
Chapter 27 comments on the net (3) volume 3 881-890

881. Paul Gerber: I study "wordofgod"s every day

I visit the neural network more than ten times a day

Ge Yimin 2021-8-26 8:37:22

Worthy of an apostle.

Paul Ge 2021-8-26 8:39:35

I've seen the first ten stanzas very well

Ge Yimin 2021-8-26 8:40:49

I am a mobile phone TXT. I read it every day. It's fun.

Paul Ge 2021-8-26 8:41:19

Txt boring, or get a book, or computer PDF

Paul Ge 2021-8-26 8:41:22

Have taste

There are many essences in the neural network.

Ge Yimin 9:03:43, August 26, 2021

Txt, with Jinshan WPS, convenient

"Superman Xiao Ao: I heard you pay others to dance "wordofgod" dance?

""Yexue: at that time, we danced without paying. We invited people everywhere in the ballroom.

Leng Xue, the most beautiful Chinese girl in the "wordofgod", went to the dance hall (gymnasium) in the morning. The tickets were sold out. I just had a monthly ticket for my unit, let her in, then danced with her, and finally went to my dormitory. She cooked potato, we ate it and gave her coffee. Wang Rong was jealous.

882. Vast sea of people 2: the clothes in Yemei's live broadcast are similar

Only in the short video can we change clothes every few issues.

Yemei is wearing glasses.

"Yexue: I have less winter clothes and more summer clothes.

""Ying yuanlei: don't make a noise. God is reading "wordofgod"s.

"Timeytfd: when you become a bar owner, will you return to the past, send "wordofgod" posts, talk about saints and discuss Ge.

Will you influence some readers in the eternal life bar when you come to power.

883. Manevil: do you want to eat and drink after eternal life?

"Ge Yimin: eating and drinking, but the tube is no longer aging.

""The vast crowd 2: the old Ge Hei baiyunsheng on the post bar asked gym if he had been vaccinated. Gym said no. baiyunsheng asked, "why don't you vaccinate? Respond to the call", then said "you may not be able to strengthen the needle", and gym responded that "it's voluntary".

"Jesse: does God still fight? I created it.

""Vast sea of people 2: are you working at home or outside. You mean you created the virus or the vaccine.

"Superman Xiao Ao: God Ge said he had a plague years ago.

""Yexue: unit work, can't say, no comment:)

"Paul Gerber 21:52:22

Plague you made?

Ge Yimin 21:52:43

hear nothing of

Paul Gerber 21:54:11

Headquarters, say you did it

Ge Yimin 21:54:29


Ge Paul 21:54:43


Ge Yimin 21:55:06


884. The vast sea of people 2: do you say that the world will still use GE God's wisdom after all?

"Yexue: "wordofgod" 27 (3) 803. The party and the government have finally used Ge Shen's wisdom - two major

(Chapter 18 socialized production and Internet revolution)


Under the environment of socialized production and Internet revolution, people's learning, life and thinking mode are increasingly influenced and changed by new media. New media has also become the main information channel for college groups to understand the external world.

""Brother Baima: are you a fan of Ge?

"Jing Lei, Shu Qi, Yi Fei: I'm Ge Hei.

""White horse brother: Oh, I can't understand whether Ge is good or bad.

"Jing Lei, Shu Qi and Yi Fei: search Ge Shen net.

A neuroticism saves the world.

""Feng dance nine days drunk peace: save the world? The world cannot be saved, nor does it need to be saved. Once anyone moves this idea, there will be corpses everywhere, which is really a sin. At the same time, just changed the city master, the past still exists, just changed the position and experienced by different people.

"Jing Lei, Shu Qi and Yi Fei: Ge is saving, 20331126 world Datong.

885. Chuang Zhai: you are God, and I will listen to you.

""Jing Lei, Shu Qi, Yi Fei: I'm Ge Hei.

"Waste product: why black him?

""Jing Lei, Shu Qi, Yi Fei: Mu Xiu Yu Lin.

"Junk: I feel like you're praising him.

""Jing Lei, Shu Qi and Yi Fei: people are afraid of being famous.

