
World of Warships

The world has descended into a parallel universe, where one can forge their own unique battle armor. In the boundless ocean, with endless resources and terrifying sea creatures, including colossal deep-sea monsters, everyone must continuously upgrade their battleships in order to survive. The battleships and talents are all randomly assigned. However, from the start, Ye Xuan awakens an SSS-level talent called 'ARC System'. "Fusing with vine shells and evolving into a hive mothership?" "Fusing with machinery and granting the battleship an imperial engine?" "No..." Countless battleships fill the sky, and among them, the motherships directly fuse with stars as their energy source—"I want them all!" While others are still struggling to survive, Ye Xuan's battleship has already taken off, equipped with star-destroying cannons, earth-shattering celestial bombs, and requiems for the souls.

dota · Sci-fi
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28 Chs

Chapter 16 Make it right! Mysterious Island!

Luo Bing's three consecutive strikes directly silenced the entire chat channel.

It took a while before everyone came to their senses. For a while, the entire chat channel was full of frogs.

Everyone envied Ye Fei.

Strength, charm, and car are all top-notch.

Although Zhang Yong is also a 3-star captain, but such a comparison is completely incomprehensible!

Liu Ru: "So, handsome Ye should be responsible for hunting the sharks before?"

"I love it~ Approval from the goddess!"

"That's not right... If that's the case, then Mr. Ye Fei should already have enough energy to upgrade to a 3-star battleship, right?"

"Indeed, I think his boat was seven or eight meters long at that time, and it's not at the same level as the current tonnage."

Wang Yifeng: "There is no doubt about it. It is obvious that Ye Fei's talent is very powerful, and the battleship is also powerful, so it is normal that more energy is required for promotion.

And... haven't you noticed that Ye Fei has a girl on board? Isn't it normal for a boss to help a partner improve? "

"That's right! Boss Ye Fei might be that B-level talent! It will naturally consume more!"

After what Wang Yifeng said, everyone suddenly realized.

At the same time, many people were moved.

Boss Ye Fei is so majestic! He is really helping the little brother!

There are more than a dozen C-level bosses in the entire sea area. I have never heard of anyone as generous as Ye Fei. He didn't even have time to advance to 3 stars for his followers!


"Brother Ye Fei, I really want it too. Can you inject energy into me?"

"Little sister 36D, beg to be taken in."

For a while, many girls who had confidence in themselves were moved.

Some people even boldly confessed.

"You licked my dad so much, did you ask me?"

"Upstairs is really shameless, can you recognize my dad?"

Seeing this, many men were unwilling to show weakness.

For a while, there was a sound of filial piety in the communication channel.

Nowadays, in the sea full of dangers and under the pressure of survival, many people use the communication channel as a window to vent, so when they speak, they are very unscrupulous and speak freely.

Wang Yifeng: "Hehe...Where's the person who shared the sky and ocean equally with the strange bird just now?"

"The sky belongs to the strange bird, and the sea belongs to the iron-clad ship~~ It's so strong, and it's on an equal footing with the strange bird. I would like to call it... a big boss with a huge layout."


For a moment, the entire communication channel laughed.

Normally, no one would dare to tease Zhang Yong. After all, this is a world without laws.

Offending a strong person is definitely not a wise choice.

But Wang Yifeng is powerful. He is not afraid of Zhang Yong, and he even nicknamed Zhang Yong with a grotesque appearance. For a while, many people laughed along with him.

The nickname "Half-walled Big Brother" suddenly swept the screen.

Zhang Yong looked at the communication channel with a bitter face, but he could only pretend not to see it.


Liu Ru looked at the communication channel and was also amused. She carefully looked at the information about Ye Fei. She had to say that Wang Yifeng's analysis was very accurate. Maybe the other party knew Ye Fei was so strong a long time ago, but he just didn't dare to say it out loud.

As a 3-star boss in the sea area, she is very interested in Ye Fei.

After thinking about it, she simply sent a friend request to Ye Fei.

Although the other party is not as good as him, he is qualified to be a friend and exchange information.

At that time, her friends will be all over the sea area, and everyone will give her a little favor. Coupled with her own top strength, it will not be difficult to gradually become the most influential person in the entire sea area!

By then, collecting resources and expanding the fleet will become easier for her.

I will become the uncrowned king here!

Liu Ru couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of her mouth.


Ye Fei was also looking at the communication channel, but no one mentioned the iron ore information in the entire chat channel.

"It seems that iron ore resources are relatively rare at present."

Ye Fei couldn't help guessing.

At the same time, under Luo Bing's blow, he became famous on the communication channel, causing private messages to explode directly.

Many people are applying to add him as a friend.

Ye Fei was taken aback at first. The communication software generated by the laws of the world also has bugs?

It was only after I clicked in that I realized that there were too many friend applications, causing the notification sounds to become a ding-ding-ding sound.

