
World of Warships

The world has descended into a parallel universe, where one can forge their own unique battle armor. In the boundless ocean, with endless resources and terrifying sea creatures, including colossal deep-sea monsters, everyone must continuously upgrade their battleships in order to survive. The battleships and talents are all randomly assigned. However, from the start, Ye Xuan awakens an SSS-level talent called 'ARC System'. "Fusing with vine shells and evolving into a hive mothership?" "Fusing with machinery and granting the battleship an imperial engine?" "No..." Countless battleships fill the sky, and among them, the motherships directly fuse with stars as their energy source—"I want them all!" While others are still struggling to survive, Ye Xuan's battleship has already taken off, equipped with star-destroying cannons, earth-shattering celestial bombs, and requiems for the souls.

dota · Sci-fi
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28 Chs

Chapter 15 Cool! Harvest!

"Woo woo woo..."

"I'm completely screwed now."

After waking up again, Luo Bing lay on the deck with blank eyes, completely dazed.

She felt that her life was already gloomy and hopeless.

The materials accumulated for a long time were used up by Ye Fei. It was impossible for her to advance in a short time.

One step at a time, one step at a time, even talking about punching Liu Ru and kicking Huang Jie. If this continues, it's not certain whether he will be able to survive the natural disaster after seven days.


Suddenly, Luo Bing's eyes lit up, and she thought of another possibility, if say ha... If Ye Fei is willing to help her, then her life will not be gloomy, on the contrary, she will usher in a wave of rapid growth, You can achieve more than if you do it alone.

The only question is... why does the other party have any reason to help him?

It is not an exaggeration for me to say that I am at the mercy of the other party. Life and death depend entirely on the other party's will.

What makes her feel even more ashamed is that in her current state, Ye Fei's image in Ye Fei's mind may have completely collapsed.

"No matter what, you must join Ye Fei's team."

Luo Bing bit her lip, secretly making up her mind.

At present, only I have seen Ye Fei's true strength.

This is an advantage.

must be grasped.

She is still very confident in herself. If nothing else, no one can refuse her talent alone.

Not to mention, her ability is also good, definitely not the kind that drags you down.

As for Ye Fei's opinion of her... Anyway, it's already like this, and there will definitely be no worse result.

Thinking of this, she felt that facing Ye Fei was even less of a burden, and she was able to let go.


"It's really an unbelievable power..."

This world is really amazing.

Seeing the majestic battleship and feeling the power surging in his body, Ye Fei couldn't help being excited.

As long as he keeps getting stronger, he will be able to fly into the sky and escape from the ground one day, omnipotent.

Having said that, from 1-star to 2-star, the battleship only becomes larger in size, but from 2-star to 3-star, each performance is directly increased by 10 points, and an additional 5 upgrade points are also awarded.

This immediately opened up the distance of 3 stars and below.

The previous Ye Fei was very strong!

Now Ye Fei, a lot of money!

With a thought, Ye Fei opened the attribute panel.

[Captain]: Ye Fei

[Battleship]: biological battleship

[Displacement]: 200 tons (the battleship is 20 meters long and 5 meters wide)

[Defense]: 25 (calcium armor, electric shock immunity +100%)

[Damage tube]: 16 (flesh growth)

[Firepower]: 30 (precision shooting, magnetic storm claws, super long-range vision)

[Power]: 21 (none)

[Talent]: Infinite Fusion

[Crew]: 3 (talents: underwater vision (Grade F), underwater sonar (Grade E), breaking the waves (Grade E))

[Warship's next upgrade requirement]: 10000 units of wood, 100 units of iron, 300 points of energy (50/300)

[Overall evaluation]: 3-star battleship

[Upgrade points]: 5

[Influence]: 1

"Not bad!"

In just over an hour, the attribute changed drastically.

It turned out that many of them were single-digit attributes, but now they are directly doubled!

The overall evaluation has come to 3 stars, but Ye Fei estimates that if you count the hard-to-quantify talents and ship crew, his overall strength is at least a 5-star battleship!

5 stars, ordinary level 1 elite monsters are no match for him at all.

"By the way, there are still 5 free upgrade points."

This allows Ye Fei to further choose the upgrade direction of the battleship and create a unique battleship.

But after thinking about it carefully, Ye Fei decided not to use these upgrade points for the time being.

In his opinion, the essence of "upgrading" is to use energy directly, so that the entire battleship can directly omit the step of "construction" and take shape in one step.

