
Chapter 27 comments on the net (3) volume 3 861-870

861. I think, is there a creator in this universe?

If so, then the universe and human beings are meaningful; If not, just by chance, the universe and mankind have no meaning.

"The vast sea of people 2: some contents in the English version of Neurology

1. Fake honey

2. Reaching the world

3. Sage of Ziwei - Lagerstroemia (the sage behind the gym doesn't seem to be recognized) or Lagerstroemia Saint (this seems to be roughly right)

4. Black spray night boy

5. Garbage white-collar workers - junk white-collar workers or garbage white-collar workers

6. Ge God. You are so Jesus

7. The monster Ge

8. Yemei Sutra - Yemei Jing or Yemei Sutra

""Lapis_ YSJ: what machine turns English?

"The vast sea of people 2: the fairy can't speak English and won't spend money to find an interpreter. She just turned it over by machine. In addition, there were several translation software used by immortals in those years, Baidu, Youdao and Google.

""Yexue: of course I forgot about my English. Of course, at the general level, it is impossible to complete the neural translation of 900000 words.

"Goulash_: 3 musterbation waste man

3. Many people like this concept. What does it mean, like Maitreya of the white lotus sect?

""Yexue: Ziwei sage - the modern savior in the prophecy.

862. Sister Sheng Xue, why don't you create your own new religion

I have been online for 20 years and have done this.

""Ryu: brother Bei Keqin a of ekjiang city has been "with Ge Yimin God forever" and "the kingdom of heaven is like a feast" in the "popular microblog" for several years. This is also fate.

If there are many village men and women, there seems to be no elite who don't think so. They are calm, happy, detached, firm, indifferent, stand proudly and calm

If you are definitely poked as a cult on the microblog of the motherland, is it possible?!

"Ge Shen: Hello, where did you see it? I've never seen my microblog. I haven't seen anyone reply.

863. Flora: I have a question... Can religion be created?

Does that mean God doesn't exist?

"Ge Yimin: I think there is a God, but aren't so many traditional and emerging religions in the world created by people? All monotheistic religions believe that they are the revelation of the only true God (Lord), as well as polytheism and religions that do not recognize the creation of God.

In addition, I think I am also divine enlightenment, that is, dreams and visions.

"Sheng Xue: there are thousands of roads in the world... Leading to the place of beauty and goodness... There is no need to add another path... People just love beauty and choose the good, with their hands together.

"Ge Yimin: you are right. You are already a banner. Although creating your own religion is also a kind of practice and belief, you have a more important mission, that is, our democratic China.

""Ryu: as long as someone rolls on the ground on the website, only the microblog has its own blowing and shouting "wordofgod"s. Chapter OO heaven Book oo. The generation is over, the devil, beast and false prophet. God says the world should listen to it... Lao a is very happy with melon seeds and thinks that everyone is only looking at the head of the mang cult, "I really don't know the height of the earth", A brother HA is alluded to by the fixed end noise of the scabby boy.

"Geyimin: on the microblog, I'll find your comments on me to collect "wordofgod"s. Thank you.

""Vast sea of people 2: ye Xue doesn't know whether she sees animation or not, but she can know that she knows the existence of animation.

"Yexue: I don't look.

864. Truth: first of all, it is clear that a visa is never a natural human right

Even if Congress decides not to issue visas to the Chinese, the United States will not violate any law, whether domestic or international.

Now let's talk about why the spouses and children of sanctioned individuals can also refuse visas. Because the sanctioned individual is the main force of making money, the property obtained by the sanctioned individual by using his power will be used for the enjoyment of his spouse and children.

"Ge Yimin: "the property obtained by the sanctioned individual by using his power will be used for the enjoyment of his spouse and children". This is not inevitable. However, if the visa of spouse and children is affected, it is Zhulian. There are only CPC members whose children are affected by studying abroad. This is Zhulian.

""Truth: so far, ordinary Party members have not been affected by their own study abroad, and you have never heard of "children's study abroad affected". At present, only certain special Chinese government departments are not granted visas to personnel or children of those departments who have reached a certain level in accordance with the principle of diplomatic reciprocity. American law holds that if you are less than 21 years old, you are not a complete adult. Do you believe that you can earn money to go to the United States under 21 years old? There are 600 million people in China whose income is less than 1000 a month. The spouse said they could divorce. After 21 years, children can prove that they have legally obtained their own money, which can not be affected at all.

"Ge Yimin: why should a spouse divorce? Is everyone in the special department "using his power to get property that will be used for the enjoyment of his spouse and children"? What the United States makes clear is that a policy implemented by these personnel does not mention that "property obtained by using power will be used for the enjoyment of spouses and children". This is what you mentioned. Obviously, you can't represent the United States government. The United States implements a policy with Chinese officials, which affects the spouse visa. Even if the officials do not embezzle and accept bribes, even if the spouse does not use the official money, what is this?

