
World Anarchy

Year 3000 Human civilization has gone through leaps and bounds since when it existed as there were better transportation, more advanced weapons that were used for mass destruction and there were also Ai that could help human live a more comfortable life. But while everything was going extremely well for the humans, something suddenly crash landed on earth which unexpectedly made life on earth hellish.....

DaoistL8MLSc · Sci-fi
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10 Chs


"Really!?" Wendy asked with an excited expression on his face.

"Of cause" Felix answered as he placed one of his fingers at a device right beside the door. As soon as he placed his fingers, a mechanical voice rang out

"Fingerprint recognized. You may go in Mr. Felix Rollad"

 Right after, the door slowly opened as an oppressive aura rushed out from the room and weighed down on Max and the others.

'What oppressive pressure' Max thought as he suddenly had a troubled look on his face.

"Don't mind the pressure guys. It's just caused by the number of Juggernaut weapons we have in this room" Felix explained with a helpless smile on his face as he got in.

"Well I hope so" Vanessa muttered as she got into the room along with Max and Wendy. But right after they got past the door, all they saw was an empty large hall with three pods stuck at the other end of the hall with various wires and advanced computers connected to it.

"Are you kidding me. There is nothing here!" Wendy said with a displeased expression on his face. Not only him but also Vanessa and Max had a confused expression on their faces. 

  But unfortunately for them as Felix didn't bother to explain as a middle aged man suddenly approached them. This middle aged man has an unkept brown hair with thick brown beards, he has a look of a mad scientist with a lab coat on his thin build.

"Hello Mr. Felix and you fledglings. My name is CJ but you can call me the Tech genius. I will be assisting you in getting your first Juggernaut weapons" the unkept man explained with an excited smile on his face with made Max and the others to shudder involuntarily.

"But I don't see any Juggernaut weapons here Mr. CJ" Max suddenly said with a confused look on his face.

"That's because you don't any affinity with the weapons yet kid. Only when you have an affinity with a weapon will you get to see that only weapon" CJ explained with a light chuckle.

"So how do we start?" Vanessa asked after realisation dawned on her and the others.

"Come with me then" CJ said as he began to walk towards the three pods that are at the other end of the hall along with the others. After they reached the three pods, CJ then spoke…

"Get into the pods you three"

"Ok!" Said the three teenagers as they all got into there respective pods. After the three pods closed up, Felix turned to CJ and asked…

"So how will they get an affinity with a weapon?"

"That's simple. All I have to do is to on the energy core at the heart of the three pods and everything will follow accordingly" CJ said as he switched on the three computers connected to the three pods. A few minutes later, the three suddenly began to glow with a blinding blue light.

"It's starting" CJ said as he stepped away from the computers and stood beside Felix.

"So what happens next?" Felix as he struggled to stare at the three pods.

"Well we have to wait till a weapon suddenly emerges in front of their respective pods" CJ answered as he also struggled to stare at the pods.


  Suddenly, a sharp wind flew past Felix's right hand side. When Felix experienced this, he involuntarily jumped in fright as he said…

"What just pa–"

"You don't need to panic Felix, it's just a weapon flying past you" CJ suddenly said to calm Felix down.

  And so, with an "oh" coming out of Felix's mouth, he calmed down and put his eyes back on the three pods. But as soon as he did that, he was immensely shocked as he saw a weapon abruptly appearing in Wendy's pod.

"What a wonderful weapon!" CJ exclaimed as he stared at the weapon that appeared with an excited expression on his face. The weapon was a two handed axe in which one is colored in pitch black with golden runes covering it's body while the other is colored in blinding white with golden runes also covering it's body.

'I can't believe it's giving off this pressure while just floating there' Felix thought with a solemn expression on his face. But before the could fully adapt to the two handed axe, another weapon suddenly appeared in front of Vanessa's pod which gave off a aura that is stronger than the axe.

"What!!" CJ exclaimed in disbelief as he saw the weapon that appeared in front of Vanessa's pod. The weapon was an octagon shaped shield that has a tip of a sword at each curve of the shield. While on the it's body, there was a red colored crossed embedded on it with two located at each side of the cross. The shield is covered in light blue with a shade of black at the lower part of the shield.

"What's the matter Mr. CJ?" Felix hurriedly asked with a confused expression on his face after he saw the disbelief in CJ's face.

"The weapon that just appeared in front of the girls pod is one of the Ten Great Warriors Weapon called the 'Divine Defense'" CJ said with a reverence expression on his face.

"What!!" Felix exclaimed in deep shock after he heard what CJ said. The Divine Defense one of the Ten Great Warriors Weapon that first appeared during the initial war humans had with the berserked creatures 6 months ago. This weapon was held by the commander of one the most strongest legion in the world called 'The Dawn of Glory'. Why it was called a Divine Defense and is listed as one of the TGWW[1] is because the Commander used it to fend off over 5000 berserked creatures by himself!!

'Looks like luck is still on my side' Felix thought with an excited expression on his face after finding out that two of the teenagers he will be guiding were absolute geniuses.

"Huh? Why hasn't this kid gotten a weapon yet" CJ suddenly asked with a slight frown on his face after staring at Max's pod for a few moments.

"What?" Felix suddenly said after he got back to his senses and stared at Max's pod. But later on, his expression quickly changed..

'How is this possible?' Felix thought with an incredulous expression on his face. When Felix first found out about Max, what he got in his first report is that his potential is higher than both Vanessa and Wendy by two fold!!

"Well, it seems he is not fit for co–" CJ said before something unexpected happened….


  Suddenly, the pod in which Max was in exploded into smithereens as both Felix and CJ saw Max. Max right now was glowing in a bright golden color over his body as his eyes were completely closed.

"How in the world did the pod which is made by the most fortified glass explode!?" CJ exclaimed with a disbelieving expression on his face. But Felix was concerned about that as he was suddenly in a daze.

'Why am I having an affinity with him' Felix thought in disbelief. But right after he thought that, something more shocking happened.

"How is this happening?" CJ said with a maddened expression on his face while he looked all round him. Right now, both Felix and CJ could see over a 100 Juggernaut weapons hovering in front of Max alone. Felix saw this, he suddenly shuddered as he thought…

'What an unprecedented affinity'

Sorry guys, got sick for the pst few days but am back now. Feel free to voice your opinion in the comment section

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