"Hello, Ye Fei, I have the talent 'accelerated shooting', and I can be the gunner on your ship in the future, please invest~ (a beautiful picture is attached)"

Ye Fei opened it and saw that he looked pretty good, but in this posture, those who didn't know it thought it was wearing a blindfold to increase attack speed.


"Hello, Brother Fei, I found a mysterious vortex sea area. There seems to be a treasure under the sea. We can work together to salvage it, and we will share it 50-50!"

Why is it only 50%?

do not add!

"Hi, Ye Fei, I'm a 19-year-old girl with great talent, please take care of me~ (photo attached)"

Ye Fei clicked on the photo and looked at it. He looks really good.

But the other party looked like a vase at first glance, and Ye Fei didn't dare to say clearly about his talent, so Ye Fei just didn't bother to pay attention.

After looking around for a while, Ye Fei found that most of the people were looking for cooperation and to be younger brothers.

But he hasn't caught his eye yet.

Although I want younger brothers to be in a group and experience the thrill of mastering others, but... once these people form a team, they will use his energy. Unless the talent is special, otherwise, judging from his strength, the disadvantages of being proper are greater than profit.

Not to mention anything else, as far as his sailing speed is concerned, most people can't keep up, and it's definitely holding him back.

Luo Bing on the side had the same reasoning.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei lost interest in these friend applications and deleted them with one click.

After finishing all this, Ye Fei looked at Luo Bing playfully.

"Brother Ye Fei, I want to join your team, can I? I will do well!"

Luo Bing looked at Ye Fei, feeling uneasy.

Although she thought she was very attractive, Ye Fei couldn't calm down in front of her.

The opponent is really too strong, I don't know if I can see myself?

At the same time, without saying a word, she showed all her attributes to Ye Fei.

When Ye Fei saw the talent of 'Treasure Hunting Sailor', he couldn't help being secretly pleasantly surprised.

No wonder Luo Bing was able to become a little rich woman, this talent is really amazing.

What Luo Bing didn't know was that Ye Fei didn't need to form a team with her, as long as he killed her, even the talents would be his.

Of course, Ye Fei is not going to kill people insanely just because of a talent.

And if you kill it...it's just a walking corpse, how can a living person be interesting?

No one told about the wonderful moment when he took a mouthful of the strange bird not long ago.

The walking dead can call master and bed, but they can't applaud.

However, this does not mean that he has to agree to Liu Ru.

"Forming a team is impossible."

Ye Fei shook his head.

Luo Bing immediately showed disappointment, tears streaming down her face.

"However... I can provide you with energy and upgrade the battleship."

The corners of Ye Fei's mouth curled up slightly.

Hearing this, not only was Luo Bing not happy, but her heart skipped a beat. So what is the price?

Sure enough, the man went on to say: "However... the prerequisite is that you must become my crew member. Please note that my crew member is not a team approved by the world's laws, but everything is based on me. The true crew of the Lord."

"Of course, it doesn't matter even if you don't agree. I will give you the reward you deserve for this trip to explore the island."

Ye Fei spoke very clearly, and didn't hide it.

The two originally agreed to form a team to kill monsters and get a 50-50 split, but now Ye Fei doesn't form a team directly, and even makes it clear that he wants to prostitute Luo Bing for free.

There is no doubt that this condition is very excessive, not to mention, as a crew member, if you want to obey any order from the captain, most people will never agree.

But Ye Fei is sure that the other party will not refuse.

She doesn't want the opportunity to be prostituted for nothing, but some people want it.

Ye Fei's plan is:

Temporarily have an in-depth exchange with Luo Bing, let the other party board the ship and become a trainee crew member.

This period of time is considered a test.

If the other party is sincerely attached to him, then he can initiate fusion to directly integrate the other party's battleship with his own.

Yes, according to Ye Fei's speculation, it doesn't have to be a dead thing to fuse.

The barnacles he fused with before are also living creatures.

The only difference is that barnacles don't have self-awareness, while Luo Bing does, and the battleship belongs to Luo Bing.

That is to say, if Luo Bing returns to him from the bottom of his heart and does not resist at all, the relationship between the two can actually go further, and the other party can still maintain consciousness.

Become a crew member who truly belongs to him.

Of course, this is the most ideal situation. It is almost impossible to shape Luo Bing.

However, people still have to have ideals, otherwise what is the difference from ordinary old color critics?

Ye Fei decided to give it a try.

He still has confidence in his strength and charm.

On the side, Luo Bing wanted to cry but was entangled in his heart.


Ye Fei used her materials and talents to prostitute her for nothing, and now he still wants to use her as a crew member. Human cows must at least eat grass to produce milk. He is not feeding anything, just Squeeze hard?

She originally said that Ye Fei was being manipulated, but now it seems that she was completely manipulated by the other party!


After a moment of hesitation, Luo Bing gritted his teeth and agreed.


She decided to give it a go.

"Then...the trainee crew member Luo Bing, please return to your battleship and prepare to obtain wood upgrades."

Ye Fei said with a smile.


Luo Bing was stunned.