As for the children of non officials, they can get visas. Do they earn their own money? Here are two points:

1. Those who can get visas are parents' money, including other officials. Among them, there are corrupt officials, which are still not restricted by the United States;

2. Such officials have normal income, no corruption, and their children are still restricted by the United States.

It can be seen that what the United States restricts is the crime it considers (a policy implemented by such officials), which has nothing to do with the source of children's income. What is this not?

""Truth: the so-called marriage means that both parties jointly own property, which is regarded as one at some legal levels. Marriage creates a new family as a unit; Otherwise, why should people get married instead of just falling in love; And you've heard of anti marriage feminism. You haven't said anti love; Marriage and love are fundamentally different.

"Ge Yimin: my lover is not corrupt. My family is a normal income. Because my lover has implemented a certain policy, my visa to the United States is limited. This is obviously a connected problem. I'm going to divorce. What's the reason for divorce?

My main post is about Zhulian people.

865. Little Titan 80: not many people still insist so far

Ge Dashen can go to your "Saint" Xu Jinglei ha. Jiujiang's physics brother has not found his own * Lu ran. Unfortunately, it's a pity that there are only three of us who have written books and are still active. Are there any other brothers like him?!

"Saint Xu Jinglei: have you remarried?

""Little Titan 80: not yet. But if it goes on like this, it won't be too far.

"Saint Xu Jinglei: let's fix a final date for remarriage.

""Little Titan 80: in fact, I quite admire you. For more than ten years, I have been sticking to YY. And more than that, I plan to stick to 2033. I admire it!

"Saint Xu Jinglei: your next stop loss date?

""The vast sea of people 2: the topic of Ziwei saints was discussed fiercely. Ge Ge accidentally found him among the top ten saints in Yemei community in 2006, so he took the initiative to enter the circle.

"Ye Xue: I first met the sage crape myrtle in a forum, and then saw me in the top ten on the Internet.

866. Brother Zi comes: it's gerby. I hate gerby most

What's the matter with the * * house? Were you guys swept up some time ago?

"Yao Shangrong 2: Ge Huage God, over time, you will find that they are actually cute.

""Here comes brother Zi: I hate gerby most. He looks like shit one by one and feels as beautiful as flowers. lovely? You'd better study their ideas carefully and draw a conclusion.

"Yao Shangrong 2: I was just like you when I was a novice. Wait until you find out the water depth of the holy bar and see the bottom!

""Brother Zi is here: do you know that these Gebi are just thugs? The kind that works with money.

Do you know who their boss is?

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: who gives the money?

""April crape myrtle Emperor: the world does not recognize you ge. You ge benlong have nothing to do with the innate family of the great light God of the universe!

867. Truth: first of all, we should understand what sanctions are.

That is to prohibit any person from funding an entity or individual, and refuse any person to accept the funding of the individual or entity. For example, the United States sanctions Huawei. No Western supplier should supply Huawei. American government departments also refuse to use Huawei and will not accept Huawei's subsidies.

Then understand what Zhulian is. I think what you are talking about is "asking one person to be punished for another just because of blood relationship"; Then the relationship is not only blood, there are many kinds of relationships; If you accept punishment because of other relationships, is it a connection? For example, punish leaders for their mistakes; Recover from the guarantor because the debtor cannot pay the money. The above example shows that punishment for relationship is not connected. Association refers specifically to punishment caused by blood relationship.

However, for the immediate family, although it is the immediate family composed of blood, there are many direct relationships, such as economic relationships. As long as children use the money of the sanctioned individual, they will also be sanctioned, no matter how the money is obtained. It's also very simple to get rid of the relationship. After 21 years, you make a statement to break away from any relationship. If you prove that the source of funds is not your parents, there will be no problem. If you don't understand, let's do another thought experiment. Suppose an official of Communist China a gave birth to B, then B was adopted by the British, and a adopted white C born in the United States. Who will the United States refuse to issue visas to when it sanctions a? Is this related by blood?

"Ge Yimin: your first paragraph of "sanctions" has nothing to do with what I said about Zhulian.

Leaders are responsible for their opponents, not companies.

When the guarantor guarantees, the liability exists, not connected.

- "association" refers specifically to punishment caused by blood relationship. "-

Isn't that what I said?

"Children's economic relationship". Non sanctions officials and others also have this problem, but the children's visa is not restricted, but only the children of sanctions officials are restricted. It can be seen that it has nothing to do with "children's economic relationship". It restricts you only because you are his children, which is Zhulian.

ABC, have you considered your economic relationship? Only consider whose children you are now, this is Zhulian.

