
Wrath of the Old Gods

“I'm sorry about this, Mom...Dad... I know doing something like this is insane, but I'll try my hardest to make the right choice.” Upon awakening from a long train ride, Derrick finds himself in an illogical world of monsters and magic. A dying wraith is saved by the young Derrick, forming a contract that will bind them by fate. They fight through the underground of the city to reveal the truth of Derrick's transmigration, to reveal a path home! As he fights off the chaos and abnormality, the world’s balance will twist and turn. Will Derrick be able to survive such madness? Or will he wither and die as a clown of fate?

Donny_C · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 14: Organization

Elizabeth Abraham and Derrick Foster found themselves locked in a heart-pounding pursuit, evading the clutches of the Galencia family over the next hour. The Galencia lineage, belonging to a minor race known as the Lunari, lacked distinctive features or noteworthy attributes. Their connection to spirituality was feeble, but their cunning nature proved invaluable during the Great Migration, enabling them to betray other minor factions and ascend the ranks of Area 2.

Their frenzied escape led them to the East Borough of Mathers City, a pocket of opulence dominated by MetaCorp's technological marvels. In this realm of affluence, ordinary thugs dared not reveal their faces. Amid laughter and a dance with death, Derrick and Elizabeth successfully slipped away from the clutches of The Hole.

"Man, you're insane! I guess we won't be asking the Galencias for any more favors!"

"Huh? Why would we need anything from them? It was nothing but a little pastime, that's all."

Breathless and fatigued, they collapsed onto the alleyway floor, their laughter echoing in the shadows. "Hey…let's analyze this heirloom at my place. We might find something interesting."

"Sure, as long as you have something to eat."


Elizabeth swung open the door to her snug two-room apartment, a sanctuary cloaked in pristine white. The tiles, unblemished by any trace of dirt or grime, preserved the room's immaculate beauty. A gallery of opulent paintings adorned the walls, sharing the space with a collection of chairs and a grand marble table that commanded attention at the room's heart.

"I had no idea you lived so lavishly. You seemed entirely unassuming at the library, and your choice of attire all day suggested a more modest lifestyle."

"How rude. It's not polite to gauge a woman's status by her wardrobe. I simply don't concern myself with appearances. After all, the true substance lies beyond the surface."

Seated at the marble table, they carefully placed the ornate silver locket on its surface. The locket remained sealed, concealing its spiritual essence and eluding easy detection. Elizabeth, with practiced precision, wove a series of hand signs and whispered incantations in the ancient Zora tongue, crafting a protective barrier of spirituality around the table.



Once the lid of the box was lifted, the imminent threat of madness loomed, prompting the necessity for a barrier of spirituality to maintain control and shield their clandestine activity from prying eyes.

"Alright, it's ready. Let's open the box."

With a shared resolve, Derrick and Elizabeth placed their hands on the box, and with a burst of spirituality, they unveiled its contents. The locket, now ownerless after Ruddi Galencia's ill-fated bet, housed an ancient spirit, surprisingly more docile than usual. Devoid of orders and lacking any apparent vengeful intent, the spirit posed no immediate threat, leaving the duo shielded from spiritual reprisals.

A strange illusory smoke was expelled from the ornate silver locket. Gradually, indistinct shapes and intricate symbolisms refined themselves into the form of a beautiful maiden. Long brown hair cascaded down her figure, and with a refined disposition, she bore a striking resemblance to Elizabeth herself. The air in the room seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly presence as the spirit materialized into the semblance of a captivating and enigmatic entity.


 She said in an ethereal voice, "Are you my new master?"

Derrick looked at the beautiful maiden and replied, "I suppose you can call us that, but I don't exactly plan on giving you any orders."

"Oh? Typically those who seek my locket are full of avarice, just like that old fool."

Perhaps I can pry ancient information off of the maiden. "Well, it would be rude of me to ask for any favors without considering your well-being. What is your name?"

"I am the Second Prince of the Tusec Empire, Valora Tusec. My spirituality is still weak, so I can only answer 3 questions." 

