
Xian Wu

After perishing together with the Empyrean Devil, Xian Wu soul got send in spacetime, and reincarnated again in a cultivation world. In this life, he tried to live a peaceful life and not involved in any conflict or war. However, the world seems to not care whether he live peacefully or not, and still ended up making him get involved in many wars.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 9: Wait for Another Day.


A beast that look like a tiger, with a height of five meters roared angrily after it got wounded on its back by another beast.

"That's a female White Striped Lynx!"

"What is that other beast?"

"That should be a fully grown Cracker Gamond." said Sylvanna.

Xian Wu and Sylvanna were on their way towards Mount Lost Beast. However, here at the foot of the mountain, there are too many Emperor level beast. Some of these beasts are very good with their sensing ability, and there are several ocassion where such beast almost found them.

"Why are they fighting?" questioned Xian Wu.

"Look at the back of that White Striped Lynx." replied Sylvanna, pointing at the back fo that female lynx.

Xian Wu looked towards the back of the lynx, and saw three cubs of White Striped Lynx grouping together, and crouching down in fear.

"So thats the reason that female lynx did not want to move away from that spot. She is trying to protect her cubs." said Xian Wu.

"That Cracker Gamond should be a peak Emperor level beast, and that lynx is only a middle Emperor level beast. Soon, that big ape will be able to kill that lynx." said Sylvanna. "I don't want to see this. If that mother lynx die, then those cubs is going to be eaten by that ape."

Xian Wu nodded in agreement.

"Let's help that female lynx." suggested Xian Wu.

Hearing that, Sylvanna's face changed. "Don't talk nonsense. This is a fight between Emperor level beasts. Meddling in it is akin to us having a death wish. With their power level, they will be able to kill us easily."

"That will only happen if they saw us. What if we use a stealth attack?" suggested Xian Wu.

Sylvanna looked at Xian Wu and pondered for his words. "What do you have in mind for a stealth attack?"

"Not much. My ability is too limited for this." replied Xian Wu. "I only have the body of five Emperor level cultivators. I plan to use them as distraction."

"Distraction huh. I think I can help you do that." nodded Sylvanna.

While they are talking, the Cracker Gamond already started attacking the White Striped Lynx again. The ape pulled out a big tree nearby and used it to pummel the lynx down. The lynx tried her hardest to defend against that attack, but eventually fall down on the ground, after receiving dozens of beating.

Seeing this, the ape throw away the remaining tree trunk in it's hands.


The ape scowled to the sky, while beating its chest. After that it approached the fainted female lynx. Suddenly, some vines grew out of the ground and tried to bind the ape. Before the ape can react, a body flew up and fall down towards the ape. The Cracker Gamond instinctively felt the presence of an Emperor level cultivator, and tried to jump to the side. However its feet was already bound by the grown vines. It then used it's hand to punch towards that incoming body.


Suddenly the body exploded into a bright light. This light momentarily blinded the ape eyesight. The ape was angered and punched like a mad beast towards its surrounding. Not long after that, its eyesight was returned to normal. When the ape looked around, the female lynx and its three cubs has already vanished.


The Cracker Gamond was furious and roared again to the sky. The ape then madly beat the ground, causing a tremor and several huge crack on it.

Meanwhile, Xian Wu and Sylvanna are already some distance away from the beasts' battle site. After finding a remote place, Xian Wu placed down the wounded lynx. The three cubs on Sylvanna's hands jumped down and approached their mother. They tried to touch the lynx as if wanting to wake it up.

"Don't worry. She will be fine." said Xian Wu. He then took out some pills from his ring and fed it to the lynx. However, the lynx was already fainted and cannot eat the pills.

"This is problematic. If she cannot eat the pills, then it will not cure her wound." said Xian Wu.

"In that case, let force her to eat it."

Sylvanna then used a vine to hold those pills, and forced it into the lynx stomach through its mouth. After that, she retracted the vines out.

"Will that work?"

"As long as the pill melt down inside the lynx body, it should work its wonder."

A moment later, thin vapours leaked out of the lynx body.

"Well, now we can confirm that the pills are effectively working." said Xian Wu while breathing a breath of relief. "Let's bandage those wounds before it wakes up."

The two then bandaged the wound on the White Striped Lynx. After seeing that the mother lynx was about to wake up, they left the beast and its three cubs, and continued their way towards Mount Lost Beast.


