
Wrath of the Lost

The sun had barely risen when the ground shook, causing the orphan child Raven to stir from their sleep. Raven, who lived at the Saint Mary's Orphanage, rubbed the sleep from their eyes and stumbled out of bed to see what was happening. Outside the window, Raven saw chaos. Angels and demons filled the sky, fighting with ferocity. Humans and elves, wielding magic and swords, joined in the fray. The Saint Mary's Orphanage was caught in the crossfire, its walls shaking as powerful beings clashed around it. Thanks to the foresight of the caretakers, the children at the orphanage were protected by a spell. Raven, along with the other children, huddled in the room, safe from the chaos outside. When the noise finally died down, Raven emerged from the room, dazed and scared, to see that the building was in ruins. They were the only survivor.

Lavon · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 12: A new Chapter

The mercenary group, consisting of Zara the cleric, Markus the swordsman, Kargath the leader, Lyra the archer, Thorne the magician, Myra the rogue specialist, Drog the dwarf with a massive hammer, and the apprentice Finlye, embarked on their journey. Along the way, Zara struck up a conversation with Raven, who was still new to the group.

"So, Raven, why did you want to become a mercenary?" Zara asked curiously.

Raven was taken aback by the question. He had been so focused on his training, proving himself to the others and getting stronger that he had not thought about why he was here. He sighed and replied, "I lost my brothers and sisters to slave traders during the Cataclysm. I was able to escape, but I hated myself for being so weak and unable to save them. I want to get stronger and gain experience so that I can one day have control over my own life and find my siblings."

Zara nodded understandingly. "That's a noble goal. But what is it that you're hoping to achieve with your newfound strength?"

"I want to stop the Cataclysm," Raven replied determinedly. "I lost everything because of it and I won't let anyone else suffer the same fate."

The other mercenaries overheard this and chuckled amongst themselves. "Ha! Good luck with that, kid," Kargath said with a smirk. "The Cataclysm is a force to be reckoned with. No one has been able to stop it."

Raven just smiled calmly, undaunted by their laughter. "I'll find a way. I have to."

Zara placed a comforting hand on Raven's shoulder. "I believe in you, Raven. And I'm sure the others will too, once they see what you're capable of."

Raven was grateful for Zara's encouragement and made a mental note to continue to work hard and prove himself to the others.

As they journeyed on, the mercenaries shared their own backgrounds and experiences. Markus was a former soldier who had grown tired of taking orders and decided to become a mercenary instead. Lyra was a former thief who had found a new purpose as an archer in the group. Thorne was a former scholar who had delved too deeply into the forbidden arts and was now using his magic for hire. Myra was a former circus performer who had honed her skills as a rogue specialist. Drog was a dwarf who had been kicked out of his clan for his love of ale and now made a living as a mercenary. And Finlye was an orphan who had been taken in by Kargath and trained to become a mercenary.

Each of them had a unique story and perspective, but they were all united in their desire to make a living as mercenaries. They may have started as strangers, but they were quickly becoming a tight-knit group, bonded by their shared experiences and goals.

The days passed by quickly, filled with adventure and excitement. On their way to fulfill mission, Raven trained hard, honing his skills and becoming stronger with each passing day. He proved himself to be a valuable member of the team, using his quick thinking and cunning to get them out of sticky situations when they faced monsters and bandits along the way.

Despite the challenges they faced, Raven never lost sight of his goal. He was determined to find a way to stop the Cataclysm and restore peace to the world. There were another 9 years 6 months left until the next Cataclysm occurred. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he was ready for the journey ahead and determined to get strong enough to overcome every obstacle.

The group journeyed on, facing countless dangers and overcoming countless obstacles. Raven continued to grow stronger and more confident with each passing day. He was grateful for his new friends, who had become like a new family to him.

As they continued on their journey, Raven couldn't help but feel hopeful for the future. He had found a new family in these mercenaries and was determined to do whatever it took to achieve his goal and help them achieve theirs. After their arduous journey, which took them several days, they finally reached their goal.