Elizabeth's eyes sharpened upon hearing the name. "Tusec Empire...That was one of the royal families that served the Gordou empire. "

Derrick looked at Elizabeth with shock. "The Gordou Empire? If you really are an ancient spirit of that era, then you must be over 4000 years old!

Valora Tusec bore a wistful expression, her features tinged with a palpable sorrow.

"4000 years...it's been that long? My time as an heirloom has felt like a hazy dream. It's as though no time has passed at all in my mind, yet the world has changed so much." A poignant silence hung in the air, punctuating the weight of the centuries that had elapsed.

After a contemplative pause, Derrick, sensing the gravity of their newfound connection with this ancient spirit, mustered the courage to pose the first question.

"What do you know about King Gordou? How did the king meet his end?"

Valora's countenance shifted, a mixture of disdain and annoyance surfacing. "Oh... you want to know about THAT man..." Her language turned sharp, reflecting her sour mood. "He was egotistical, full of himself, reckless, and always made decisions all on his own. But... he was also kind, charismatic, and always extended a helping hand to those in need. That man is truly an enigma." The conflicting portrait of King Gordou painted by Valora left a complex and intriguing image, hinting at the multifaceted nature of the historical figure.


"Ah, I apologize, I'm rambling, aren't I? You want to know his history. After we ended the Thousand Years War (the Great War), King Gordou began to exhibit strange behavior. He would abruptly laugh without provocation, occasionally slur his speech, and experience extreme mood swings. He was losing control of his spirituality bit by bit until he ordered his execution at the hands of the five noble families."

Derrick absorbed the revelation, contemplating the vulnerability inherent in even the mightiest rulers. Even kings can go mad? How utterly terrifying. Spirituality is truly a fragile and cruel force.

"What do you know about Outworlders?" he continued, steering the conversation toward a different enigma"

"Outworlders...they were truly a strange bunch. They claimed to originate from another world and were transported here via unknown means. Their claims were largely seen as nonsense by the aristocracy, but there was a certain group of people who took an interest in Outworlders." Valora's recounting introduced yet another layer of mystery, weaving a tapestry of intrigue that seemed to transcend the boundaries of time and space.

Derrick, with a sense of anticipation, posed the final question, "Who was it? Who was the one who took an interest in the Outworlders?"

Valora Tusec's voice wavered as she attempted to recollect her memories. "I'm sorry, I do not know. All I can remember are vague rumors and indirect references to the organization. I cannot tell you anything about the name or members of the organization."

Frustration flashed in Derrick's eyes as the primary lead seemed to lead to a dead end. Yet, a glimmer of optimism surfaced as he mused internally, Damn, my main clue has led to a dead end! However, I've uncovered a new piece of information. There was truly an organization that specialized in the study transmigration! If I keep collecting ancient heirlooms and documents, I'll be able to make my way home!

Elizabeth, sensing the conclusion of their questioning, interjected, "That's the final question, right? I can't ask anything that Derrick hasn't asked already, so I'm fine with this conclusion. You may return to your box." The room settled into a contemplative silence as Valora, the ancient spirit, prepared to return to the confines of her ornate silver locket.

"Well, that was moderately interesting. I suppose we have a much clearer goal now, finding the secret organization," Elizabeth remarked, her tone reflecting a measured level of interest in their newfound quest.

Derrick, looking somewhat puzzled, questioned her involvement, "We? Why would you have a reason for tracking down the secret organization? Are you interested in Outworlders?"

Elizabeth, with a nonchalant demeanor, responded, "Well, it's not like I care for Outworlders; it all just seems so interesting. I'm a history nerd, after all, anything and everything related to ancient history is my forte."

"Ah, no wonder you seemed so knowledgeable at the library. Thank you," Derrick acknowledged, appreciating the unexpected expertise Elizabeth brought to their partnership.

Elizabeth, cheeks flushed with a bright red hue, beamed a smile and proudly puffed up her chest. "Of course! A knowledgeable, stunning lady such as myself is, of course, deserving of such praise! It will be great working with you, Derrick." The camaraderie between the duo took on a lighthearted tone, setting the stage for a unique and intriguing collaboration in their quest for ancient secrets and the enigmatic organization that held them.