A days later.

Using Xian Wu's stealth ability, and Sylvanna's ability to grew vines, the two smoothly climbed up to the top of the mountain. The top of the mountain was a flat ground with a diameter of around one kilometers. When Xian Wu saw this, a guess comes to his mind. He guessed that this mountain was an elevated platform, or it was a mountain that got cut off by a slash from a powerful cultivator. The question is, how power was such a cultivator to be able to cut a mountain? Is there such cultivator still exist in the world?

Xian Wu dismissed his thought and focussed his sight on the cave like stone abode in the middle of the mountain top. This abode has some grass and moss growing on it, indicating that this abode has been here for a very long period of time.

"It seems like someone has been here before us." said Xian Wu.

"It seems so. Do you think that that someone was the that was being mentioned in the legend?" questioned Sylvanna.

"I'm not sure." replied Xian Wu, shaking his head.

The two then walked around to check the mountain top. Other than the abode, they found a small lake with a clean water in it.

"Xian Wu, can you wait for me in the abode?"

"Huh!? Oh, do you want to take a bath here?"

"Just go to the abode."

"How about we take a bath together?"

"That is not necessary. You can take a bath later after I'm done." refused Sylvanna.

"What are you getting embarrassed for? We already saw each others body."

Sylvanna's face turned beet red when she heard Xian Wu.

"Fine! You go take your bath on your own." Sylvanna stamped her foot on the ground and walked away.

"Hei, wait. I'm just joking. You can have a bath here, and I'll wait in the abode." Xian Wu catch up to her, and gave in to her demand.

While Sylvanna taking her bath, Xian Wu tried to once again check the surrounding area to check whether he can find any kind of special herb or flower. He especially tried to search whether there are any Morning Fortune flowers on the mountain. However, his search found no such flower.

"Maybe the flower will grow up in the morning." mumbled Xian Wu. He then returned to the abode.

The next day.

Early in the morning, Xian Wu was already awake. He was waiting whether there are any Morning Fortune flower that will grow up in the morning. However, his wait did not bear any results. The day changed from morning to evening, and there are no sign of the Morning Fortune flower to be growing up on the mountain.

"Is the Morning Fortune flower only exist in legend?" pondered Xian Wu. He was disappointed with this situation. It look like he climbed the mountain for nothing.

"Let just go down the mountain. There is nothing we can gain here." said Sylvanna.

Xian Wu nodded. They then walked towards the edge of the mountain and about to climb down. Suddenly, Xian Wu stopped on his track.


Sylvanna also stopped, and looked back to Xian Wu.

"Let's wait one more day." requested Xian Wu.

"...okay." Sylvanna looked at Xian Wu's expecting eyes for a moment, before agreeing to him. They then stayed on top of the mountain that night.

The morning of the next day come, and Xian Wu once again waited for the flower to grow into existance. However, he was once again disappointed as he waited for nothing. There is no sign of the flower to be appearing in the vicinity.

"I don't think the flower will ever come into existance." said Sylvanna. "It's almost dark. Lets go down the mountain."

Xian Wu sighed in disappointment. He then agreed to Sylvanna to came down the mountain. At the edge of the mountain, he once again stopped on his track.


"Come on, Xian Wu. Don't waste your time waiting here for another day." advised Sylvanna. "Even if you believe that the flower exist, it maybe not your fate to see such flower." added Sylvanna.

"I think I have a fate with the flower."

"Sigh. Why are you so obsessed with that flower?"

"I found it!"


"Look over there!"

Xian Wu pointed towards the small lake. The water of the lake glowed in golden light. Seeing this, Sylvanna showed a surprised face.

"The water of the lake is glowing in gold light. However, I don't see any flower." said Sylvanna in confusion.

"Look inside the water."

Sylvanna then focused her sight on the water of the lake. She then saw some blue color was mixed with the golden glow.

"Could it be..."

"Let's go closer and check it!"

Xian Wu did not wait, and excitedly approached the lake. Blue grasses can be seen growing out on the floor of the lake. The golden glow was leaking out of these grass.

"Did the foretelling got it wrong? I only saw a blue grass with a golden glow. There is no blue flower with golden glow." said Sylvanna.

"The flower may grow and bloom in the morning." stated Xian Wu.

Sylvanna thought for a moment and reached the same answer as Xian Wu. "Then we wait for another day."

"It seem to be the case."