
World Anarchy

Year 3000 Human civilization has gone through leaps and bounds since when it existed as there were better transportation, more advanced weapons that were used for mass destruction and there were also Ai that could help human live a more comfortable life. But while everything was going extremely well for the humans, something suddenly crash landed on earth which unexpectedly made life on earth hellish.....

DaoistL8MLSc · Sci-fi
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10 Chs


 While the 100 Juggernaut weapons were still hovering in front of the glowing Max, Felix eventually turned to the mad scientist CJ.

"So how are you going to know which weapon is most suited for Max, Mr. CJ" Felix suddenly asked with a dazed expression on his face.

"Well although this hasn't happened before, there is a way to determine which weapon is most suited to him" CJ replied after he came back to his senses.

"Which is?" Felix asked again.

"The weapon that shines the most among the other weapons should be the one"CJ said as he began to find the weapon that shines the most amongst themselves. But before CJ could find the weapon, something unexpected happened.


 Max who is still in an unconscious state suddenly dashed towards a certain area among the sea of weapons. Before CJ and Felix could understand what was happening, Max quickly took hold of a weapon before the rest of the 99 weapon suddenly vanished. Not only that, but even Vanessa and Wendy's pod quickly became dormant as their respective pods opened.

"Is the Affinity process finally done?"

"I wonder what weapon I got"

  Both Vanessa and Wendy said as they slowly got out of their pods with a tired look on their faces, but as soon as they saw their weapons lying motionlessly in front of them, they quickly had excited expression on their faces while picking up their weapons hastily.

"Are these our weapons Mr. CJ?" Vanessa asked excitedly as they inspected their weapons. But they person she just asked that question to just snapped back to his senses along with Mr. Felix.

"Uh… yeah these are your weapons" CJ eventually said in a weak tone.

"Max?" Felix suddenly called out with a confused expression on his face. Along with CJ, the two teens turned towards where Max is.

"Y-yes Mr. Felix" Max responded weakly before he snapped back to reality after staring at the two handed sword in his hands in a daze. Although the swords look ancient and dilapidated in completely ash color, various black colored runes covers the sword as an ominous aura eminated from the swords.

"Are you ok Max?" Mr. Felix asked with a worried look on his face.

"Am fine Sir" Max replied with a slight smile on his face.

"How do you feel towards this sword Max?" CJ suddenly asked as he inspected the two handed sword in Max's hand with a curious expression on his face.

"How I feel towards this sword?" Max asked back with a confused expression on his face, but later, after staring at the sword for a moment, he said…

"I don't know how to explain it but I can say I feel like both the swords and me are one"

"Both you and the sword are one?" Felix asked with an incredulous expression on his face.

"Yes sir" Max answered with a slight smile now on his face.

"Well this is my first hearing this kind of connection, it should be all the more better" CJ said as he removed his gaze from the swords before saying again "now that you guys have gotten your weapons, it's time for–"

"Sir CJ!!"

  Before CJ could finish what he was saying, a scientist suddenly barged into the large hall while yelling out the mad scientist name.

"What is it Kevin?" CJ asked in an annoyed tone.

"Sorry for interrupting you Sir but the Harbinger have encountered a monster of the superior species" Kevin answered in a rushed tone.

"What!!?" CJ exclaimed in a shocked tone. Not only him, but even Felix has a shocked expression on his face.

"Sir Felix, what is a monster with a superior species?" Vanessa asked with a curious expression on both her's and the other teen faces.

"After one month of the invasion of the creatures that wants to make us go extinct. We finally successfully ranked the monsters based on their innate strength and how dangerous they are. These are ranks are the Common, Inferior, Superior, King and the highest which is the Lord ranked. Right now, the Harbinger which is the number one crew is facing the Superior rank which is the face time we humans are facing these category of creatures" Felix explained with a shocked expression still on his face.

"Wait, the Harbingers are the number one crew?" Wendy asked with a more curious expression on his face. But before he could get an answer, CJ hurriedly said.

"Quickly take me to the observation room"

"Ok Sir" Kevin said as he guided Max and the others to the observation room which could be at the other end of the large hall outside the Juggernaut weapons hall. Along the way, Felix finally explained to Wendy..

"The Harbingers are the acknowledged number one crew since they are the ones that has kind the most inferior ranked creatures among all the crews created. This crew consist of two girls and a boy who is the leader. The two girls name are Caroline and Selena while the boy's name is Darwin. The girls ages are both 16 while the boys age is 15"

"The Harbingers…" Wendy muttered weakly as he fell deep I thought, but he later came back to his senses as he declared with intense fighting spirit…

"We the Daybreakers are going to overtake the Harbingers and become the number one crew"

'That's the spirit' Felix thought with a satisfied smile on his face.

 Finally, both Kevin and the others arrived in front of the observation room as the got in. When they got in, they could practically see large screens all around the room as few people could be seen sitting in front of some of them. The images that could be seen in the large screens is a city that has fallen in ruin. In this city, two girls and a boy could be seen wandering towards an area in the city.


"Darwin, are you sure where we are going to is where the superior ranked creature is located?" A girl that has blonde colored hair which is packed into a ponytail, yellow colored eyes and a height of 5.6 foot tall said as she vigilantly followed a girl and a boy towards an old looking house.

 The boy has a black colored bob cut hair, dark eyes and a height of 5.8 foot tall. The other girl has dark blue hair with light blue eyes and a height of 5.9 foot tall, both the three of them wore white colored battle suit with a gold colored emblem pinned at the left side of their chest. When the boy heard the question the blonde girl asked him, he calmly answered.

"Yes Caroline, I can be 90% sure the creature is here"

"What makes you so sure?" The blue haired girl suddenly asked with a skeptical look on her face. But before Darwin could answer, an explosion suddenly rang out of the old looking house in front of them.


  Suddenly a huge creature jumped out of the house and landed right in front of them. This monster looks almost human like but has a middle eye. Not only that but it is also completely black with it's eyes completely purple.

"Foolish humans, you have fallen for the great Mohawk's trap" the creature said in a deep and menacing voice, but the Darwin completely ignored as he stared at the two girls and said wh

ile pointing backwards at the monster called 'Mohawk'

"Does this make you believe me?"