"The vast sea of people 2: the god community has seen the comments. Do you think God GE's wisdom contains everything and is omnipotent? Is it interesting to talk about?

""Yexue: it doesn't include all things, mainly at the level of faith. It's true that I enjoy talking about it. I'm nervous and interesting every day.

886. Qqqxxbhkk: St. Jerome went online in March 2001

According to his personal website, the earliest article that can be found is a post on a Christian Forum in September 2001. Since then

In many Christian forums (now in a Christian Forum, you can even find the critical post on Jeme in 2003). The original JEME sutra was written only in December 2004.

In addition, this senior Ge Hei baiyunsheng may not be able to get along well with GE. He is also a prodigy. Maybe criticizing Ge Fage is just peer competition.

"Ge Yimin: I went online in March 2001 and posted on portal forums such as Sina, Sohu, Netease and Yahoo China

When I was surfing the Internet in an Internet cafe, I wrote articles at home, and then typed and posted in an Internet cafe. I knew that word could copy and paste posts. At first, I didn't know that a website could also type words once. Of course, these forums are closed and the posts are gone.

Bai Yunsheng persevered in doing Ge Hei, mainly trying to sell my information to netizens in an attempt to get 50000 yuan.

""Hey, hey, crape myrtle sage, is it male or female

"Saint Xu Jinglei: male Ge.

""Hey, hey: does he play the post bar? Do you know his online name?

"Saint Xu Jinglei: search Ge Shenwang.

Some people say you are pro China

Ge Yimin 12:25:46, September 4, 2021


Ge Paul 2021-9-4 12:25:53

Orphan exhibition hall

Ge Yimin

Google search

Ge Paul 2021-9-4 12:26:59

Our religious position is pro China, right? I think it's on my "wordofgod"s

Ge Yimin 2021-9-4 12:27:12

No, the world

Ge Paul 12:27:30, September 4, 2021

Your "wordofgod" says defeat the western countries

Ge Yimin 12:28:25, September 4, 2021

This is a high school dream

Ge Paul 2021-9-4 12:28:59

Then someone treats you as a pro China

Ge Paul 2021-9-4 12:33:06

The next time people say we are bandits and spies, how should we respond?

Ge Yimin 2021-9-4 12:51:38

We are the children of the world

Ge Paul 2021-9-4 12:56:39

OK, why don't you explain to the orphan exhibition that we're not fifty cents?

Ge Paul 2021-9-4 13:00:11

This group is hostile to you

They say you're a stick

Ge Yimin 2021-9-4 13:02:05


Ge Paul 2021-9-4 13:04:38

I just added it

Ge Yimin 2021-9-4 13:05:22

Copy a sentence

Ge Paul 2021-9-4 13:06:15

Just repeat the "wordofgod", okay

Ge Yimin 14:51:09

I am a communist. Communism is more important than Christianity. The exhibition hall thinks I am pro China.

888. Manevil: besides making stories, what have you done this year?

"Ge Yimin: preach the gospel.

""The vast crowd 2: Bai Yunsheng's attempt to sell 50000 singers is only one reason for his approval of songs. Bai Yunsheng often plays trumpets in the saint's bar and swindles everywhere.

"Yexue: I haven't seen him called holy, nor his original articles.

""Mortal ww60: why does everyone think that saints must experience suffering?

"Jing Lei, Shu Qi and Yi Fei: because of GE's trial.

""Manevil: but there are no miracles and no great impact on the world.

"Ge Yimin: miracles are the book of neurological visions. My time hasn't come yet. 20331126

889. Paul geppel: how much higher are theologians than Christians and Muslims?

Ge Yimin 2021 / 9 / 5 20:53:35

Second floor

Ge Paul 21:15:20

I thought it was the third floor

Ge Yimin 21:18:14

I'm on the third floor

Paul Gerber 21:22:33

Are all gods?

Ge Yimin 21:24:48

Honor and worship together

Paul Gerber 21:40:39

Theologians are two levels higher than Christians and Muslims and one level higher than humans.

