

The Witcher Rogg found himself unexpectedly embroiled in a mysterious and eerie case where three sacred artifacts, sealing the immense power of the Bloodline's Supreme Being, had inexplicably vanished. The individuals with knowledge of the situation were ruthlessly silenced. Who was attempting to awaken the slumbering Bloodline King, dormant for a century? As the investigation delved deeper, and the truth slowly emerged, an unprecedented crisis in the underworld loomed ever closer...

MasterSnail · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Son of the Dragon

"Yeah!" Catherine, who was frightened out of her wits by the bloody hand that suddenly stretched out in front of her, took two steps back and screamed.

Rogge heard the exclamation and hurriedly looked back, only to see Lilith in a black feathered coat standing in front of Catherine with a wicked smile on her face, a small hand raised high, covered with blood red.

"Hey, little rascal, what are you doing? What's wrong with your hands?" Rogge turned around and strode to Lilith, glanced at Catherine who was out of breath with fright, and patted her with his hand. shoulder as a gesture of comfort, and then turned his gaze to Lilith.

"I just patted her shoulder to say hello. Cowards will always be scared to death!" Lilith retracted her bloody hand as if nothing had happened, raised her head and said to Rogge: "There are three corpses in the next room. It looks like they are the family of the old man on the wall."

At this time, Tully, who had heard the sound, also appeared at the door. She looked at the three of them and asked Rogge about the scream just now. Rogge gently shook his head to indicate that she was fine, and then asked her if she had discovered anything. .

"This is exactly what I want you to see. It's best to come here." Tully said, waving to Rogge, turned around and disappeared into the darkness outside the door. Rogge picked up Catherine and patted Lilith's hand. The little head followed Tully out of the room as punishment.

Turning a corridor, the three of them came to the door of a room. Tully called Rogge into the room and pointed to an open cabinet for him to look at. They saw that the cabinet was filled with gold and silver coins, emitting an indescribable smell in the darkness. brilliance.

"This man actually has so much money at home? This money is enough to pay the reward for wanting me!"

Roger threw the cigar that was about to burn out on the ground and stamped it out. He stepped forward to pick up a handful from the pile of coins, weighed it with his hands, and then threw it back into the cabinet and said, "I think I probably know what's going on." "

He looked at the expectant expressions on the faces of the three people, stared at the gold and silver coins scattered on the floor, and calmly analyzed: "First of all, there are no traces of fighting in the room, which means that this family is familiar with the murderer, and the murderer is the same as him. accomplice."

"After these people stole the sacred objects, they moved them to the homeowner's home through the cave, and then killed and framed the crime on me to divert the attention of the pursuers. The money should be the reward for buying off the homeowner."

"But why was this money just thrown here and not taken away?" Catherine glanced at the gold and silver coins scattered on the floor in front of the cabinet. She was willing to take risks because she was short of money. She knew the value of this money and would not care about anyone. It feels incredible to drop so much money here.

"There are two possibilities, either the person behind the scenes is extremely wealthy; or, our appearance happened to alert the murderer, leaving him no time to transport the money."

Rogge said as he glanced at the furnishings in the room and found nothing unusual, so he strode out of the room and said as he walked: "Come on, girls, it's time for us to go. Maybe we can also find clues about the murderer and find him." His whereabouts!"

The four of them had just walked to the door of the courtyard of the mansion when they suddenly saw a group of people flying towards the door. The leader was wearing a silver helmet and riding an armored war horse. He reined up his horse and stopped in front of Rogge.

"Who are you? What are you doing here in the middle of the night?" The knight in shining armor asked with a majestic voice from his full-face helmet.

Rogge looked up at the coat of arms symbolizing his identity on the horse he sat on, and sneered to himself: "The Knights of Silver Dragon Wings, we are really enemies on the same road!"

Before he finished speaking, more than a dozen knights had gathered around them. The knights' spears in their hands were all aimed at the four of them, and the surroundings were illuminated by dozens of torches.

The leading knight in shining armor examined the sneer on Rogge's face, and after a moment he suddenly asked: "Are you the 'lone wolf' Rogge who has been hunted by a bounty from the empire for ten years?"

