
Chapter 27 comments on the net (3) volume 3 871-880

871. Yiyin mountain man: expose the true face of Ge evil god!

Sage Ge, Grandpa asked you, how many good women have you cheated? You are really good at cheating girls with sweet words! Grandpa admire! Do it yourself? How many women did you play? Demon upper body! Everything you call sage is for your lust! Don't say you are for the great vision of mankind and the happiness of the people!

Your desire for the flesh betrays everything you have! Shameless thing! You think you can deceive the world with your God! A liar is a liar after all! Justice may be late, but it will never be absent!

Ge Gou, Grandpa points out a bright way for you! For the dignity of men, please go to the palace on the spot! thank you!

"Zejing: Ge Xie, you can't live without women.

Leave a woman and he will die. He also wants to steal other people's things and cheat others' things. The sun and the moon can learn from each other.

What they say and do is that they have given birth to so many children. Don't their children recognize them?

""Yiyin mountain man: no wonder! I almost got cheated! This man deceives a woman to have a hand!

"Zejing: how many times do you have to talk about a love affair? The spare tire should be ready and can't be interrupted.

""Yiyin mountain man: but one's nature can't be hidden! No matter how deep a person's moral cultivation is, he will not cheat! Ha ha ha ~ ~

"Saint Xu Jinglei: are you both women? 20, plus you two 22:)

""Oak: to tell you the truth, Ge Shen wrote Fu at the age of 8 and old style poetry at the age of 11.

"Saint Xu Jinglei: Great Wall Fu, ha ha.

872. Finalseer: cut off the people, cut off, have no children, no grandchildren, no love, no righteousness

"Saint Xu Jinglei: cutting ant people, great trial.

20331126 world Datong.

""Post bar users_ Aj5veyu: are you a time walker?

"Saint Xu Jinglei: Yes, 2013 dream.

The person you're looking for is ge.

""Yiyin mountain man: I repeat, Ge is a fake! Do I have to repeat it ten thousand times!

"Saint Xu Jinglei: How did you see through? Take us out of the pit.

""Yiyin mountain man: continue to be GE's dog leg! Don't go out of the pit. It's still fun in the pit. Play as you want. Learn from Wu Yifan! Ge Gou is the second generation of Wu Yifan! Just not famous! The number of women cheated by GE dog is estimated to be more or less!

"Saint Xu Jinglei: report quickly, Ge sleeps my powder:)

""Yiyin mountain man: lying trough! You're sleeping! It seems that you are really pink! Well, if you love me, carry more karma and return it in the afterlife! It's no big deal!

"Saint Xu Jinglei: Fan welfare!!!

20331126 eternal life, Mao afterlife.

""Yiyin mountain man: I'm a fish, easy to catch! The hook found that the master was a bad thing. In the twinkling of an eye, he bit off the erbium thread and ran away! Because I know the sea is my home! thank you!

"Saint Xu Jinglei: How did Ge hook you? Tell me.

873. Hope you regret it: the person talking to you is the trumpet of Ge liar

"Yiyin mountain man: I know! thank you!

Grandpa took the bait himself! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ~ ~

good job! You go on! Play more! God must let the wicked be full of evil! Direct processing! you'll see!

""Saint Xu Jinglei: Jiage wechat and wechat group? Send photos?

When? Ge 20331126 king!

"Post bar users_ Aj5veyu: what is "2013 dream"?

""Saint Xu Jinglei: Book of neurological visions I 29 – 20131126 dreams: the demise of the political party 20 years later (2033). In a harmonious Communist society, human beings manage peacefully and mutually, and there is no need for a dictatorship party.

"Yiyin mountain man: Ge Xiaohao, can't wait to go to hell!

""Saint Xu Jinglei: 20331126 Ge is the king and manages you.

874. Manevil: if Ge Yimin dies, is Ge Yimin not a God?

"Ge Yimin: I will live forever.

""Little Titan 80: Lao Ge, what's your plan to go out of the mountain?! What do you think? You'll go to 2033.