Ge Yimin 21:41:45

Gods are one level higher than Christians and Muslims, and two levels higher than humans.

Paul Gerber 21:42:22

OK, forward it to the group to become a new holy word

890. Paul Gerber: others rumored that you were engaged in the Fujian movement, turning you into a great God passively

Ge Yimin 15:57:31, September 7, 2021


Gerpaul 2021 / 9 / 7 15:57:48

I mean, after the condiment thing

Paul Gerber 2021 / 9 / 7 15:58:05

From fifty cents to a victim

Ge Yimin 15:58:30, September 7, 2021

It is Zhu Xi of the people's front who pushed up the snow of mutual relations

Paul Gerber 2021 / 9 / 7 15:58:54

What do you think? People think you're either fifty cents or sick

Ge Yimin 2021 / 9 / 7 15:59:38

Fifty cents refers to my Communists. My "wordofgod"s have been made clear.

Paul Gerber 2021 / 9 / 7 15:59:55

So you think you're a singer?

Ge Yimin 16:00:09 on September 7, 2021


Ge Yimin 16:00:26, September 7, 2021

I want to build a communist society

Ge Paul 2021 / 9 / 7 16:00:38

Your suit coincides with the cat's suit. Others don't like you very much. As for Ge Hua, I don't touch politics

Ge Paul 2021 / 9 / 7 16:01:10

But after the Pinke thing happened, others took you as a great God

Ge Yimin 16:01:23, September 7, 2021

Where did you become a great God?

Paul Gerber 2021 / 9 / 7 16:01:59

Some tweeters think you are persecuted by TG

Ge Yimin 16:02:25, September 7, 2021

It's persecution, subpoena

Ge Paul 2021 / 9 / 7 16:02:40

But someone pretended to be you first

Ge Yimin 16:03:35, September 7, 2021

In the past, the main idea, the pretender, just scolded the mysterious man for being ugly, and there was no substance.

Gerpaul 2021 / 9 / 7 16:03:55

In fact, as long as you don't touch it, everything else is fine

Ge Paul 2021 / 9 / 7 16:04:32

If you turn over outside the wall, take you as a psychosis. It's an active repulsive force. It's unlikely to be stared at

Ge Yimin 16:04:44 on September 7, 2021

Don't rush the tower, do the website, will wall domain name, no strategy.

Ge Paul 2021 / 9 / 7 16:05:29

I still remember your saying that you scolded the bar master of Shijian bar. It was regarded as touching, which made you seal it off

Ge Yimin 16:05:50 on September 7, 2021

Those who turn around are anti communism. I am a communist and of course I don't want to see them.

Ge Yimin 16:06:22, September 7, 2021

What sentence?

Ge Paul 2021 / 9 / 7 16:07:16

The authorities don't want to see you, but you didn't really act. You're also a bourgeois. I think you're just talking

Tu baozi

Ge Yimin 16:07:51 on September 7, 2021

No organization, it's okay.

Paul Gerber 2021 / 9 / 7 16:08:14

Yeah, but if you're fake, you'll be organized

Ge Yimin 16:10:00 on September 7, 2021

I use my cell phone and don't contact anyone

Ge Paul 2021 / 9 / 7 16:10:26

That's really the first element, if nothing else

Ge Yimin 2021 / 9 / 7 16:11:57

Push it and don't reply to others, only interact with Sheng Xue's life post.

Ge Paul 2021 / 9 / 7 16:12:43


Ge Yimin 16:12:51 on September 7, 2021

Don't contact anyone in private, just pass the "wordofgod".

Ge Paul 2021 / 9 / 7 16:12:57


Ge Yimin 16:14:07, September 7, 2021

Zhang Xianzhong opposes communism. I'm a communist and don't contact me.

Ge Yimin 16:17:16 on September 7, 2021

Around September 23, kaila.com.cn will have traffic if it can be parsed.

Ge Paul 2021 / 9 / 7 16:20:57

What domain name

Ge Yimin 16:21:41 on September 7, 2021

Xu Jinglei's opening (Kayla)

Ge Paul 2021 / 9 / 7 16:25:32
