

Transmigrated to another world, how will Nathan and Aiden, the twin duo, fend for themselves? Will they die at the hands of a beast, or will they fight their way to the top?

SageTheWise · Fantasy
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12 Chs

A Duel Along With A Temporary Instructor

Early in the morning, a rich and beautiful sight emerged, it was the sunrise, the rise of the sun above the horizon, like a beacon of light, the sun's radiance lit up the dark yet blue skies turning what would be dark and blue, into orange. Mother nature was just as green as always, the abnormally tall plains, trees, and crops were as healthy as they could be, they were as green as the color could be, and the whispering winds swept by leaving plains and trees dancing left to right in response to this. The mountain was as peaceful as always, the clan, all women and children with the men expected to return in a few days countable by hand, they took dig against the soil, watered the crops, and much more basic labor. The only noise radiating from the village was the children and mother nature, it was peaceful as it was quiet.

Nathan then raised himself from the bed, after their chat with the clan head they had spent the rest of the day bored in the shack until nightfall, there was nothing to do at all. He had his phone, but that was broken, and he left the book he was reading previously before the whole teleportation incident was left over in the vehicle. All he did was stare at the ceiling whereas Aiden took an early rest, even before nightfall. Aiden was currently still asleep right next to him, snoring as loudly as possible, it was typical Aiden. A poor knucklehead playboy who could only bring his poor nerdy cool-headed brother shame.

Nathan, with extremely bad bedhead, had then left the shack, as he walked outside he stretched and yawned," Who knew looking at the sun so early in the morning would be peaceful?"

Raven then approached him, and as usual, she wore her mask, right before removing it as she approached him, and kept her spear close in her dormant hand," To what has you smiling?"

" Oh, uh, n-nothing, just the sun, you know what I mean." Nathan panicked.

' I seriously should have had a lot more interactions with women. Now just looking and talking to one makes me nervous, especially when it's a beautiful one.' Nathan thought as he sighed.

" The sunrise and sunset certainly are both beautiful scenes we don't quite appreciate adequately, don't you agree, Nathan?" Raven asked.

Nathan then nodded right before asking a question, more of a request, of his own," Could you acquaint me in the arts of the blade, if I may ask?"

" There is but no time for that as we will soon depart, but I most certainly can demonstrate to you and advise you." Raven then added on.

' She talks so much more fluently without her mask, it must limit her breathing. I should stop acting like a sissy."

" Thanks a hunch Raven. I guess this is about the second thing I owe you now."

Raven then drew a sword from her hip and tossed it at him," Come at me."

' Fuck, she means it, does she? If I knew something like this would've happened in the future I wouldn't have stopped working out, what a fucktard I can be.' Nathan then thought.

He then held the hilt of the sword with both hands, his right leg extended forward, his back arched, and his head held high, he just followed something he read in a novel once.

" Proper posture is a good start, well done." Raven complimented him.

Nathan then began charging at her the fastest he could, and as his sword was within reach, he slashed at her as she stood still without doing a thing. She then twisted her body to the side, dodging the slash.' She knew where I was going to attack?' Nathan thought. Nathan then attacked once more in the direction opposite to the first slash he performed, left; it was a horizontal slash. Raven then ducked down to her knees, and as his slash stopped, at the same moment, she jumped backward.

" A mistake with inexperienced fighters is that they attack with force and raw strength alone, instead of doing that relax your grip, and attack more calmly with less force but more speed." She instructed him.

" Right."

Nathan then leaped forward charging her head on, he then slashed once more, but this time, he did exactly as she said, he loosened his grip by a little, relaxed his arms, kept his mind at ease, and slash as steady and fast as he could, and as a result, his attacks were faster and had less of a strain on his arms.

" A fast learning." She said as she dodged once more.

' When I attacked left, she dodged to the right, when I attacked right, she dodged to the left, when I attack horizontally she ducks down, so if I thrust she will also jump back, and if I counter-attack, she'll block. I'll deceive her.' Nathan then calmly thought. Nathan charged once more, he held his sword from his upper body to his head on the left, and as he was about to swing, Raven got ready to dodge to the left the moment she would see his sword coming at the right side, but at that very same moment, he loosened the grip of the blade for a split second, positioned his right hand lower on the hilt, and thrust forward.

Raven then instinctively blocked with her spear," Color me impressed, you used my patterns of evading your attacks while altering yours to use against me, in a normal duel where you wouldn't be able to even get close to hitting me or think crucially, you used strategy while also paying attention to every move I've made, you can think just as level-headed as you would normally do regularly even in a battle, a fast learner, and you have a talent when it comes to competition. It was only that I sensed the attack instinctively that I was able to stop it."

' Fuck, I think I'm shredding a tear right now, what a fucking tearjerker. No one ever told me anything like that,' Nathan then thought as he nodded to himself.

" It would be unpleasant of me to teach you alone, I will also instruct Aiden." Raven then said to Nathan.

" Did someone say my name?" Aiden asked as he walked outside of the shack rubbing his eyes.

" Perfect." Raven then smiled sinisterly.