"Saint Xu Jinglei: "wordofgod" I 29, 20131126 dream: the political party will perish 20 years later (2033). In a harmonious Communist society, human beings manage peacefully and mutually, and there is no need for a dictatorship party.

""Little Titan 80: has Lao Ge ever been in the bureau?

"Saint Xu Jinglei: just summoning.

""Little Titan 80: Oh, that's OK. It shouldn't have any impact on work and life?!

"Saint Xu Jinglei: no effect.

""Little Titan 80: do any of your friends, colleagues and relatives know that you are "holy"?!

"Saint Xu Jinglei: I've seen a short video of my circle of friends or Shenwang. I know that. You don't necessarily know the term "holy".

875. Post bar users_ Gswada2: God Ge is stupid. Come on, everyone

"Saint Xu Jinglei: there are "wordofgod"s and divine nets.

""Post bar users_ 5by2cw5: Sheng's female post accidentally turned to this anti-counterfeiting post, saying that Lao Ge, who is a refined person, has not studied metaphysics, but I still wish the paste friends surrounded by these people a happy birthday today. I have no money and no power now. Ha, I want to talk about who these old Ge refined people are. Ha, I am 21 working as an e-commerce customer service in Shenzhen.

"Saint Xu Jinglei: Ge is God

""Yiyin mountain man: I heard that GE gouxie was very popular in Baidu Post Bar and had a great influence! Since let Grandpa catch the evidence of his evil doing! Be sure to expose it for your friends to see clearly! Don't be fooled again! thank you!

"Saint Xu Jinglei: what a good girl. I saw PI Ge again.

""Yao Shangrong 2: only Ge Hua!

"Appointment 2021: I just came here and haven't figured out who is Ge Hua and who is Ge Shen. I'll listen to you.

""Saint Xu Jinglei: soge God Network

876. Appointment 2021: How did you find all the negative news?

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: only the strong become the target of public criticism.

Call God, who will obey?

Who thinks he's three levels lower than God Ge?

""Appointment 2021: what about others? Call them God! I want to see it!

"Saint Xu Jinglei: it's on Ge Shenwang.

""Manevil: will you perform the undead function on that day?

"Ge Yimin: gain immortality.

""Ride the crazy wave 66: be careful to be brainwashed. There is another Pueraria flower.

"Meet 2021: see.

""Xu Jinglei Kaila: it's all right to see. I believe in my judgment.

"Crape myrtle emperor Sanhong: your Ge flower.

""Datong War: support God net to subdue God.

"Saint Xu Jinglei: 20331126

""Datong's War: it's scheduled to finish the book of Siyi retranslation sent by God net God on that day.

"Saint Xu Jinglei: well said, the neural network has long been established and is being updated.

877. The vast sea of people: unknowingly, the treatment of a historian is much higher than that of the hoyi people

Aunt and Lu's real names are blocked all over the network, so is Ge, and Hu hasn't.

My aunt's agent couldn't find the result, so did the pseudonym. Ge doesn't have this treatment.

On Baidu, I can't find any other words in my aunt's real name. I can find it by adding a God after GE's real name.

"Deyang Lijuan: aunt in foreign countries, public rebellion, has become a hostile person; I'm in China and turn to culture. She's against my spear.

"Wolf shepherd Xiaojie: half of the deleted dynamics of my old number is yours, and you said you were okay, but I strolled around and pushed you. I'm afraid it's blind self-confidence.

""Yexue: I push. Guoan knows. He asked me for the password. He didn't let me not push.

"The vast crowd 2: maybe some people don't know Ge hei and Bai Yunsheng. This Bai Yunsheng is the old Ge Hei on the post bar. He has been chasing the God of songs. What this person is good at is reporting. When the three vest numbers of God of songs were recently sealed, Bai Yunsheng also posted to show off his achievements. At present, he only knows his post bar number. The man seems a little out of his mind.

""Yexue: this person tried to sell my information and let netizens give him 50000, so he worked tirelessly. I posted this picture.

