
Xian Wu

After perishing together with the Empyrean Devil, Xian Wu soul got send in spacetime, and reincarnated again in a cultivation world. In this life, he tried to live a peaceful life and not involved in any conflict or war. However, the world seems to not care whether he live peacefully or not, and still ended up making him get involved in many wars.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 7: Weird Rule.

"Now, it's your turn Alchemist Union." said Xian Wu, while calmly wiping the blood that was leaking from the wounds that was caused by the three advisors.

A maid run hastily towards him while bringing a medical set. She then asked Xian Wu to sit down for her to tend to him. Xian Wu did not sit down. He just asked the maid to dress up his wound.

"Young Prince. You are wounded. It doesn't seems apropriate for us to discuss this while you are not well." reasoned Zhang Kui while looking lustfully at the beautiful maid, who was busy tending Xian Wu's wound.

"Don't try to make any excuse. Also, your eyes seems to be not well. I happen to have some poison...I mean an eyedrops to improve eyesight. Would you like to test it?" suggested Xian Wu, narrowing his eyes towards this Alchemist Union's Chief. The rest of the listener sweat dropped when they heard him.

"Thank you for the concerns but my eyesight is still good, Young Prince." rejected Chief Zhang Kui. He also felt his sweat on the back of his head. "Actually, we from Alchemist Union were too busy to research and concoct pills, that we didn't realize that there were attacks from the Qins. If Young Prince didn't send someone to invite us in this assembly, we will still be doing our research right now." explained Zhang Kui, telling half lie and half truth.

"You are busy huh. So busy that you don't care for the kingdom who provide you the right to run your Alchemist business in this kingdom. You union seems to care only for your own wealth, and not the kingdom's people. As I see it, there is no use for you guys to be still operating in this kingdom." said Xian Wu, showing annoyance to this selfish Chief. "I think I should take back those right, and gave it to someone who care for the people in this kingdom." added Xian Wu.

Chief Zhang Kui's face paled when he heard this. He hurriedly kneeled in front of Xian Wu.

"Young Prince, please forgive my insolency. I know my Alchemist Union made a mistake." Zhang Kui apologized to Xian Wu, while bowing down and knocking his head on the floor. "I promise to give you my compensation, Young Prince. So, please don't retract our business right."

"So now you know your mistake? What's the use of you compensating me? I'm not the only one who loss a family or relatives." rebuked Xian Wu. "If you just came when the fight happen, I'm sure you could save some people from dying in the hands of those Qin scoundrel. You have many pills that can cure, and save people's live. What's the point of you keeping those pills if not to be used in such emergancy?" scolded Xian Wu.

"Please forgive us Young Prince. We really regret our mistake. We are ready to be punished for our mistake. I only beg you to not take back the right to run our business."

Xian Wu looked deeply at the kneeling Alchemist Union's Chief before sighing.

"Fine. I will let you have your right, with a condition." compromised the prince.

"Please state your condition Young Prince."

"It simple. Let just say you owe a favor to the kingdom. I will have you sign a pledge that you will help the people of the kingdom in times of needs for a period of ten years." said Xian Wu. He then took out a small scroll and threw it towards Zhang Kui. The chief caught the scroll and opened it. Inside the scroll, it has a written pledge, the same pledge as spoken by the young prince.

"Go on. Sign the pledge, and you can keep your business right. Remember to seal it with your Alchemist Union's Mark." said Xian Wu, while gesturing for a guard to give a quill pens to the Alchemist Chief.

The chief sighed when he saw Xian Wu's nonchalant face. It seems like he already have planned this from the beginning, thought the chief. He then signed the pledge. The guard took the pledge, checked it, and then gave it back to the Young Prince. Xian Wu took the pledge and kept it in his space ring.

"Now that you already signed the pledge, I will do as I promised, and let you keep your business right."

"Thank you Young Prince."

"You may go now." Xian Wu waved his hand.

The chief bowed towards Xian Wu. After that, he quickly retreated from that place. Xian Wu looked at the disappearing chief with a thoughtful eyes.

"Well now, we are done with those issues. Last issue is about the new appointment of new king." said Xian Wu. "With my authority as the last Prince of Xian, I appoint Tang Fung, the head of the Tang noble family to be the new king of this kingdom." declared Xian Wu.

Once again, the people in the assembly hall got shocked with his words.

"Young Prince! That..."

"Don't try to persuade me." said Xian Wu, holding out his hand to stop General Jing. "I plan to take my revange to those who conspired to kill my family and my wife. If I become the new king, I will have less time to improve myself. My enemy will also attack this kingdom to kill me. That's why I don't want be a king." explained Xian Wu.

