

The Witcher Rogg found himself unexpectedly embroiled in a mysterious and eerie case where three sacred artifacts, sealing the immense power of the Bloodline's Supreme Being, had inexplicably vanished. The individuals with knowledge of the situation were ruthlessly silenced. Who was attempting to awaken the slumbering Bloodline King, dormant for a century? As the investigation delved deeper, and the truth slowly emerged, an unprecedented crisis in the underworld loomed ever closer...

MasterSnail · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Murder written in blood

"Actually, we didn't see the person who stole the sacred artifact with our own eyes." Tully replied worriedly.


"We only found traces of the sacred artifact on the beach outside this cave. The elders had specially treated the surface of the sacred artifact. When the sacred artifact was moved, water would be left along the way that only high-level mermaid priests could identify. marks."


"We followed the water traces all the way to this cave, but the traces disappeared here, so I came here several nights in a row to look for clues." Tully looked around the stone walls with a look of strong worry on her face.


After hearing this, Rogge put away his sword, walked to the stone wall, and tapped it with his hands. He walked along the stone wall while knocking, but after walking around, he didn't hear any unusual noise. He returned to the center of the cave and looked around. Wall flicked the ashes of his cigar with his fingers, pondered for a moment, and suddenly shouted: "Lilith!"


The little owl shook its tail, jumped and flapped its wings, looking eager to take off. Rogge continued: "Scan the surrounding stone walls with a light and see if you find anything!"


"What a waste of feelings!" Lilith retracted her wings and grunted, her eyes emitting bright beams of light that swept across the surrounding walls.


When the light swept from a corner near the ground on the right side of the cave, a stone door flashed past her sight. Lilith immediately focused her eyes on that door and shouted: "I found it!"


Rogge, Catherine, and Tully, who had returned to human form, walked to the stone door together and tried to push it with their hands. The stone door was easily pushed out a crack. Rogge pushed the stone door completely open, revealing a small child half a person tall. The door allows an adult to crawl in with his waist down.


"It's a trick of the vampires." Rogge smiled and turned back to the two of them and said, "The vampire's castle will become invisible when there is no light."


"They also like to disguise the door of the secret passage in this way, and make it so low that even if we smash through the wall with a hammer, we will not find the existence of this door."


"Fortunately, we have an experienced demon hunter." Tully said happily.


Roger glanced at the doorway with a smile, then turned back to Tully and Catherine and said, "I'll go in first to explore the way, and you guys follow me." After that, he leaned over and got into the stone door.


The passage inside the stone door was very spacious compared to the narrow entrance. It was dark and deserted. Rogge, Catherine, and Tully searched around in the passage, but found no water marks or other clues left by the sacred artifact. .


"I think the person who stole the sacred weapon must know the mystery very well. He used some method to block the traces of the sacred weapon." Rogge thought about it again and again and said to Tully.


"Then what should we do?" Tully asked at a loss. Rogge glanced at the dark passage and said, "Keep walking and see where it leads."


After walking for a long time, the three of them found a door at the end of the passage. Rogge stepped forward and pushed the door gently. He found that the door was locked from the other side. He took off the long sword from behind and put the tip of the sword He reached into the crack of the door and pried it gently. Hearing a "click", the lock on the door was pried off.


"Mr. Witcher actually has the ability to slip through doors and pick locks?" Tully asked softly curiously.


"You have to be able to do everything in our profession - including coaxing children!" Rogge glanced at the little owl on his shoulder with his peripheral vision, winked at Tully, opened the door and walked cautiously outside, and found that this was actually The yard of a house.


"This seems to be someone's home in the fishing village." Rogge stood in the dark courtyard and said to the two people who came out behind him.


"Could it be that they hid the sacred artifact here?" Tully looked up at the house not far away and said, Rogge nodded in agreement: "It's very possible, don't say anything, let's go over and take a look!"


The three of them tiptoed through the courtyard, observing the big house as they walked. It was much larger than ordinary houses in the fishing village. There was a large wide courtyard in front of and behind the house, and there were high walls around the courtyard. It shows the extraordinaryness of the owner.


