
Xian Wu

After perishing together with the Empyrean Devil, Xian Wu soul got send in spacetime, and reincarnated again in a cultivation world. In this life, he tried to live a peaceful life and not involved in any conflict or war. However, the world seems to not care whether he live peacefully or not, and still ended up making him get involved in many wars.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 8: The Weather Today is Good!

"Stop! Drop your dagger!"

A familiar voice was heard in Xian Wu's ears. He looked back and got surprised when he saw the woman who was holding her saber, and pointing it towards him.


"Prince Xian Wu!?"

Sylvanna was also surprised when she identified the one infront of her hut to be Xian Wu.

"It's great to see you again." said Xian Wu happily, and emotionally. He approached her and hugged her. Sylvanna froze when she got hugged, and almost attacked him. However, she held herself to do so.

A moment later, Xian Wu let her go. He asked, "Did you built this hut?"

"Yes." answered Sylvanna. "Why are you here Tenth Prince?"

"I'm travelling towards that mountain." replied Xian Wu, pointing at the sky high mountain in the distance.

"Mount Lost Beast?"

"Yup. According to Hua-sama, I mean the Empress Dowager of Xian Kingdom, there is a flower at the top of the mountain. This flower is called the Morning Fortune. She told me a legend about this flower." stated Xian Wu. "In that legend, a man climbed the Mount Lost Beast, and managed to climb it until he reached the top. On top of the mountain, he stayed there for some days.

One morning while he was about to descend the mountain, he saw a blue flower that was blooming with a golden glow. The flower bloomed for a short times, before it bore a golden-blue fruit. The man took the fruit and ate it. In that instant, his body constitution changed, and his cultivation level rose. From that moment on, he leveled up his cultivation faster then his own peers."

Sylvanna was astonished when she heard the story. "Is that true?"

"I'm not sure. That's why I'm trying to reach that mountain, and climb it to check whether that legend is true or not."

"I'm afraid that is not an easy thing to do. There are too many dangerous beast on that mountain. Let's not mention the flying beast around the mountain, there are event some Emperor level beasts at the foot of that mountain."

"Is that so? Well, I happen to have the ability to avoid such dangers." said Xian Wu, showing a mysterious smile.

Sylvanna looked at him sceptically. She then said, "Now that you are here, I want to show you something. Please follow me, Prince Xian Wu."

She then opened the seal on the door of the hut, and entered it with Xian Wu in tow. Inside the hut, there is a single bed near the sealed window, and a pentagram seal on one side of the wall.

"This is Fairy's Space Seal." said Sylvanna, pointing at the pentagram seal. She then activated the seal. The seal glowed, and two table-like platform comes out of it. On top of the two platform were two sleeping women. These women were covered by a thin mirror-like crystal.

"Queen Meng! Zhu Qing!"

When Xian Wu saw those two sleeping beauty, he was frozen in shock. His tears flowed down on his cheek uncontrollably. He approached the platform with a trembling hand.

"Don't touch that crystal!" warned Sylvanna, causing Xian Wu to stop on his track. He looked at her with a questioning look.

"That crystal work as a medium to preserve the body of both Queen Meng and Princess Zhu Qing." explained Sylvanna. Hearing this, Xian Wu's eyes brightened.

"Do you mean that these two are still alive?"

"Yes and no."

"What do you mean by that?"

"At that time when those Zhu traitors killed them, I used one of my tribe's technique to preserve their body, and contained their their soul in it. However, this is only a temporary measure. To wake them back to life, I need to bring them back to my tribe to meet my Queen. She has the method to awaken the soul, and reawaken the body function. When both soul and body are awakened, then they will be back to life again." stated Sylvanna.

"Your tribe? You have other Queen?" Xian Wu was surprised when he heard Sylvanna mention her tribe and Queen.

"My tribe is the Fairy tribe." admitted the beauty. "Several years ago, I was kidnapped by the Gnome tribe, and sold me as a slave to the human. Fortunately, I was saved by the late King Zhu, and Queen Meng took me in her care. I then became her maid willingly."

Xian Wu was astonished when he heard her story. He felt sympathy for her. "I didn't know that you experienced a dark past. I feel sorry for your experience."

"That was already in the past." Sylvanna shook her head. "Right now, I'm just thinking of bringing these two back to life."

"Let me help you in that." stated Xian Wu.

Sylvanna once again activated the seal, and the platform submerged back into the pentagram seal on the wall. "For now I'm staying here to recover back my strength. I would be able to recover fully after another two days." stated Sylvanna.