Where did the wood come from?

Shall we go to the small island next to it?

That would take at least half a day. It's not worth wasting time here. It's better to go to the small island to hunt monsters first.

In terms of energy, she was attacked by a strange bird just now, but she gained a little "experience" for participating in the battle, which is already full.

Luo Bing looked at Ye Fei suspiciously.

At this moment, boom~long——!

With a loud noise, the sea level began to rise.

"Not good! There are sea monsters!!"

Luo Bing was so frightened that she hurried to get the spear, but was held back by Ye Fei with a smile.

Luo Bing looked along Ye Fei's fingers and saw: It turns out that the entire battleship is rising!

Hurrah huh~!

The waves splashed down, and the battleship continued to rise, and then sailed towards the small island not far away. When approaching the small island, the battleship jumped suddenly and landed directly on the shore.


Immediately afterwards, there was a crackling sound, and there was a huge mouth with fangs under the huge battleship!

One bite down, there is a small forest.


Looking at the battleship transformed into a logging machine, Luo Bing was startled.

Her body was shaking with excitement.

Ye Fei's warship is actually alive!

The unique biological battleship is too strong!

For a moment, Luo Bing couldn't help feeling rejoicing.

It seems that I made the right bet.

Ten minutes later...

Ye Fei collected wood for Luo Bing and let her upgrade to a 3-star warship.

Then... a scene that made Ye Fei feel miraculous happened.

After Luo Bing was upgraded, her abilities became much stronger. She even went around the island and found a hidden iron mine.

Although not many, but after collecting, there are 2 units.

This is the most important material to advance to the next level!

What a pleasant surprise!

For a while, Ye Fei liked Luo Bing a lot.

This is simply a humanoid treasure hunting instrument!

It's like Jack's 'Golden Compass'.

It seems that keeping Luo Bing is really a good step!

Pay back on the spot!

"Not bad!"

Ye Fei couldn't help smiling.

In this way, his subsequent upgrades must be much easier!

Later, Ye Fei learned more information from Luo Bing.

After listening to it, he looked forward to the small island even more. Luo Bing's treasure hunting talent would most likely be the strange tree that secretes white juice.

If I can integrate it, maybe I can add new capabilities to the battleship.

Maybe I can raise a few strange birds. In that case, the battleship will be upgraded to an aircraft carrier with an air force!

Immediately, Ye Fei couldn't wait to set off immediately, led by Luo Bing to the mysterious island.


At the same time, on the beach of a small island, more than a dozen savages and aboriginals were smashed to pieces by solid iron balls fired from homemade artillery.

"Log in!"

Liu Ru waved her hand, and the fleet members under her command put down the landing deck one after another, and then started to go to the island with spears and shields.

As long as she occupies this beach, she can use it to build a port.

Continuing to advance to the island, you can also enslave the savages. By then, mining ore and logging will become extremely simple.

"My current progress, I'm taking the lead!"

She couldn't help but smile confidently.

At this moment, she suddenly remembered something, opened the private message and looked at it, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

Ye Fei actually failed her application.

There is a high probability that there are too many people who applied and did not see it...

After thinking about it, she sent out another application.

Ye Fei, as the current top-ranked captain, she still pays more attention to.

is a worthy partner.

In addition to Ye Fei, there are also Huang Jie, Wang Yifeng, and a woman named Luo Bing, who are all captains she pays more attention to.

"Sister Liu Ru, this Luo Bing actually dares to refuse your invitation."

Beside Liu Ru, a fleet member said unhappily.

"Green tea whore, really think kneeling and licking Ye Fei can do her any good?"

"Let's work harder, help sister Liu Ru reach 4 stars, and slap these licking dogs in the face."

"The only reward for the first place is Sister Liu!"

Liu Ru smiled slightly: "Hehe...don't be so full of words, there are people beyond people, and there is heaven beyond the sky!

As for them choosing to follow, that's their freedom, as long as they don't regret it when the time comes. "

"Oops! What's going on, Luo Bing is actually a 3-star captain!"



For a moment, everyone was astonished, and they opened the communication channels one after another.

I saw Luo Bing showing off there.

There are pictures and the truth, obviously it is true.

"She was only 2 stars not long ago, why..."

Liu Ru looked solemn.

"Could it be because of Ye Fei?"

A team member on the side remembered what Wang Yifeng said.

"It must be! Damn...this Ye Fei seems to have amazing strength. He can hunt monsters extremely fast, and he has the means to quickly obtain resources!"

"Stop talking, let's act quickly! Kill monsters! Kill monsters! Let's hunt the monsters on the island quickly! Upgrade the battleship quickly! Don't let this guy catch up!"

When Liu Ru said this, the entire "Guns and Roses" fleet felt a sense of urgency, and they all sped up their actions...

At the same time, on the other side, Ye Fei led Luo Bing to sprint all the way, and soon came to a small island.

This island is very magical. From a distance, there is nothing. You can only see the small island when you get close.

Tadami Island