
Wrath of the Old Gods

“I'm sorry about this, Mom...Dad... I know doing something like this is insane, but I'll try my hardest to make the right choice.” Upon awakening from a long train ride, Derrick finds himself in an illogical world of monsters and magic. A dying wraith is saved by the young Derrick, forming a contract that will bind them by fate. They fight through the underground of the city to reveal the truth of Derrick's transmigration, to reveal a path home! As he fights off the chaos and abnormality, the world’s balance will twist and turn. Will Derrick be able to survive such madness? Or will he wither and die as a clown of fate?

Donny_C · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Chapter 15: Underground Circles

It had been two days since the encounter with the maiden of the ornate silver locket, Valora Tusec of the Tusec Empire. His first thought upon waking up was the connection between Outworlders and the secret organization mentioned by Ms.Tusec.

An ancient organization that was active during the dawn of the Gordou era? That was over 4000 years ago. It is highly unlikely that they're still active today, but there I can't simply assume they're gone. They may have completely dissolved, or they could have infiltrated positions in the underworld. The Hole should have some potential clues about secret organizations.

He decided that today was the appropriate time to go to Old Caroline and investigate the underground organizations of The Hole. Even if the information doesn't connect to Outworlders, he may gain more valuable information involving this world. He brought roughly 10,000 Dan with him, just in case he needed to fulfill any negotiations.

He made his way through Area 5 and approached Sylvia. Today she was accompanied by Ying, who was in a new job for the week.

"You've been looking worse for wear Doc. Anything the matter?"

Ying rubbed his eyes, his vision becoming blurry with each passing moment. "It's been getting worse since the accident. Do you have any information on that man?"

"Nah, sorry. I've exhausted all of my resources on him, but I can't get any information on the Old Guard. It's over, Doc. You need to move on."

Ying's right hand trembled uncontrollably. "You're right, Syl. I'm sorry for asking." 

In a convenient act of intervention, Derrick arrived at Old Caroline, excited to see his mentor.

"Gi! I've got a favor to ask!"

Ying looked over his shoulder and saw the young man running towards him. "What's the deal? I'm bored so I suppose I'll entertain you."

"Great! It's just a small favor, but I need to explore the underground circles of The Hole."

"Hm? Where did this come from? That's a pretty sudden thing to ask."

"Well, it's become more and more apparent how inadequate I am," Derrick replied. "Elizabeth is amazing. She won back the heirloom without so much as a scratch despite her physical weakness. That's something that I hadn't even thought of doing. That's why I need allies, people I can rely on."

"Friendships require time," Ying said with an annoyed cadence.

"I'm not asking for friends, I'm asking for resources," Derrick said with a determined look.

Sylvia was surprised upon hearing Derrick's rebuttal. An Outworlder showing this level of conviction was rare, and having the sensibility to make allies was even rarer in The Hole. "You sound very adamant about this. A wise decision. Why not indulge the boy a bit, Doc? It'll only accelerate his growth."

Ying felt pressured, not only from Derrick's insistence but also from Sylvia's suggestion. He tried to maintain a stern demeanor around Derrick for the sake of maintaining a certain image, but Sylvia's presence made him flustered.

"I suppose expanding your network would do you well, but I can't personally escort you there. I'm still laying low from Narakan forces, so it would be best for me to stay here in Area 5." He took a card out of his pocket and handed it to the boy. "Go ahead and visit Mr. R. He lives in the Stoneview region of Area 1. It's a personal recommendation by Syl, so don't worry about entry requirements."

Derrick's face lit up like a child receiving a piece of candy. "Thank you!" 

"No problem. Oh, and if you ever run into trouble, retreat immediately and come back to Old Caroline. There could be a slew of powerful entities at Mr.R's manor, so watch out for any trouble."

"I understand." 


Stoneview is the north-western region of Area 1. The region largely specializes in information gathering, spiritual gurus, private detectives, and secret gatherings. It was a region largely uninvolved in gang wars and served as a rare neutral zone within The Hole. However, the region was a hotbed for sly, two-faced, and dangerous individuals who would do anything to obtain status within The Hole.

Mr.R was a notorious info broker/trader. He would often organize auctions in which he would sell off rare materials in exchange for exorbitant amounts of Dan. 

He was a man who valued business above all else and wouldn't tolerate any threats to his empire.

Derrick approached the manor and showed the two guards his letter of recommendation. They ordered Derrick to wait at the front gate as they sent the letter of recommendation directly to Mr.R. After 3 minutes of waiting, Derrick was finally let into the gathering.

Within the crowded halls of the opulent manor, countless traders, underground dealers, and spirituality enthusiasts gathered and enjoyed their time within the grandiose building. Gilded tapestries whispered tales of forgotten eras, while marble columns stood as stoic sentinels, bearing witness to the auction. This manor was, without a doubt, bore the imprint of an age when gods themselves would rule over the various magical races, the Children of Mor.

How did something like this get into The Hole?

Suddenly, a large sound blared out from the neatly disguised speakers in the corners of the room.

[Auction beginning in 10 minutes in the auditorium.]

[Trading beginning in break rooms 1-10]

[Please move to your desired stations accordingly]

[Happy Hunting!]