"The vast sea of people 2: the process of the original event can be seen in the "Ge Hei" in the comments of neuronetizens.

""Yexue: I can't post the above picture. He sent me a message and asked netizens to give him 50000.

"Datong's War: if "wordofgod" is the book of God, why wait until 20331126

""Saint Xu Jinglei: "wordofgod" 13, 20191001, Ge Yimin becomes a God.

14. From 2019 to 2033, Ge Yimin's Gospel spread all over the world and was accepted by the world.

15. 20331126, Great Harmony in the world.

878. War of Datong: Fourteen steps of "wordofgod"

Bu, Bu, Sheng, lotus, open a black lotus.

Ge Hua, do you know that the date of the girl's birthday is 1126?

"Saint Xu Jinglei: who is the girl of love robbery? Is that you?

""Manevil: how are you going to show that you have immortality?

"Ge Yimin: the attribute of eternal life is from dust to spirituality. It shows that God reveals to everyone – "I am God, you should listen to him (GE Yimin)."

""Datong's War: love robbing girl is the daughter of the outside world of Ziwei star. You will see the complete story of love robbing girl in Zisheng section of Shenwang forum.

"Saint Xu Jinglei: so you are looking at the moon.

""Datong War: No, I'm the protagonist of Datong war.

"Saint Xu Jinglei: how do you know god forum?

""Datong's War: the moon watching wolf told me.

"Saint Xu Jinglei: ha ha, his masterpiece.

""Datong's War: so big that you can't understand the cosmic scale?

"Saint Xu Jinglei: no "wordofgod"s.

879. Manevil: is there a spiritual body after eternal life?

Does your body have eternal life?

"Ge Yimin: it is the eternal life of the body.

"wordofgod" 6 14. The body is still the body, and the soul is still the soul. Only those who belong to dust regard the body as the first and the soul as the second; Spiritual people put the soul first and the body second.

""Yao Shangrong 2: only Ge Hua.

"Saint Xu Jinglei: Guang Ge Zhisan.

""Soshhh04: even if crape myrtle really exists, how to authenticate him?

"Jinglei Kaila: achievement, influence, neural network.

""Hjmchouse1: still holding the cock's smelly feet.

""No one in the wild Ferry: go, my garlic divination depends on "wordofgod"s.

"Manevil: how do you prove that you have physical immortality?

""Ge Yimin: no longer aging.

"Quiet night -: who is the saint in the bar?

""Everything is empty 877: Ge yinamin.

880. Garbal: why don't you say you are a Muslim?

Ge Yimin 21:27:27


Ge Paul 21:27:50

People say you're some kind of Muslim

Ge Yimin 21:28:26


Paul Gerber 21:34:05

B friend

Ge Yimin 21:34:24

I'm not. I have no "wordofgod"s

Ge Paul 21:36:56

They say you look like

Ge Yimin 21:37:22

What's the image? If you see it later, send a link

Ge Paul 21:40:00

For example, you criticize Jesus as a teacher

Ge Yimin 21:40:36

Same point of view. Do you have research

Ge Paul 21:41:08

Your neural format is also a bit like the Koran

Paul Gerber 21:41:19

Slogans such as GE shenzhida are also a little similar

Ge Yimin 21:42:14

Read the Koran through.

"wordofgod" chapters, from the Bible, are easy to quote and check

Paul Gerber 21:42:28

Read more 2

Paul Gerber 21:42:35

Absorb cash YSL religious ideas

Ge Yimin 21:42:45

Slogans learn some Iraqi religion, and all ideas are inherited

Paul Gerber 21:44:10


""The name is six words: Although I don't know god Ge, it's not difficult to find that God Ge is not bad. God Ge is the same as most people here, but God Ge is more daring to say and do. For this reason, it is also expected to suffer group attacks.

Are you really as bad as people's words?

"Kaila: the strong become the enemy of the arrows. envy.

""The vast sea of people 2: the Ge Shen family had a very harmonious life in the 1990s.

"Yexue: there was no Internet at that time. I was the king of ballroom dancing. My dancing partners, are they safe?