
Yahweh (Reincarnation of God)

What would you do? If you suddenly found yourself forgotten about your memories? Young sixteen year old Arthur Christ wakes up in the hospital with no recall of what happened, when he asks what happened to him? his gets told that he is lucky he's still alive because apparently he jumped off a building and landed in dumpster. He gets a nightmare and dreams of a beautiful white place full of angels statues, while there he witnesses the joy and glory fade away when a evil person sits in the beautiful golden throne and with his servant the whole once beautiful place turns into darkness and the once beautiful angels turn into demons. In his awake from the nightmare he discovers that there's a monster that wants to kill him in his shock the monster is actually his doctor... Dr. Ackerman. Arthur's life turns upside when he has to move to a new place for his protection, he goes to a new school, makes some new friends. Everything seems so peaceful until monsters from hell come after him, he has no choice but to fight to protect his loved ones... while he discovers that the reason all of this is happening to him it's because he is Yahweh.

Yakusoku_Fantaji · Fantasy
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33 Chs

The Rogue Police

After the incident that happened, the media and the police were on my case as suspected Dr. Ackerman doesn't remember what happened. So because of my stunt of jumping from a building the media and everyone else saw me at fault, I couldn't blame them how can you explain a shattered window, a bed across the room, the bathroom sink and water all over the place and Dr. Ackerman lying unconscious on the floor against the wall.

So the media had a blast it turned out my reputation didn't help at all, apparently I was a trouble some kid who has gotten expelled in three different schools in the first three months of the year. Little did I know that my life would get even more interesting than this.

There was a detective I don't know what did we ever do to this detective but he was so bent to take my mother down, my mother was running for mayor so this detective thinks that my mom used the money of the people to fund her campaign. Like I said we were rich but I didn't say how and what made us rich.

My mother and father were founders of a big company that was so advanced in technology, it could prove if there was either life that was in divinity and if the speculations about beliefs of God and other divine beings truly existed or if it was just a hoax for ignorant people... My mother's words not mine.

"Detective Samuels, what did my family do this time to be blessed with your presence?" my mom asked.

"Ah Loraine Christ, you look ravishing as always" detective Samuels compliments.

"And you look full" my mom compliments him.

Detective Samuels was like those detectives in the early 2000s movies he was buffy and facial hair all over his face, it was untidy and with left over crunches of what seemed to be donuts, he was wearing a long khaki coat and suspenders and get this a brown hat.

"Mom who's this guy?" I asked.

"No one important sweetie" my mom responds.

"Well kid I should have been your father" detective Samuels said.

He and my mom share this intense look like he shouldn't have said what he just said.

"Anyways kid you are coming with us to the station there are questions we need your clarification too" said detective Samuels writing something on his pad.

"No my son didn't do anything wrong Arthur!" my mom protests.

Would you look at that the name of detective Samuels was my name too Arthur, I wonder why and what a coincidence.

"Loraine don't make this harder than it already is please" he begged.

An officer comes and takes me away, my mom stands there with a tear in her eye she has no idea what to do. She takes out her phone and calls a lawyer.

I didn't bother to fight back it was understable why they would take me to the station for questioning, I'm the only person who knows what really happened and as for the same person who claims this all happened to him. I was actually all healed up and fine even the wounds from my suicide attempt all gone, even the bruises... Please don't ask me how because I'm just as surprised as you.

So the officer was acting a bit strange he was busy scratching himself, his uniform was untidy the buttons on his shirt in the wrong, his pants all wet and as for his cap it had a whole in front of it.

In the elevator.

"Press the button kid" he said to me.

I press the button we were going down during that time he kept on scratching himself to the point he even made scratch sounds, he was really scratching all over his face.

We made it to the car he pushes me so hard when he puts me behind the car he walks away then comes back again, then he handcuffs my hands behind my back.

"Is this really necessary officer?" uncomfortable with these cuffs.

He groans at me and gets in he didn't even wait for detective Samuels, he just drove off.

Almost half a drive I couldn't see where we were going I was still laying in the back seats, and my shoulder was dislocated. How could it not be? The way he pushed me it's a miracle I'm still awake.

"Where are you going 364? Your car shows that you are driving out of your jurisdiction" the radio reports.

I don't know if he took out the radio or what he did to it, I just heard the radio goes silent and a crush sound.

I managed to get up even thou I'm in excruciating pain from my broken shoulder, when I take a look where we were now driving it wasn't funny at all.