
World of Warships

The world has descended into a parallel universe, where one can forge their own unique battle armor. In the boundless ocean, with endless resources and terrifying sea creatures, including colossal deep-sea monsters, everyone must continuously upgrade their battleships in order to survive. The battleships and talents are all randomly assigned. However, from the start, Ye Xuan awakens an SSS-level talent called 'ARC System'. "Fusing with vine shells and evolving into a hive mothership?" "Fusing with machinery and granting the battleship an imperial engine?" "No..." Countless battleships fill the sky, and among them, the motherships directly fuse with stars as their energy source—"I want them all!" While others are still struggling to survive, Ye Xuan's battleship has already taken off, equipped with star-destroying cannons, earth-shattering celestial bombs, and requiems for the souls.

dota · Sci-fi
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28 Chs

Chapter 17 Encounter! Deep sea fear!

The small island cannot be found in the distance, and there is still a faint mist floating on the island, making the atmosphere strange and mysterious.

"We are lucky, the strange bird is out looking for food..."

Luo Bing lowered his voice and said.

Ye Fei didn't rush to dock, but carefully observed the surroundings to confirm that there was no ambush, and then quickly let the battleship dock.

Soon, he came under the big tree and saw the source of the bloody smell. It was a male corpse.

For a moment, his eyes couldn't help but shine.

This means that he can obtain new abilities again. At the same time, this fresh corpse also shows that the strange bird has just left.

But shouldn't it be eaten while it's fresh?

This strange bird also likes the smell of Jiuzhuan large intestine that has been settled for a while?

Without thinking too much, Ye Fei quickly threw the body into the battleship's mouth.

Start to merge!

[Ding! Fusion success! Get the Shipboard Symbiote Crew—Biological Minions! ]

[Servant increase: Firepower +1! ]


Why don't you have talent?

Ye Fei was slightly taken aback.

However, he later realized that this man's talent should be very rubbish, so when he merged, this was no longer his characteristic 'attribute', so he could only be used as a very ordinary servant.

After thinking about it, Ye Fei arranged for this male servant to work on the lower deck.

That is, inside the belly of the battleship.

This can also avoid the embarrassing incident that the strange bird was inside and couldn't be attacked by him last time.

Of course, the main reason is that there are only female crew members on the upper deck and the cabin, and they don't wear much. It would always feel weird if a man other than him was mixed in.

Ye Fei was arranging positions for servants, and Luo Bing was not idle either. She quickly began to set traps behind the big tree.

Of course Luo Bing knew that Ye Fei had magical talent, and she was also very curious.

However, even though she heard the movement behind her, she still held back and didn't look, listen, or think about it.

As a qualified crew member, she thinks this should be the most basic requirement.

If she should know, Ye Fei will naturally tell her.

But now, I'm still in the assessment period, and I'm just a 'trainee crew member'.

"Huh? Brother Ye Fei, there is still a corpse here!"

Luo Bing's slightly frightened voice came from behind the big tree, and Ye Fei couldn't help being pleasantly surprised.

Ha ha! Another harvest!

I hope this time it will come with a powerful ability!

It's best to be able to land the battleship!

Ye Fei expressed a serious lack of security about getting off the battleship alone.

But soon, Ye Fei was disappointed. There was no fused light on the corpse.

Obviously, this corpse has been dead for some time, and its biological characteristics have been completely lost.


It's a step late!

Ye Fei felt a little pity.

However, it's not the first time Ye Fei has encountered this kind of situation, it's really normal.

But there are two corpses, maybe there are more.

At that moment, Ye Fei looked around and soon found another corpse.

This is the corpse of a man with an obese body. When he was alive, he was at least a fat man weighing 200 kilograms.


Ye Fei threw the body into the mouth of the battleship.

Soon, between the fangs, there was light shining...

[Ding! Fusion success! Get the Shipboard Symbiote Crew—Biological Minions! ]

[Servant talent: Burn fat! By burning fat, a large amount of energy can be obtained in a short period of time. The power of the battleship is surging, and the power performance is increased by 10 points! ]


I'm coming!

Talent ability!

It's still the type of ability he currently lacks the most - motivation!

Ye Fei couldn't help smiling.

until now,

The four major attributes of Ye Fei's battleship all have good ability blessings.

[Defense] It is calcium armor.

[Damage management] On the one hand, this is the growth of flesh and blood.

[Firepower] is the most capable, with magnetic storm claws and precision shooting.

[Power] The aspect is to burn fat.

With the blessing of these abilities, his battleship has been developed in an extremely balanced manner. It is a quadrilateral fighter with almost no weaknesses.

"There are only two weaknesses left, one is land combat and the other is air combat."

Ye Fei whispered to himself.

On the side, when Luo Bing heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

She is sure that if others hear Ye Fei's thoughts at this moment, they will jump up and give him a slap in the face. What the hell are you asking for a battleship to be able to fly and run? Don't ask too much, you bastard!