"I didn't expect that there is a rich man hiding in this small fish village!"


Rogge thought to himself, stepped up the wooden stairs in front of the wooden house, and knocked gently on the door, but no one answered. Rogge knocked hard again, and in the quiet night, only the crisp knocking sound came. But still no response.


"The courtyard of this house is clean, doesn't it look like an empty house with no one living in it?" Rogge frowned, tried to push the door hard, and found that it was not locked.


He pushed the door open and walked in. His eyes scanned the dark room and found nothing unusual. Then he turned back and waved to Tully and Catherine, saying: "Be careful, let's go in and take a look!"


After saying that, he stepped into the house and walked through the dark corridor and living room to the door of a bedroom. The moment he stepped into the bedroom, what he saw in front of him made him narrow his eyes gloomily.


On the wall at the head of the bed in the bedroom, an old man with gray hair and beard was nailed to the wall. A wooden stake penetrated his heart. Both hands and legs were penetrated by silver daggers. Blood was spread all over the wall at the head of the bed.


The cold moonlight reflected outside the window made this scene particularly eerie and terrifying, so much so that Catherine, who had just walked in, screamed in fright when she saw this scene.


"Don't make any noise. It's not polite to disturb the deceased." Rogge quickly covered Catherine's mouth with his hands to prevent her from disturbing the people around him. He stepped forward to inspect the body of the deceased and found a line of writing on the wall next to it: The blood clan must perish! It is signed "Roger".


"The disadvantage of being famous is that it is easy to be faked." Rogge shrugged and shook his head in self-mockery, pointing to the corpse and continued: "This person is not a vampire, he is just a scapegoat. Someone is faking the scene to try to cover up the secret behind it."


"Come on, girls, search this room. I guess they won't be so kind as to leave the sacred artifact to us, but maybe they will leave us some clues in a 'kind heart' - don't try to light a candle, we can't do it now." Not at home."


After hearing Rogge's words, the three women - including the little owl Lilith who turned into a girl - began to take action and search every room in the wooden house. Catherine's vision was disturbed in the dark and she was afraid of the body on the wall. , so check the cabinet furniture in the bedroom only around Roger.


"Hey, look what I found?" Suddenly, Roger said to Catherine on the side.


The girl turned around after hearing the sound and saw Rogge pushing away the arm of the corpse on the wall, pointing at the wall that had just been covered by his palm. Through the moonlight shining into the room outside the window, a blood-red "V" was reflected. Catherine's eyes.


"That's...what?" She stood there uneasily, not daring to look at the bloody corpse on the wall. She just locked her eyes on Rogge's face fearfully.


"It should be the first letter of a certain word or name. What does a capital v mean?" Rogge didn't look at the girl, but stared at the letters on the wall, lost in thought.


Catherine thought for a moment and tentatively reminded: "Maybe it's 'Victory'? Or... the murderer's name is 'Wolf'?"


"Oh, poor child, if you continue to follow your speculation, the result will definitely be that the murderer is a wolf. Are you still thinking about the werewolf that hurt you? Believe me, forget it for the time being, then It won't help!"


Rogge looked back at the letters on the wall and said, "I would rather believe that what he is going to write is 'Vampire'..."


"Vampire?" Catherine was stunned for a moment and asked in confusion: "You mean, the vampire killed this man, then nailed him to the wall with a silver dagger and a wooden stake, pretending to be the slain vampire? "


"I didn't say that, but this is indeed what the murderer wanted us to think. I even found bite marks on his neck..." Rogge gently lifted the corpse's chin with his hand, exposing the bite marks on his neck. bloody scars.


"This bite mark looks scary at first glance, doesn't it? But in fact, it is caused by human teeth. The canine teeth are not sharp enough and are completely different from those of vampires. This is still a fake scene..." He stared at the tooth marks for a moment, and gently He shook his head and said.


"Then...who is the mastermind behind this?" Catherine looked at Rogge with confusion and asked.


Before she finished speaking, someone suddenly patted her shoulder gently. Catherine looked back blankly, and suddenly saw a bloody claw grabbing towards her...