Xian Wu nodded. "Do you have the wood ability of the Elf people?"

"You mean the wood ability of the Dryad right?"

"Yes, that one."

"I do have that ability. Dryad is one of the branch family of my Fairy tribe. So, I do practice these wood ability. Why do you ask, Tenth Prince?"

"Great! Then, can you go with me to climb the Mount Lost Beast?" asked Xian Wu.

"I already warned you about the beast on that mountain. To tell you the truth, I am just a King level cultivator. I won't be able to defend you against those Emperor level beast." stated Sylvanna.

"Don't worry about that. I have my way to avoid us from being detected by such beast. Just tell me whether you agree or not to help me climb that mountain."

"Fine. I will help you. However, the moment those Emperor level beast try to attack us, I will leave you on your own."

"That's fine with me." said Xian Wu.

After that, Xian Wu helped Sylvanna in searching, and hunting some games for their dinner. After the dinner, Xian Wu decided to also sleep in the hut.

"Would you mind if we share the same bed?" asked Xian Wu.

"No!" Sylvanna instantly refuses him. "You can sleep on that side. Make your own bed."

"That was cold. Don't you want to feel warm together on the bed?"

"You wish. I'm not like Queen Meng who easily got tempted by your charm." said Sylvanna. She then added, "I will warn you beforehand, I will cut your thing if you dare to climb on my bed."

Xian Wu subconsciously covered his 'little brother' with his hand.


Next day.

Xian Wu was awakened by the sound of birds outside the hut. He then tried to stand up, but felt something on top of him. When he looked at his chest, he saw a naked Sylvanna, sleeping soundly on his chest.

He smiled when he saw this. He slowly moved the naked beauty to the side, and covered her with a blanket. Done with that, he gave her a morning kiss. After that, he dressed up and goes out to do his usual morning exercise.

Inside the hut, Sylvanna slowly opened her eyes. She looked towards the door of the hut with a red face. How did I end up sleeping with him? How could I fell into his charm? She was now questioning whether she was an easy woman.

'Also, his weapon is really huge!'

Remembering back to what happen last night, she felt really embarrassed and her face turned really red. She peeked again towards the door, but did not see Xian Wu. She then hurriedly took her clothes and dressed up. After that, she also got out of the hut.

"Good morning." Xian Wu who is in the middle of his practice saw her getting out of the hut, and stopped for a moment to greet her.

Sylvanna just looked at him. She walked toward a nearby tree. However, her step was a bit shaky as she felt a stinging pain below her belly. She forced herself to move and sat below a tree. From there, she watched as Xian Wu continued his morning training. Sometimes, she blushed as she saw Xian Wu naked upper body.

Before long, Xian Wu finished his practice. He then walked towards Sylvanna and sat beside her.

"The weather today is good." said Xian Wu, looking at the blue sky, and the bright sun. However, he suddenly felt his body heating up, and his energy goes wild. He hurriedly adjusted his sitting posture, and regulated his energy through his meridians.


In that instant, his energy flare up amd his cultivation level rose up.

Eight Step Disciple...Nine Step Disciple...First Step Master...

Finally, his cultivation level stopped rising at level Second Step Master.

Second Step Master!

Within a few moment, his cultivation rose up and now, he is a Master level cultivator!

"You become a Master level cultivator?"

Sylvanna was stunned when she saw the sudden rise in Xian Wu's cultivation level.

"Yup. Incredible right?" smiled Xian Wu.

"That is unbelievable. How did you do that?"

"Well, it actually have something to do with you."

"Me? How does it related to me?"

"This is just my theory. However, I already experienced it twice. The first time is when I slept together with Queen Meng. However the rise in cultivation at that time was only in two minor level. From level Five Step Disciple, to level Seven Step Disciple.

This time, my cultivation rose by five level, and I even entered into a new major realms, the Step Master realms. This is because I have an intercourse with you." stated Xian Wu. "Is it because you are still virgin when I slept with you?"

Hearing that, Sylvanna blushed, and her ears turned red.

"Stop mentioning what happen between us." rebuked Sylvanna while trying to cover her face in embarrassment. Seeing her face like this caused Xian Wu's heart skipped a beat, and he felt a little excited down there. His body subconsciously leaned over towards her.

"Hey, what are you doing? Xian Wu, stop...mmm!"

Xian Wu planted a kiss on Sylvanna's lips.