
Wrath of the Lost

The sun had barely risen when the ground shook, causing the orphan child Raven to stir from their sleep. Raven, who lived at the Saint Mary's Orphanage, rubbed the sleep from their eyes and stumbled out of bed to see what was happening. Outside the window, Raven saw chaos. Angels and demons filled the sky, fighting with ferocity. Humans and elves, wielding magic and swords, joined in the fray. The Saint Mary's Orphanage was caught in the crossfire, its walls shaking as powerful beings clashed around it. Thanks to the foresight of the caretakers, the children at the orphanage were protected by a spell. Raven, along with the other children, huddled in the room, safe from the chaos outside. When the noise finally died down, Raven emerged from the room, dazed and scared, to see that the building was in ruins. They were the only survivor.

Lavon · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 11: Nervous Anticipation

Raven woke up to the sound of his heart pounding in his chest. He felt a mixture of excitement and nervousness at the thought of his first mission with the group of mercenaries. He had trained hard for the past two weeks, learning as much as he could, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't quite ready. As he got dressed, he tried to calm himself down by thinking about all the things he had learned in the past two weeks. He remembered how Marcus had trained him in hand-to-hand combat; Lyra introduced him to archery, and Thorne showed him how to utilize his magic. He had filled his pebble core to the maximum and felt much stronger and more confident than before.

He made his way to the main hall, where Kargath, the leader of their group, was waiting for him. When he arrived, he saw that all 7 mercenaries were already there, including Lyra the archer; Thorne, the magician; Markus, the swordsman; and Finlye, the other apprentice. The three new members, who he had yet to meet, stood in the corner, their specialities a mystery to him. Kargath stood in front of them, his arms crossed and a serious look on his face.

"Good morning everyone," Kargath said, his voice echoing through the room. "I know you're all eager to start with this mission and for some, it is their first." Upon this comment, Raven unconsciously clenched his fists. "But before we start our journey, I want to make sure you're all prepared. You've all been trained in how to handle yourselves in combat, but I want to emphasize that this mission will be unlike anything you've encountered before."

Kargath then went on to explain what Worgs were. "Worgs are beasts that roam the forests and hills. They're fierce predators with sharp teeth and claws that can easily tear a man apart. But what makes them even more dangerous is their ability to call forth upon shadows to their aid. They use the darkness to hide from their prey and to ambush their enemies."

The mercenaries listened intently, their faces serious as they absorbed the information. Kargath continued, "So, to be successful in this mission, you need to be careful. Keep an eye out for any shadows that seem out of place, and be prepared for an attack from any direction. And to defeat the Worgs, you need to stay together as a team. Use your unique skills to support each other and keep each other safe."

Raven felt his heart racing as he listened to Kargath's words. He had trained hard for this moment, but the thought of facing these beasts was still daunting. But he also felt a sense of pride, knowing that he was part of a team that was capable of taking on any challenge.

Kargath went on to introduce the three other mercenaries that Raven had not yet met: Myra, a rogue specializing in stealth and infiltration; Zara, a cleric who could heal wounds and use divine magic; and Drog, a dwarf who wielded a massive hammer.

As the team discussed the best strategy for taking down the Worgs, Raven couldn't help but be struck by the diverse range of skills and personalities in the room. Markus, the confident swordsman, jokingly suggested that they simply charge straight at the Worgs, while Lyra, the quiet archer, rolled her eyes at his antics. Thorne, the serious magician, discussed deeply with Zara about how they could use their magic to support the team.

As the meeting ended and the mercenaries made their way to the stables to prepare their horses, Kargath pulled Raven aside. "I want you to know that I've been watching you, Raven," he said, his voice low. "You're a genius, and it's amazing how far you've come in just two weeks. I have a good feeling about this mission, and I know you'll be a valuable asset to the team."

Raven felt a warm feeling in his chest as he heard Kargath's words. He had worked hard to prove himself and to show everyone what he was capable of, and it was finally starting to pay off. He smiled at Kargath, then turned to join his team, ready for the journey ahead.