

Transmigrated to another world, how will Nathan and Aiden, the twin duo, fend for themselves? Will they die at the hands of a beast, or will they fight their way to the top?

SageTheWise · Fantasy
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12 Chs

An Unidentifiable Creature

As they looked up, their suspicions were correct, there were two moons in opposite directions which should have been logically impossible, they could only blame the fact that they were in an accident that they were seeing this, but it wasn't, this was actual reality. What stood before them, was very much of a real sight.

" Yep, definitely, our heads are fucked up pretty badly." Aiden then commented as they looked up at the skies.

" No doubt about that.

" Oi Nathan, we should make our way back, but which direction did we crash from."

" I can confidently say a straight one, the only reason why it doesn't seem that way is that we went downhill during the crash."

" Hehe, you're good for something for once." Aiden randomly commented.

" Don't push your luck, you incompetent asshole."

" I should be saying that to you right now."

" Look, as much as we hate one another we should be trying to get back to the main road. Have you ever thought about that?" Nathan then suggested.

" I was just about to say that." Aiden lied as he wiped his nose from which blood trickled.

The twin duo then moved their way through the forest, as they had seen before, everything did seem to be unusual, and there were no signs of wildlife anywhere, at first, they wouldn't hurt to show that they were both scared of a grizzly bear or two appearing before them, but now they were suspecting… nothing… It went without saying that they were all alone in the forest.

A burning feeling was sent throughout their bodies, as beads of sweat ran down their faces, their legs were like noodles at this point which was proved by the healthy fact that they could barely take a step or two after loitering around the forest for almost what seemed to be a full half an hour. They were presumingly exhausted.

They panted, and panted the loudest one could be, coughed, and held their heads utterly confused about what seemed to be an endless route. At this point, Aiden was quick to doubt Nathan's beliefs.

" You wasted our time, my time, and yours, Nathan. What now?"

" No, we were going in a straight direction during the crash, it's impossible that we still haven't encountered the road yet."

" Can't you own up to your wrongs, you were wrong, no use defending it. Let's go back and search in the opposite direction.

" Fine, but after a break."

" Who do you take me for, I'm not a robot, obviously we'd go after catching a quick few breaths or more."

It was after a long, long, break that the two had continued their search. Once more, they searched the forest like a bandit cowering his way through a mansion, being as careful as they could, they made sure to limit the amount of noise they made to a small extent which was talking,  they used the abnormally tall grass to their advantage, and walking through the plains like an army of retched ants.

They poked their eyes open to the maximum and listened as seemingly as they could, if they were close enough they would be able to hear the sounds of vehicles flashing across the main road from which they went off the road. But unfortunately, they were quite unlucky, so far all their searches proved to be useless, and at this point, they were beginning to starve which was almost out enough to send the two insane.

" Fuck this Nathan! What the fuck should we do?"

" I have no fucking idea, it's impossible that we have not reached the main road at this point, the pickup truck couldn't have gone that far during the crash, something is definitely wrong, I can feel it in my bones."

" You're not making it any better with the cringe statements, goddamn it," Aiden complained as he whined like a child.

" And you're not making it any better either with your negativity."

" Uh, whatever."

A low sound could be heard from far away, it lingered in Nathan's ear like his favorite music band. He instantly reacted to it, as his brain processed the information to what would seem to be cries for help.

" You hear that Aiden? Someone is shouting for help. We have to go help them."

" Huh? What do you mean someone is shouting for help, I don't hear anything."

" It's coming from the opposite direction to the west." Nathan specified as he got up and ran towards the sound.

As he ran, Aiden followed, Nathan ran the fastest he could despite being utterly exhausted, this was due to the strong sense of justice he had always had. But it would always be a bad thing in the end. They grew up in the slums before the government had learned of them, as they were practically ghosts, it was a harsh environment where people wouldn't bat an eye to killings, he had been stabbed once while helping someone, and to this day, he still has the scar printed on his palm. The knife which he was stabbed had gone straight through his palm, it was a terrible experience, but in the end, he considered it to be worthwhile as he got to help someone in the process.

While running through the forest while tracing the sound, they caught a glimpse of what seemed to be a hand, they quickly turned their direction to the hand.

" You were right, there is someone ahead, maybe he's just like us?" Aiden said in relief.

" Let's hope so."

As they got closer, more of the person's body had gotten revealed, a smile was present on their face until they were complete utterly frozen in fear, shivers had run down their spines, as their legs trembled in fear, and their teeth clenched frightened at the sight before them. Their body trembled as if they were in a refrigerator. They could not move a muscle. 

" N-Nathan," Aiden whispered.

At the very moment, he opened his mouth, whatever stood before they had reacted to it. It was what seemed to be a monster with an animal-like body, six eyes, a narrow thin abnormally shaped animal-like head with a mouth full of canines, and was completely white, it would seem to be digging into what would to be the body of a man who seemed quite cultural as he was shirtless with weird tattoos on his body, he would seem to be a part of some sort of tribe. The creature ripped into the man's gut, slowly taking its time while eating, the man's guts were being ripped out of his body as if they were a bowl of spaghetti, which was a much-unappreciated sight of gore.

It was clear to them that the creature before them had just learned of their presence the moment a single word was whispered. The creature then disappeared before their eyes in a flash, and as Nathan turned his eyes to Aiden, the creature had dove onto of him already, faster than his eye could follow.

" Aiden!"

The creature then dug its canines into his shoulder as Aiden collapsed on the floor.

" Get this motherfucking thing off of me! It fucking hurts so badly."

As Nathan was about to help Aiden in whatever way he could, which was by beating the creature to oblivion. The moment he had taken his first step, something dashed onto him before his vision had gone blank.' D-don't… you dare die on me, Aiden.'