You should not advise the US side on its policies. The US side is very simple:

At noon on May 12, U.S. Secretary of state Abraham Lincoln said at a press conference: "today, I announced that according to article 7031 (c) of the foreign operations and related plan appropriation act of 2021, Yu Hui, former director of the general office of Sichuan Province, was found to have seriously violated... Yu Hui and his immediate family members are not eligible to enter the United States."

He did not investigate whether Yu Hui was corrupt, did not investigate the economic relations of Yu Hui's immediate relatives, and did not ask whether Yu Hui's children had reached the age of 21.

868. Brother Baima: I don't know what happened to the legendary god Ge

I didn't pay attention to him, although he is very famous in the post bar.

"Qiyu: God Ge doesn't know. It's too low.

""Brother Baima: I only know one of his famous words. If you don't believe it, you won't do anything. Ha ha, I don't know anything else.

"Qiyu: he's an old man.

I think he wants to drive.

""Brother Baima: I know that, but I don't know what he preaches.

"Qiyu: Well, he is serious and funny. He takes Christ's head PS as his. He is very serious in preaching every day. Many people don't believe in that kind of preaching. I asked him, aren't you afraid of people's opposition? He said that he regards those people's opposition as support. This mentality is very good. He is in his 50s. No matter what he does, as long as he doesn't hinder others from doing what they are willing to do, An uncle who feels very cute.

""Xu Jinglei Kaila: 900000 words "wordofgod".

With Pueraria.

I'm a smooth hammer. Who's tiger thorn plum?

"Can't forget her stone: don't you have Ge Xie.

""Qiyu: Yes, yes, you have Ge Shen.

I also think God Ge is more like him, but I don't want to bear the pot when he is in danger.

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: Ge yes! mission!

""Paul Gerber 2021-8-16 21:12:03

What is Mullah

Ge Yimin 2021-8-16 21:14:21

Mullahs are Iraqi clergy

Paul Gerber 2021-8-16 21:15:02

Are you a muslim?

Ge Yimin 21:18:57, August 16, 2021

I am God

Paul Ge 2021-8-16 21:21:11

Muslim God?

Ge Yimin 21:22:54, August 16, 2021

Everyone, I'm independent, God

869. Qiyu: Uh huh, I'm between Guangge and Gehua.

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: you also know Guangge. There are 8 QQ groups. Wechat groups dare not develop and are afraid to seal wechat signals. That's trouble.

""White horse brother: wrote 900000 words? God Ge is really free.

"Xu Jinglei Kaila: 200000 words in the first 26 chapters of Canon and 700000 words in Chapter 27 of Cijing (comments by netizens).

I've been writing for 20 years.

""White horse brother: have you seen it? How's it going?

"Clattering: God Ge is detached from words. He plays with words and reaps his head between his hands, which is more cruel than Zen's non-existent words.

""Xu Jinglei Kaila: have you read neurology? brother

Only "wordofgod"s.

"Boundless crowd 2: according to my experience of being swept away by the wind, we can try to let him discuss some people who have not returned, such as plastic products (my old number is suspected to be owned jvbao by GE hei and Bai Yunsheng), aunt Shujuan (seems to be one of the reasons for being swept away by the wind). Of course, it is unknown whether Yun Jie knows them or not, and whether he reads the message is unknown. Then we can take this opportunity to visit his live studio, After all, the influence of non returnees is much greater than slandering others.

""Polar Hawaii: gym is not qualified enough. I often see a guy named Ge Yimin in the live studio, but there is no bamboo shoots in the live studio.

"The vast crowd 2: Yunjie should be allowed to discuss these things. There is a yexue in my old comment area, and Fage dynamics will be exposed to the wind. It may be possible for Yunjie to comment gym. Aunt and gym are one treatment at all, but aunt is not in China and has no number.

""Yexue: Ge hei and Bai Yunsheng only post bar, and will not report you at station B. Yunjie knows me. It's recorded that he said that I and alone have the ability to post bar to persecute him. He is also in my bean B valve "wordofgod" group.

My yexue station B itself is all right. Of course it's all right in your comment area, as long as you don't take ge Yimin himself.

870. Little Titan 80: great God Ge, you use Xu Jinglei so blatantly

Is your name hanging on your internet name to show that you are brave and fearless for love, or what else?!

"Saint Xu Jinglei: Xu Jinglei's domain name kaila.com.cn belongs to me. There are 35 days to resolve.

I only love Xu Jinglei in this life.

In the name of a star, I've been working for nearly 10 years.

""Wolf shepherd Xiaojie: Bai Yunsheng said that he did it when wechat and B got involved in Ge numbers.

Ye Xue: my WeChat and 2 official account numbers are all normal. Station B's Tuba has been closed long ago. It's the name of "Ge Yimin". The trumpet yexue (this number) is normal. He's not young.

You are the aunt who should have been sent. You have openly rebelled and are hostile. And I'm at home, turn the cultural direction, it's okay.