"And you should be Antonio, nicknamed 'Son of the Dragon', the leader of the Silver Dragon Wings Knights?" Rogge smiled provocatively and continued: "You, a heroic general under the Holy Emperor, are as powerful as a thunderbolt. , What kind of wind brings the leader to this remote countryside? "

"Hmph, what a glib tongue, what are you doing here?" Antonio said as he looked up at the large wooden house behind Rogge and others. Several knights had already dismounted and entered the wooden house.

Rogge did not answer, but just stared at him silently. After a moment, he heard the knight's shout from inside the house.

"Captain, four bodies were found inside. They should be the village chief and his family. There is a message signed by Rogge on the wall. A large number of gold and silver coins that were not taken away were also found!"

After hearing the knight's reply, Antonio lifted the visor of his silver helmet, pointed a pair of sharp gray eyes like a falcon at Rogge, and asked in a deep voice: "How are you going to explain this time?"

"So that old man is the village chief!" Rogge thought to himself, but asked with a provocative smile: "If I cry out that I am wronged right now, will the head of the group seek justice for me?"

Rogge's smile made the knights around him feel angry, but Antonio seemed unusually calm. He separated from the crowd and stepped forward, saying firmly: "Whether you are wronged or not, you must go back with me today! "

"Are you going to take me back to see your Holy Emperor? I'm not sure he will be willing to see me, but if I see him, I must give him a good leg beating, like this..."

Rogge walked slowly to Antonio's horse, and as he spoke, he suddenly kicked the horse's knee. The horse's legs were wearing metal knee pads, but they couldn't withstand Rogge's seemingly indifferent kick. With his head weak and his weight leaning forward, Antonio was thrown off the horse.

The captain of the knights was calm in the face of danger, and somersaulted forward in mid-air. A cold light flashed in his hands, and a knight's spear nearly two meters long suddenly appeared in his hands from the light.

The tip of Antonio's spear touched the ground lightly, and his body landed firmly on the ground. Then he flicked the spear, and the spearhead flew out of the barrel, like a sharp arrow pulled by a chain, flying straight to Rogge's back. Heart.

At the critical moment, Rogge suddenly turned around and faced the flying sharp spearhead with his right hand under the astonished eyes of everyone. Lilith, the little owl held in his palm, faced the flying spearhead with two big eyes looking at the spearhead. Stabbed into his own body.

Just when the sharp edge of the spearhead was about to pierce the little guy, it suddenly stopped in mid-air. The light from the little owl's two big eyes shone on the spearhead, making it completely still and suspended in mid-air. Move again.

"Bad guy, annoying, bully!" After stopping the flight of the spearhead, Lilith turned around, pouted her little mouth and glared at Rogge angrily, scolding her in a sweet voice.

She got out of his hand, pecked his hand hard with her aquiline beak, and then jumped from Rogge's right arm to his head, using two sharp claws to right him. The sleeves of his arms were almost torn into strips of cloth.

"Don't be like this, I'm just doing a magic trick to liven up the atmosphere!"

Rogge spread his hands, smiled and looked up at the little owl standing on his head. The little owl was still angry and tore the wide-brimmed hat on Rogge's head with his claws, leaving a mark on the hat. There are clearly visible cracks.

"I was wrong, dear, don't be angry!" Rogge said, suppressing his smile, lowered his head and lit a cigar, and grabbed the golden hilt of the long sword behind him with his right hand. When he raised his head again, he smiled slyly. The corner of his mouth and his eyes full of fighting spirit reflected in Antonio's eyes.

"This time, we're going to get serious!"

Rogge pointed his sword and jumped at the captain of the knights. Antonio had already retracted the spearhead. Seeing him rushing towards him with his sword, the spear in his hand flew towards the head. Rogge stepped aside to let the spearhead pass, grabbed the spear shaft with his left hand, and pointed the sword directly at Antonio. chest.

The knight leader was not in a hurry. He flicked the spear in his hand, and the spearhead flew out. He used the inertia of the spearhead to retreat backwards, avoiding Rogge's sword. The spearhead swept across at the same time, and the spearhead and the spearhead were swept across. The chain between them was like the tail of a giant dragon, tightly wrapped around Rogge's neck.

"Rogge, this time, let me see where you run!" Antonio tugged hard on the gun shaft in his hand, and the chain pulling the spearhead straightened, like the hook of death, tightening Rogge's throat.