"Young Prince, do you mean that you will become a king once you are strong enough?"

"...I will think about it."


"Anyway, Tang Fung, here's some pledge for you. This one need your blood as a mark for you to ascend the throne as the new king. This is also a seal of covenant for your family to get elevated to be the new royal family." stated Xian Wu, handing four scroll to Tang Fung.

After Tang Fung signed the scrolls, Xian Wu asked him to keep one of it. For the other three scrolls, it was meant to be kept by three parties. One in the hand of the Grand General, one in the hand of the Head Protector, and one for Xian Wu's keepsake.

"Tang Fung, now that you already sealed your pledge, come before me, and I will put this King Crown on you." instructed Xian Wu.

Tang Fung kneeled on one knee in front of the young prince.

"I now declare Tang Fung as the new king of the Xian Kingdom. Hail to King Tang!" proclaimed Xian Wu while putting the King Crown on Tang Fung's head.

"Hail to King Tang!"

Everyone followed Xian Wu to hail the declaration of Tang Fung being a new king. This made Tang Fung felt his blood boil in excitement. For once, he was so happy that he supported the royal family. His effort did not go to waste, and his family now become the new royal family.

"Thank you Young Lord." Tang Fung bowed towards Xian Wu gratefully.

"Okay, stop bowing. You are the new king now." said Xian Wu. "With that, my bussiness here is done." added him walking towards his own chamber. The rest of the people in the assembly hall felt strange when he saw his sudden move.

"I will be going everyone. King Tang you can do whatever you want here. However, please follow the rule stated in the scroll. Bye then."

Xian Wu comes out of his chamber with his back pack. After he bid his farewell, he then run away, and disappeared into the distance.


Seeing him gone just like that caused everyone to be dumbfounded.

"Did he just left?"

"It's more like he abandoned us."

"Accurately speaking, he abandoned the throne!"


Everyone lamented on Xian Wu's irresponsible behavior. This young prince actually dumped the responsibility on Tang Fung's hands.

"By the way, King Tang, have you read the rules on the scroll?"

"I forget to read it." admitted the new king with a red face. Because of his excitement of being coronated as the new king, he forgot to read the pledge and directly sealed it with his blood.

"Er...should we read it?" suggested Grand General, Mao Ji Li.

The new king nodded. He then opened the pledge scroll.


With the authority as the last descendant of the Xian Royal Family, I, Xian Wu crowned Tang Fung as the new king of the Xian Kingdom with the condition that he abide the rules below:

Rule 1 - Don't go seducing my beautiful maids.

Rule 2 - Don't peek when my maids are taking a bath, going to toilet, or sleeping.

Rule 3 - Don't harass, bully, abuse or force my maids to do hard work.

Rule 4 - Please read the first three rule carefully.

Rule 5 - Please think carefully of the first three rules.

Rule 6 - The first three rules are also applied to the Tang Family, nobles, generals, protectors, and all the citizen of Xian Kingdom.

Rule 7 - Don't...



King Tang snapped when he read all those rules, especially the first three rules. Is this a rule or a warning? Why is he highlighting his own maid inside the rule? Does he think that I'm going to do whatever he warned on those first three rules? I'm not that low to become ungrateful to him!

Tang Fung took a deep breath and sighed. Although some of the rule mentioned in the scroll were very...unique, it's content are mainly to remind him to be kind, and treat the citizen of Xian Kingdom well.

"What a weird rule." said Mao Ji Li.

"Yes. What a peculiar rules." nodded Tang Fung. He then suddenly asked, "By the way, where do you think the young prince has gone off to?"

"I'm not sure. He just said that he want to become strong in order to take his revange. So, he must be heading to some place where he have the highest chance to improve himself." answered General Jing.

"Then, are you guys not worried of his safety?"

"You don't have to worry about that." replied General Jing. "Do you know? He travelled alone towards the Zhu kingdom and come back here safely."

"What!? That's really happened?"

"Of course. His parent never been worried even for once when he goes out."

"Does he have some kind of ability to avoid danger?"

"You can say so." Nodded General Jing.


Two days later.

Somewhere outside the Xian Kingdom border, Xian Wu can be seen travelling alone inside a dense forest. Suddenly, he saw a small hut which was well hidden in the distance. As he become curious, he approached the hut.

"Hello? Anyone inside?"

He knocked on the door, but no one answered. He tried to open the door, but was unable to as some seal was placed on it. He then used his dagger to try and force his way in.

"Stop! Drop your dagger!"