that wants to kill him in his shock the monster is actually his doctor... Dr. Ackerman. Arthur's life turns upside when he has to move to a new place for his protection, he goes to a new school, makes some new friends. Everything seems so peaceful until monsters from hell come after him, he has no choice but to fight to protect his loved ones... while he discovers that the reason all of this is happening to him it's because he is Yahweh.

Yakusoku_Fantaji · Fantasy
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33 Chs

One Hell Of A Ride

We were driving in the railway and we were heading for the upcoming train that was heading straight for us, the police officer was was focused he didn't even flinch.

"Uh Mr. Police Officer sir, you do realize that there's a train coming towards us, right?" I said.

But the police officer ignored me and he just kept driving little by little on the other hand he was also increasing speed, remember when I told you that he was acting strange. Well now he was really out of it he was sweating and behind his neck there were marks because of the blood that was on him, I leaned forward to look closer and I realized those weren't ordinary scratch marks those were claw marks.

Then it hit me I remembered that this was a monster I'm trapped with here in this car, then I noticed and compared that this monster was exactly like the one I faced last night Dr. Ackerman.

Out of fear and instinct I kicked his seat, I had no idea if what I was doing was having an impact or not, but I just kept kicking and kicking. Nothing was happening the police officer wasn't budging an inch at all.

Do you know that moment when you realize something and you can't help but replay images in your head thinking about past mistakes, which you wish you can go back and changed. Thinking to yourself I should have done this and that, and not this or I wouldn't be here... Well that was me even though I couldn't remember anything in my life like I said before my life was erased, I don't know how or why but I couldn't just remember anything at all.

So I had to have a last resort, before you jump and judge me about me abandoning my beliefs and whatever. What would you have done if you were me and in my shoes, huh? I didn't have a choice.

My last resort was praying after all nothing I've tried seemed to work, I tried kicking the seats, I tried open the door no matter how hard I pushed to open the door with my dislocated shoulder nothing ever worked.

There was a minor problem though I didn't know any prayers, I was hopeless but what could I say I didn't believe in God. I couldn't even recall prayers I learnt when I was still in elementary school, that's how bad it was but I didn't have a choice it wasn't like I was going to call my next stop and I was going to be let off. I was trapped and about to die and the speeding train didn't comfort me either.

"Dear Lord father of creation, look I don't know if you are there or even actually exists but if you do I know I'm the last person on earth who you'd want to help and I get that, but please. Help me out of here and when you do that I will try by all means to change I will worship you, praise you and teach your teaches to other... I vow and promise to give my self to you and you can use me no matter how you see fit... I will be your vessel just please help me" I prayed.

I don't know what happened nor do I have an explanation for it, after praying the police officer banged the partition window, he looked at me and growled his eyes were popping out of his face. Whatever I did it made him angrier.

"Lord please!!!" I called one last time while crying.

You wouldn't believe what happened next, I'm still in awe too but out of nowhere lighting came from the sky and strucked the police car, by miracle I wasn't hurt when the car got tossed and rotated. I was lucky enough to be pushed through the window.

Of course I got hurt when I woke up, my head was spinning and there was that loud sound in my ears, blood covered my eyes. I saw the car collided with the train, and the train smashed it and pushed it like nothing happened.

I was watching all of that unfold, I ran for it though I was limping and trying to keep myself awake the whole time, all I wanted was to get to the nearest place and call for help. That was going to be a pain in the behind cause I was in the middle nowhere, I didn't see a town, houses not even a old gas station nothing.

My freedom didn't last for long behind me I head crashes, I looked and what I saw wasn't good for me. Explosion through the train coaches, when I saw what came out of those explosion I hoped God helps me one more time. Because I'm going to need it to see tomorrow.