
Wrath of the Old Gods

“I'm sorry about this, Mom...Dad... I know doing something like this is insane, but I'll try my hardest to make the right choice.” Upon awakening from a long train ride, Derrick finds himself in an illogical world of monsters and magic. A dying wraith is saved by the young Derrick, forming a contract that will bind them by fate. They fight through the underground of the city to reveal the truth of Derrick's transmigration, to reveal a path home! As he fights off the chaos and abnormality, the world’s balance will twist and turn. Will Derrick be able to survive such madness? Or will he wither and die as a clown of fate?

Donny_C · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Chapter 16: Factor Trade

The busy halls soon became a swarming stampede as the men scurried about to attend their events. The well-dressed gentlemen approached the auditorium with a look of excitement. The auction would not only serve as a means to obtain useless, opulent ornaments, but it was also a way to prove their financial superiority over other men. Even in another world, the self-obsessed nature of people had not changed.

Some of the lower-class participants, such as ordinary spiritual enthusiasts and mercenaries in need of equipment, gathered within the various break rooms for the mutual trade system. 

Derrick looked in his pockets, only to find the 10,000 Dan he had brought from his savings. He also had an extra 5000 Dan from some odd jobs he had run around the city the past week. He now had a mere 15,000 Dan in his pocket. His relative poverty compared to the other participants forced him to attend the local trades.

He entered the large game room and was met with a variety of strangers who seemed to come from unique backgrounds. There were the aforementioned private investigators who garnered information from the underground to solve cases, aristocrats who had a large fascination with mystical artifacts, and high-ranking gang members who sold off their exclusive wears.

At first, there was little tension in the room. They played poker, billiards, drank, and discussed general information and current events. Derrick took this opportunity to initiate a conversation with a few locals. Four people were surrounding the billiard table, including Derrick. This meant that more information could be garnered.

He picked up a billiard cue stick. "Good evening gentlemen. Solids or stripes?"

The well-groomed man said "stripes", while the bloated man and the strange detective said "solids." This meant that Derrick was also on the "stripes" team.

Derrick started the match with a light blow to the cue ball directly in the center. It was most advantageous to not try any risky moves that could endanger his position. Derrick had little standing within society, so he waited for someone else to start a conversation.

The strange detective initiated the conversation. "Have any of you heard of the Alchemic Order? I'm looking for information regarding a certain client of mine."

Derrick immediately interjected upon hearing the name. "What's that? I haven't heard of that organization."

The bloated man let out an exaggerated sigh, clearly putting down the boy for his ignorance. "They're a secret organization that originates in the Hawthorne Empire and has caused terror for centuries. They've only recently started activity within the Peoples Republic of Sani, our nation, within the past few years." The bloated man struck the cue ball at a slight 20-degree angle, precisely hitting a solid into the hole, earning him another turn.

"What business could you have with them? Don't tell me you've dug yourself a hole within a secret organization... The Alchemic Order has members who are rumored to be as strong as rank 3!"

Rankings are a system of power organizations used to quickly identify someone's power. The order went as follows.

Rank 7 Civilian - The power of an ordinary civilian, no notable traits

Rank 6 Novice - A decently trained person with at least a basic understanding of spirituality

Rank 5 Soldier - A person with advanced training who has gained advanced techniques

Rank 4 Devotee - Peak physical potential

Rank 3 Saint - Awakens divinity

Rank 2 Prophet - Obtains a degree of control over fate, law, and the world.

Rank 1 Son of Man - The mantle before Godhood.

Derrick's current position was a rank 7. He was pitifully weak in comparison to the Alchemic Order, but it was merely a matter of time before he would climb the ranks and confront the Order.

The strange detective replied. "Oh, it's nothing, just a bit of a complication in my payment, that's all. I've been scammed by a man named Reed Rowley. I aided him in a business venture involving the invention of an electronic bike project that would aid in transportation, but it appears that he has left Mathers City and has sought refuge in the Hole. I've come to hunt him."

A scam artist seeking refuge in The Hole under the Alchemic Order? This is a rather interesting twist of fate. 

Derrick spoke out at the opportunity. "How do you feel about accommodating allies in your hunt for Reed Rowley? With my information network, I can confidently say that I can give you aid. Of course, this will not be for free." It was a bald-faced lie on his part, but the strange detective would surely take the bait.

The bloated man interjected. "I suppose I have no reason to involve myself in your affairs, but if you can offer me the right gifts, I'll consider lending you resources."

It was good news for the strange detective. Without the eager Derrick Foster present to extend such an invitation, the bloated man would have likely rejected the offer. He hit the cue ball and landed 2 stripes at once. "State your prices. Both of you."

"Tsk." The bloated man felt outclassed in skill. "Hand me the Factor of a rank 5 Solari tribesman. That is my asking price." The Solari tribe was a lesser race known for their ritualistic practice of purification and the eradication of ghosts and evil spirits. They are also close relatives of the Wraith tribe. Could this man be a Solari as well?

Derrick gave his price as well. "I would like the factor of a rank 6 Wraith, as well as a mythical item. Preferably a knife or a short sword."

The strange man raised his brow but eventually loosened his expression. "Very well. I will be able to obtain the factor of a rank 6 Wraith and a rank 5 Solari without much issue, but the mythical item will take some time. Return here within a week to receive your compensation. For now, I will pay an upfront fee of 5000 Dan to each of you for your investment. I will also give you all numerous pictures, identities, addresses, and any other useful information about the whereabouts of Reed Rowley."

With a final stroke of the cue stick, Derrick cemented his victory with a winning shot at the 8 ball, the final ball on the field. "Ah, before we end this meeting, how about we share our names? It can be an alias if you like, but it would be a show of good intent."

It would be troublesome if he knew my real name, so I wasn't planning on sharing that information anyway. I need to know if he is a reliable partner before I can do that.

Derrick looked at the strange detective while rubbing his neck. "Desmond. The name's Desmond Dantes."

"Favio McLoran."

"Great! I am the private detective Naoto Gan. It is a pleasure to meet you."