
Wrath of the Lost

The sun had barely risen when the ground shook, causing the orphan child Raven to stir from their sleep. Raven, who lived at the Saint Mary's Orphanage, rubbed the sleep from their eyes and stumbled out of bed to see what was happening. Outside the window, Raven saw chaos. Angels and demons filled the sky, fighting with ferocity. Humans and elves, wielding magic and swords, joined in the fray. The Saint Mary's Orphanage was caught in the crossfire, its walls shaking as powerful beings clashed around it. Thanks to the foresight of the caretakers, the children at the orphanage were protected by a spell. Raven, along with the other children, huddled in the room, safe from the chaos outside. When the noise finally died down, Raven emerged from the room, dazed and scared, to see that the building was in ruins. They were the only survivor.

Lavon · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 13: In the Shadows

The mercenaries set up camp in a small clearing, surrounded by dense forest. They had received word of a pack of Worgs terrorizing nearby villages and had come to put an end to their reign of terror. Kargath, the leader of the group, gathered them around a makeshift table made from fallen logs.

"The information I received says that the Worgs number fifteen. We will divide into three groups, each taking on five Worgs. Zara, Markus, and Lyra will be in one group, Thorne, Myra, and Drog in another, and Finlye and I will lead the third." Kargath looked at Raven and added, "Raven, you will be with me, and your responsibility will be to aid us if necessary."

The group discussed their plan and assigned tasks, weapons were checked and sharpened, and the atmosphere was tense with anticipation. They separated into their groups and made their way to the clearing where the Worgs were spotted. They were ready for a fight, their weapons drawn and their nerves on edge. Suddenly, Raven's senses kicked in, and he heard a low growl coming from the shadows. He looked over to Kargath and pointed in the direction of the growl. Kargath nodded and motioned for the others to follow as he quietly approached the source of the sound.

As they approached, they saw that there were more Worgs than expected. The beasts had been lurking in the shadows, waiting to ambush their prey. Raven's heart raced as he realized the danger they were in. He could hear the sound of the Worgs' sharp teeth as they snarled and growled, and the smell of their hot breath filled his nostrils.

But Raven was able to discover the Worgs' presence due to his keen senses. As an amateur, he had honed his senses, allowing him to detect things that others might miss. Raven's mind raced as he tried to think of a way to fight the beasts. He only had two weeks of training, but he had to try.

As the Worgs emerged from the darkness, the mercenary group sprang into action. Their plan was in shambles, but Markus and Thorne fought valiantly at the front line, while in the center, Kargath and Zara were holding their own, with Kargath's battle axe chopping down Worgs left and right. Zara used her magic to heal the group and keep them going. The fighting was intense and brutal, the Worgs attacking from all sides. The mercenaries fought bravely, their weapons clanging against the Worgs' razor-sharp teeth. Thorne used his magic to create barriers, while Lyra's arrows rained down from above. Markus and Myra slashed and dodged, their swords flashing in the dim light. Kargath and Drog swung their massive weapons with all their might, trying to hold back the tide of Worgs.

The battle was intense, with Worgs coming from all directions. Raven was scared, but he remembered the training he received from his colleagues. He swung his sword, striking down Worgs left and right. He felt a strange energy flowing through him, and he realized that he was using magic without even realizing it. But despite their bravery, the Worgs were relentless. More and more of the beasts poured out of the shadows, driving the mercenaries back.

Raven was a blur of motion, his lightning-fast movements allowing him to dodge the Worgs' attacks and strike them down with deadly precision. He used his powers to enhance his agility, and the Worgs couldn't keep up with him. Although he had only received training for two weeks, he had accumulated experience during their journey and was able to put it to use. He moved quickly and fluidly, slicing through the Worgs with ease and dodging their attacks.

Despite his best efforts, the number of Worgs seemed to be increasing, and the fight was becoming more intense. Raven was pushed to the brink of his limits, struggling to keep up with the sheer number of beasts. He was tiring quickly, and his movements were becoming slower and clumsier. He also couldn't expect help, as everyone was tied up in their own battles.

At that moment, something unexpected happened. Raven's body was filled with a burst of energy, and his movements became smoother and quicker. He was filled with a sense of power and he felt like he could take on the entire pack of Worgs single-handedly. It was as if he had unlocked a new level of power within himself.

With newfound strength, Raven fought with ferocity. He cleaved through the Worgs, leaving a trail of bodies in his wake. The once-tense atmosphere was now filled with the sounds of battle, the clanging of steel, and the growls of the Worgs.

In the end, Raven emerged victorious. The Worgs lay dead at his feet, and the rest of the group gathered around him in awe. Raven was barely able to stand, his body was covered in cuts and bruises, but he was smiling with a sense of pride.

Kargath approached him, a look of respect in his eyes. "You did it, lad," he said, clapping a hand on Raven's shoulder. "You've reached the next stage of your core. I've never seen anything like it before. How does it feel?"

Raven thought for a moment, still feeling the rush of power within him. "I can sense things more clearly," he said, "and my movements are quicker and smoother. I feel like I could take on an army of Worgs and come out unscathed."

Kargath nodded, a small smile on his face. "I have no doubt that you will. You have a rare gift, Raven, and I'm honoured to have been a part of it."

The group made their way back to the camp, their spirits high after the successful mission. Raven couldn't wait to see what other abilities he would unlock in the future.