

Transmigrated to another world, how will Nathan and Aiden, the twin duo, fend for themselves? Will they die at the hands of a beast, or will they fight their way to the top?

SageTheWise · Fantasy
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12 Chs

The Osaka Clan

Nathan's eyes then opened as he lifted his body upright, his head was spinning, and with his head positioned downwards he could tell that he was on a bed,' Was it all a dream?'

As he raised his head, his suspicions were incorrect, he was in what would seem to be a small shack," Definitely not, I don't remember… wait, the creature of whatever it was it got Aiden. Aiden!"

As he looked to the side, Aiden was right next to him and was unconscious, he was most definitely sleeping, and his wounds seemed to be treated.' Hah, what a relief, my heart almost skipped a beat, however much of an idiot he may be he's still my flesh, and blood, but it's not right that he scared me like that and is now sleeping as sound as a baby.'

" Aiden, wake up!"

Aiden then opened his eyes," Huh? Nathan? Where are we? What happened? Why do you look so fucking banged up?"

As Nathan looked down, he did seem to be in bandages, but he was not as injured as Aiden was," Says you. You don't remember that creature?"

" Oh right, where are we anyway?" Aiden then asked as he recalled his memory.

" Should you really be asking that to me when I'm just as clueless as you are?" Nathan then questioned.

" I'm quite impressed, I was just beginning to think that the both of you wouldn't regain consciousness at all, and if you did it wouldn't have been this soon, but you have." Said the voice of a woman.

The two then turned to the right from which they heard the voice of a woman. Standing before them was a woman with long dark purple hair that reached her waist, a ripped dirty top, and a ripped skirt. She wore a weird mask that seemed to be quite cultural just like the man they had seen, maybe she was of the same culture as him. She then took the mask off of her face, and as she did, they were thunderstruck, she was a walking beauty, her skin were snow white, her eyes were like a vast blood ocean, and her lips were cherry, everything on her face was perfectly aligned.

" Woah, I've never seen someone so beautiful in my life."

" She's the embodiment of the goddamn word. I've never seen you compliment a woman before like this, could my brother have graduated nerd-hood?"

" What the fuck, Aiden?"

" You two shouldn't carry on so vulgarly, you're both still injured, if not for me saving you you would be with Osaka, right now."

" Osaka, who the fu…"

" Aiden you imbecile, don't disrespect whoever that may be, maybe it's their God, what if they behead us for talking shit about him or her?" Nathan then whispered to Aiden's ear.

" I go by Raven, I'm what you would call the head warrior of the Osaka clan."

" I'm Aiden Slade, and he's my twin brother Nathan."

" You must be Osuntas?" She asked as she tilted her head.

" That must be their word for twins." Nathan figured.

" Come with me, Nathan and Aiden, I shall introduce you to Nana." Raven then said to the two.

The two then got up and followed Raven out of the shack, as they stepped foot inside, the sun's rays had hit their heads and the sight of a full village made up of small shacks could be seen, the village was located on a mountain. It was rich with people, weirdly mostly women, Aiden and Nathan suspected that the men were on warrior duty or whatever they called it in the Osaka village. Aiden couldn't help but stare the women down, it was overly populated with women and they were a lot of exceptionally beautiful women amongst them. He had never expected to find such gems in a village.

" We're here."

They then stopped in front of a large wooden house where the head of the village would seem to be.

" You may enter. I shall stay behind and guard as I must guard the village and forest once the men are all gone as the head warrior." Raven then stated.

" Right."

The two then entered the fairly large wooden house, the source of light was mainly horses along with the fact that there were no doors, the floors were made of wooden planks, and there barely was any furniture, it was just an almost empty horse, and as they continued forward they reached a dark room with only one light source with a throne. An old elderly woman wearing a mask sat down on the throne, she was most definitely the clan and village head.

" What brings you, outsiders, to our village? Warrior Raven has already informed me about your unexpected visit to our forest, normally we would use force, but you don't seem to be Kuruphan."

The two then bowed down, and Ferrick was first to answer," We were continuing on with our pitiful life until we had randomly been transported into your territory, the forest, we don't know how it happened."

" I see, so my suspicions do appear to be precise, three weird unrecognizable things have randomly appeared in our forest all happening a few years apart, they don't appear to be of Osaka's world. Could you two be from another realm?"

" Yes, we are from different worlds, and during an incident, right before the moment of our deaths, we were transported here. We don't know how, but do you have any information on how this could have happened?"

" The realms are slowly but surely uniting, our world will merge with other worlds, I don't know when but I can only assume in the next few centuries, this could be the only explanation. I know of no way you can get back. How will you two carry on?" Nana questioned.

" Well, I guess since there's nothing we can do about it, we have no choice but to accept it." Nathan then answered.

" What about you?"

" Me? Well, I'm going to live the best life I can even if I'm in another fucking world, I don't know if there are big cities or capitals in this world but I'm going to live the high life."

" The only way for a peasant to be something is by going into the Iraes Academy from where you will learn magic, become even much stronger, and become an Arcane Knight."

" Then we'll attend that Academy for sure." Aiden confidently said as he smiled.

" You can die any day in the process, are you sure?"

" We're up against those odds, we were about to die by crashing into a tree that would soon fall on us after being punctured, and we almost died again to whatever that creature was," Aiden answered.

" That would be Baritone Facsimile, it was an agile beast that eats the voice box of a human and mimics their voice. Unarmed they can pose a deadly threat, but to magic users, they are not much of a big deal."

" Oh, that sounds… terrifying, do you have a map that would lead us to that Academy?" Nathan asked.

" I doubt we can just randomly start attending the Academy, they must have standards."

" One has to be of noble descent or must have a letter of recommendation if not a noble, I can provide you a letter of recommendation but I would have to ask my grandson since he is an Arcane Knight himself."

" Thank you, I guess we'll be learning magic, something that doesn't even exist where we are from, that sounds fucking exciting does it, Nathan?"

" Everyone is born with magic, magic is like the air, it exists through the environment, it is a natural power, bodies adapt to the mana in the environment, but some are not able to utilize it due to their mana levels being too low. For magic not to exist in your world must mean that until your bodies adapt to our environment which takes years upon years to happen, and the ability to use spells shows up during late puberty, you are not able to magic. And if it does adapt and your mana levels are low you will never use magic. I'm surprised the existence of the word exists in your world, someone in our world must have been teleported there and has spread awareness of the existence of such power."

" I see, that fucking sucks doesn't it, Nathan?"

" You got that right."

" You two shall rest up. Tomorrow I shall have Raven escort you to Iraes, and from there you shall be able to make your own way to the Academy.

" Right."