At this moment, Ye Fei feels very refreshed!

Growing rapidly!

Sure enough, it was the fastest to pick up the corpses, and the harvest was the most lucrative!

Ye Fei couldn't help feeling happy.

And it's not over yet, he couldn't help looking expectantly at the big tree beside him.

He has been thinking about this magical tree for a long time.

In a small pool under the tree, a few drops of white juice have accumulated.

Ye Fei wondered, should he just let the crew eat it?

At this moment, Luo Bing on the side said:

"I have some impression of that fat man. He and his companions asked for help in the communication channel a few hours ago."

Luo Bing had a good memory. There was a woman who was with this fat man back then.

Obviously, judging from the current situation, both of them were captured by huge strange birds.

"If I remember correctly, that woman is called 'Wang Yan', she is a C-level talent, and her talent is 'Flame Manipulation'."

"In other words... there should be another corpse nearby."

After listening to Luo Bing's analysis, Ye Fei's eyes lit up.

C-level talent!

You know, there are only about 20 C-level talents in the entire sea area.

Not to mention, this is still a talent for making flames. If you have this ability, you can distill seawater to obtain fresh water. At a higher level, it is not a problem to make all kinds of glassware!

A person can go without food for more than ten days, but if he does not drink water for three days, he will die.

Fresh water is definitely a very precious resource in the ocean world.

This woman is also unlucky. With such a useful auxiliary talent, she was killed by a huge monster bird before she had time to develop it.

What a pity! This is the loss of the captain of the entire sea area.

At that moment, Ye Fei and Luo Bing hurriedly checked the surroundings carefully.


Suddenly, Ye Fei felt his feet slip and almost fell.

He stepped on a puddle of sticky liquid.

This liquid is transparent, and you won't be able to find it if you don't step on it for a while. Lie down and observe carefully. This slime has spread from under the big tree to the seaside, and a small piece of scraped clothing material was found in it.

In other words...something came up from the sea and dragged Wang Yan's body away?

After analyzing this, Ye Fei became furious.

The C-level talent just slipped away like this?

Absolutely not!


But then, he hesitated again, because the poison arrow trap for hunting the big monster bird hadn't been set up yet, and the big trees hadn't fused yet. Would this operation lose the watermelon and pick up the sesame seeds?

And...it's very strange, isn't this the territory of the big monster bird? The opponent's strength must be stronger than the elite monster bird I killed before, how could a sea monster dare to steal it from its territory?

Just as Ye Fei was struggling, shadows began to appear on the sea surface.

Luo Bing, who had been in charge of security, noticed it immediately, and the two boarded the boat immediately.


Between the surging waves, a tentacle slowly emerged, followed by a second, and then a third.



Accompanied by a deep roar, a pair of red eyes emerged from among the squirming tentacles.

It's a sea monster—a deep sea octopus!

The opponent's body is very huge. Just a single tentacle is more than ten meters long. The slime on the ground just now was only caused by the opponent's tentacle!

"Level 1 elite sea monster!"

Luo Bing looked solemn.

Well done!

Ye Fei was overjoyed.

Just now he was hesitant about whether to chase after him, but now the other party comes to his door by himself!

As long as you kill the other party, there will be many benefits!

But the other party's eyes are scarlet, which is very strange, and such a big mountain-like octopus must be more difficult to deal with than the previous strange bird.

At least with a spear alone, it is absolutely impossible to kill.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei didn't dare to be careless, and quickly let the battleship sail to the deep water area.

However, what surprised him was that the deep-sea octopus didn't seem to be in a hurry to attack, but just repeatedly hissed on the spot.

This sound is very ear-piercing,

Hearing this, Ye Fei frowned.

Such an ear-piercing voice made him feel nauseous and vomited, as if he was motion sick. Luo Bing beside him turned pale.

Obviously, this sound has an extremely high-frequency part, which cannot be heard by human ears, but the impact it causes is real.

It was at this time that a scream suddenly came from the sky.

Ye Fei looked up and saw that huge strange bird had returned for some reason.

At this moment, the octopus also stopped neighing.

For a moment, Ye Fei looked extremely solemn.

The octopus made a sound to call back the huge strange bird.

The two are in a cooperative hunting relationship? !

Luo Bing was naturally aware of this, and couldn't help showing despair.

Two elite monsters!

One has a scary appearance and is huge in size, and the other is extremely fast and has a sharp attack!


In the distant sky, the strange bird uttered a strange cry, began to increase its altitude, and then turned around and dived!

The octopus monster also slid into the water slowly, staring at Ye Fei with a pair of big eyes. I don't know if it was an illusion, but Ye Fei actually saw a sarcasm in it.


PS: Thanks to the reader's big brother 'Brave Protein' for the reward, and thanks to the big guy '08a' for the reward monthly pass! thanks big guy'

Book Friends 2021**' reward! You can buy a bottle of Coca-Cola and code words~ I am full of energy!