
XIN, The Angel

A chinese friend who's name was Xin. This is the story how I met an Angel like him.

SecretAppreciator · Realistic
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13 Chs


It's been a tiring day. I came from the court hearing because of the scam that happened last 2020 in which I was involved.

About 192,000 they got from me aside from the other money that I exchanged for who I invited. I am thankful because Xin is so supportive of me.

I mean he gives me confidence and strength to face that. I really don't want to but he encourages me. I think I will be really happy with him when we are together. It's just, it still can't be taken away from me that I don't know if he's fooling around there or whatever. I hope he's not. I'm afraid I'll be hurt again.