Of course, from a materialist point of view, it can also be considered that this is some kind of magic that instantly strengthens the battleship.

But no matter what, this enhancement is almost instantaneous, and this is very unreasonable. It can be used at critical moments, and it can be used as a hole card.

After Ye Fei made a decision, his eyes fell on the [Influence] column.

He remembered that there were none before.

After carefully searching for the hints, I realized that this appeared after killing a large number of strange birds.

[Ding! You exterminated all the strange birds on a small island, which profoundly affected the development of the island and its surrounding areas, your influence +1]

[Reminder: Your battleship uses a large number of strange bird carcasses as materials and decorations, which will arouse the hostility of the strange bird group! ]

Correspondingly, there was also an announcement:

[The first person with influence appears in this sea area, and the 'influence' attribute bar is unlocked! ]

Seeing this, Ye Fei was stunned, and then a smile appeared on his face. After Liu Ru, he was the second character who opened the new world law function.

And unlike Liu Ru's promotion, his one obviously has higher gold content.

After all, most people can achieve a 3-star battleship, all it takes is time, but 'influence' is obviously to have a huge impact on the surroundings, which is not something everyone can do.

As for the hatred of the strange bird, in Ye Fei's view, it is simply not worth mentioning.

Opening the communication channel casually, Ye Fei wanted to see if there was any information about iron ore.

This is the most important upgrade material for the next level.

At this time, the chat channel was already boiling.

Everyone is discussing the announcement about 'influence'.

"Fuck~ This can't be the masterpiece of Goddess Liu Ru again!"

"It's outrageous. I didn't even understand how to play battleships before someone gained influence."

"According to my estimation, if the influence reaches a certain level, it may be able to gain the attention of the world law!"

"Hiss~ Isn't that Destiny's Child?"

"I'm so envious of this boss~"

Of course, some people are envious and bragging, while others are naturally jealous.

"Tch, there's nothing to be envious of. It's pure luck."

"I'm researching the device for filtering seawater. After I get the device for fresh water out, I'll be rewarded with the laws of the world!"

"Hehe...my evaluation is that it is not as good as a 3-star battleship~"

The name of the person who said this was Zhang Yong.

Immediately, someone sneered from below: "Goddess Liu Ru's 3-star battleship is naturally awesome, but what does this have to do with you?"

Zhang Yong: "It has nothing to do with me."

With that said, he posted a screenshot of his attributes.

Impressively written on it: 3-star ironclad ship.

Zhang Yong: "The sky belongs to strange birds, and the ocean belongs to iron-clad ships!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a photo of a battleship, mighty, steel!


"It turned out to be a 3-star boss, sorry for the disrespect!"

"The big brother shows up, and the little brother worships!"

"Boss Zhang Yong, my younger sister also wants to visit the battleship~"

"Grand.... Invisible pretense is the most deadly!"

All of a sudden, the chat channels started flattering.

After all, he is the second 3-star boss!

Compared to Liu Ru, who only recruits female members of the fleet, this one is obviously easier to follow.

At this moment, a photo of the corpse of a strange bird was sent to the communication channel.

Luo Bing: "Ironclad ship? I don't think it's as good as a bird skewer~"

That's it?

It's just a strange bird, I can do it now.

This thought just flashed through Zhang Yong's mind.

Immediately afterwards, a larger photo was sent out: a neat row of corpses of strange birds!

"This is a little bit of achievement that boss Ye Fei just had!"

What the hell? !

How did this work!

Strange birds are the most difficult terrifying creatures to deal with. It is difficult to kill one, but it is unimaginably difficult to kill a group of them!

For a moment, everyone was shocked.

"woke up?"

Ye Fei looked at Luo Bing, and couldn't help but draw a playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

Before everyone could speak, Luo Bing took another photo:

"This is Boss Ye Fei's 3-star battleship!"


This is the real boss!

Many people gasped.

Liu Ru, who looked at the situation in the chat group with a smile, also froze.

And Wang Yifeng trembled even more, his eyes widened.


The entire channel fell silent.

But... this is not over yet. Luo Bing smiled slyly, and sent out another photo:

"This is Ye Fei's special 5-star long legs!"

Zhang Yong:?

Liu Ru:?

Wang Yifeng:?

Ye Fei:? !

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded, even Ye Fei was no exception.

Many people were violently attacked on the spot. They covered their chests with a "wow", their eyes flushed with envy.