
Ch3 : The Game Starts


*Defender system is initiating.*

*Scanning the user*

*User status confirmed*

*User is mentally stable*

*User can now check their status*

Ivy is stunned after hearing the voice. She can't even retorted about the game like setting of the goddess who should bring apocalypse. As much as she want to curse, Ivy decided to check out the so call system.



[Name : Ivy Ably

Race : Virus

Class : Mother

Title : Prototype

Rank : 1 (Grade 10)

Bloodline : Blacklight(Virus)

Talent : Formless Creature

Ability : Evolution System(Blacklight), Shape shifting, Devour, Biomass storage, Disguise, Super human physique(Strength, Speed, Agility, Endurance, perception), Durability, Adaptability, Healing Factor, Infection, Hive Mind

Skill : Halberd Mastery, Whip Mastery, Blade Mastery, Fist Mastery, Claw Mastery, Gliding, Stealth, Hunting]

"Wow, I didn't expect it would retain my abilities from the experiment space." Ivy said. But after trying her abilities for sometime she is disappointed to find out that all her form to shape shift are gone. "System, can I ask questions?"

*Inquiry Mode Initiated*

*User can Inquiry for sometime during the buffer period*

*After the period end, user need to acquire the 'Inquiry System' to ask questions*

"Ummm... So, why did my shape shifting lose all it's form while other abilities is still there? Is there any reason behind this?"

*User's other abilities are acquired from the virus itself and the skills are left there because of user's instinct. But all the form of user's shape shifting ability need the source to take the form and user have not devour any lifeform in the real world.*

"So I have to run around and eat everything again? Well It's not like it is that bad either. What is the Evolution System mention in the ability. Are you different from it?"

*This system is given to all the player in the world by the treaty of Abyss, this system's mission is to help the player to defend against the invaders. All sub-systems is locked by different requirement. As an example, every user who got Blacklight virus bloodline will get Blacklight Evolution System.*

"What is the Rank? Does it means player ranking or something?"

*No, Rank shows to what extend a lifeform is evolved or simply, classification of life level, defined within the Abyss. A Rank has 10 Grade. A normal sentient race never get above Rank 0, and people from this world has average of Rank 0, Grade 5 apart from a few non-humans*

From the information obtained from the System, Ivy knows she is pretty much 'invincible' if the first wave of invader does not start from high ranker. After considering about the information given by system, Ivy decided she only need to get as much biomass as possible before the start of invasion. The only thing difficult about this plan is normal food she has eaten doesn't give her much biomass as she expected. Ivy thought the reason should be the Rank of the food she has eaten as it did not required this much food to be eaten when she is inside the simulation.

Ivy consider to search for other survivor from the experiment, but discards the plan after considering the fact that she doesn't know where they are now nor who would the ones she encounters be. If her luck is bad and encounter Angels or Demons it would be bad. Although Ivy didn't afraid them but the group is a troublesome bunch as they got different weird powers and almost always in group. The other ones that should be wary of are No. 0 and No. 1. As both of them are considered to be beings of top of the food chain with herself, A Soul Reaper, a Blood Ancestor, Mother Virus.

Ivy just decided to roam around and search for unlucky people and eat them while slightly paying attention on the police's attention for the unfortunate missing people. It is fortunate that the panic and riot take most of the police attention away. After roaming and eating some people to the night Ivy decided to pay a visit to the local jail and help the police from the trouble of having to vigilant about the prisoners after the invasion start. Of course it is by eating most of them.

When the next day near the time of invasion Ivy got her biomass storage full to the brim. She is stil staying at her dormitory. The reason is places with huge population should attract more invader than others and huge population means huge amount of food for her as well. As a qualified virus she did not mind a bit about eating good and innocent people. But decided to just eat bad ones as she still need population to fight against the invaders. She didn't know what the goddess would do or other gods would if the defending fail. It goes without saying that she would eat everything good or bad ones regardless if her life is in danger. Being in the top of the food chain and different from others perished her guilt of eating. She just decided to wait for time to arrive while checking all her abilities and equipment for the last time.

"Status" "Equipment"


[User equipment: Bio-Blouson: A blouson weave from arachne silk and technology, Bio-Coat : A coat weave from arachne silk and technology, Bio-Pant : A pant weave from arachne silk and technology, Bio-Beret : A beret weave from arachne silk and technology, Bio-Boots : A boot crafted from minatour hide by dwarven technology, Black Halberd : A halberd craft from ebony metal]

"It seems they really gone all out with our preparation. Well, only this much things can much with 'Living Weapons' after all."


*System announcement!!! The invasion will be start in 10 minutes. Every player should prepare themselves for the coming invaders. The main wave will come in the city center and the invaders' camp will be spawn random around the territory. The scatter invader can be spawn anywhere other than underground shelters and bunkers. System will gift every player a starting gift. The gift are random ranging from bloodline to equipment.*

The Game starts from now. A Deathmatch.

The Intro is over... It's one hell of a prologue isn't it. XD The blood and death start from the next chapter.

Nox_Atercreators' thoughts
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