
World Anarchy

Year 3000 Human civilization has gone through leaps and bounds since when it existed as there were better transportation, more advanced weapons that were used for mass destruction and there were also Ai that could help human live a more comfortable life. But while everything was going extremely well for the humans, something suddenly crash landed on earth which unexpectedly made life on earth hellish.....

DaoistL8MLSc · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
10 Chs


"You dare ignore the great Mohawk!? Face my wrath" The human like superior ranked creature exclaimed angrily as he suddenly swiped his right hand towards Darwin with frightening speed. Along the way the hand shockingly transformed into a scythe.

Xiu..!! Bang!!

"Watch out!!" Felix shouted anxiously from the observation room as dust covered almost all the part of the screen.

'What frightening speed!' Max thought with a a shocked expression on his face. He couldn't even see the hand move before an explosion suddenly rang out from the large screen both him and the others were staring at.

But what happened next shocked both him and the others the more. After the dust settled down which made Max and the others see what is happening in the ruined city more clearly, they saw Darwin and two girls block the attack with there weapons.

Darwin used a spear that was completely golden in color, Caroline used a dark red colored whip to hold the right hand of Mohawk while Selena used a three foot long green colored sword.

"They nearly gave me a heart attack there" CJ remarked as he slowly sighed in relief.

Back in the city ruin, after the Mohawk saw that his attack got blocked, bug like wings suddenly popped out from his back as he took to the air. Not only that, but his other hand transformed into a scythe.

"Seems like I need to be serious if I want to eat you" Mohawk said with a serious expression now on his face.

"Sorry but even if you get serious, your fate won't change" Selena said to Mohawk with a playful smile on her face.

"We will see about that" Mohawk replied with a menacing tone before he suddenly vanished.

"Be on alert!!" Darwin exclaimed as he became high on guard as he performed a battle stance along with the two girls.




After a brief silence, a silhouette suddenly appeared right in front of Caroline as it dashed towards her with unbelievable speed. But although Caroline reaction speed was fast enough for her to slash her three foot long sword as it radiated with an Emerald green glow, the silhouette reaction speed was faster as it dodged the slash as used one of its scythe to pierce Caroline left shoulder.



"Arrgh!!" Caroline exclaimed with pain as blood gushed out of her left shoulder. When both Darwin and Selena saw this, there expression turned grave. But unfortunately for them, as soon as Mohawk pierced Caroline left shoulder, he vanished again.

"This isn't good" CJ said with a troubled look on his face.

"Are you talking about the creature sir?" Kevin asked with a troubled look also on his face.

"Yes, this creature is a speed based Superior. And these kind of creatures aren't those kids strong suit to eliminating" CJ said as he suddenly fell deep in thought.

Among the creatures that were created from the comet, some of them focus to a particular attribute like speed or strength. These kind of creatures are normally harder to deal with than the average creature. Mohawk can be considered a speed based creature based on how it fights.

"What's a speed based creature?" Wendy asked with a curious expression on his face.

"You will learn that during your training?" Felix replied with a solemn expression on his face.

'It seems he has no choice other than to perform the Battle Star' CJ thought as he looked at the large screen in front of him.

Back in the ruined city, after Mohawk vanished for the second time, Darwin look suddenly became tense as he said.

"Looks like we have no choice other than the Battle Star Arts"

"Are you sure?" Selena asked with a troubled look on her face. But Darwin knew what was in her thoughts as he said.

"Don't worry, I can handle it"

"....be careful then" After a brief silence, Selena eventually accepted as she got closer to Caroline.

"Sure" Darwin said with a slight smile before he suddenly stabbed the bottom of the spear into the ground before making strange poses.

"The defense of the tortoise"

"The speed of light"

"The strength of the rhino"

"And the eyesight of an eagle"


As soon as Darwin uttered the word 'Combine!!' while making the final pose, four spirit came out his body and encompass the two girls. But in the process, his skin started turning red.


"It's coming!" Caroline exclaimed in an anxious tone as she saw a silhouette suddenly rushing towards Darwin with a speed more faster than before. But before it could reach Darwin, he vanished.

"Huh?" Mohawk said in bewilderment after finding out that his target has suddenly vanished. But in the next moment, something unexpected happened...


"Arrck!!" Exclaimed Mohawk while coughing out blood after suddenly getting hit at the side of his neck. A moment later, he got punched squarely on his chest which sent him flying.

'How is he faster than me?' Mohawk thought while coughing mouthfuls of blood on the air.


But before he could land, he saw a fully red Darwin appearing right on top of him as he planned to pound him with his two hands.

'I don't believe it!!' Thought Mohawk as he hurriedly swinged his two scythe like hands towards Darwin while still on the air. The result of this swing brought out dark green trail which seemed to crack space itself to see how fast it is. But before the two scythe could touch Darwin, he quickly abandoned the plan he was about to do as he suddenly bent his body to create a crescent moon shape.

'How!?' Mohawk thought with an incredulous expression on his face but Darwin wasn't done there. After creating the crescent moon, he quickly twisted his body to the left as he used his left leg to successfully land an explosive kick on the left neck of Mohawk.


The impact of the kick shockingly removed the Mohawk's head from it's body as it flew a 50 metres away from his body. All this happened on the air even before Mohawk's body could land from the punch Darwin gave him earlier.

"Damn..." Caroline muttered as her expression was filled with awe.

"The Battle Arts is still as powerful as always" Selena said as a surprised look is on her face.

Back in the observation room in the Project E.A.C headquarters....

"So strong!! He actually cut off the monsters head from his body with just one kick" Wendy exclaimed with a fanatical look on his face.

"That kick is really explosive" Vanessa said with a surprised look on her face. While as for Max, he just stared at the three teenagers together who were in the screen as he thought.

'So this is the number one crew?'

"I knew they could do it, they are my most favored crew after all" CJ said excitedly as he began to leave the observation room.

"But they are my...." Karin said but as he remembered what he suffered after saying this same thing before, he decided to keep shut.

"When are we gonna start fighting monster Mr. Felix?" Wendy suddenly asked in an anticipated tone.

"No rush, you guys need to go for a week beginners training before you can begin fighting monsters" Felix said with a slight smile on his face.

"Amd when is this training starting Mr. Felix?" Vanessa suddenly asked. After receiving this question, Felix slowly looked at them as he said slowly.

"It is starting right now"