

The Witcher Rogg found himself unexpectedly embroiled in a mysterious and eerie case where three sacred artifacts, sealing the immense power of the Bloodline's Supreme Being, had inexplicably vanished. The individuals with knowledge of the situation were ruthlessly silenced. Who was attempting to awaken the slumbering Bloodline King, dormant for a century? As the investigation delved deeper, and the truth slowly emerged, an unprecedented crisis in the underworld loomed ever closer...

MasterSnail · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Anonymous Letter

Just when Antonio thought Rogge had no way to escape, he discovered that he was wrong.

When he pulled the chain hard, Rogge's body did not move at all, and a trace of murderous intent appeared in his blue eyes, which reminded him of a wolf roaring at midnight.

"Your Majesty the Holy Emperor once said that knights are a strong shield that defends the country, but he never said that you are the god of death who pursues souls!"

Rogge blew out a smoke ring from his mouth and grabbed the chain around his neck with his left hand. The veins in his neck popped out. He pulled hard and pulled off the iron chain around his neck.

He threw the chain in his hand aside, swung his sword and jumped towards Antonio. The knight leader retracted the spearhead, raised the spear and stabbed him head on. Rogge deflected the spear with the sword in his right hand, and punched Antonio with his left hand. 's head.

The leader of the knights relied on the protection of his metal gauntlet and advanced instead of retreating. He also waved his left fist to meet him. Their fists faced each other. The two of them involuntarily stepped back. Antonio looked down at his metal gauntlet and found that it was above It actually left four deep dents.

"This power... is incredible!" Antonio raised his head and glanced at Rogge opposite. The latter only had ordinary black leather gloves on his hands, which were obviously not enough to protect his hands.

But from Rogge's expression, Antonio did not see the pain that he should have. For the knight leader who had experienced many battles, this was the first time he had seen this situation.

"The Son of the Dragon is indeed extraordinary. It's obvious that you haven't used your full strength yet."

Rogge calmly put away his sword, stared at Antonio, who was looking at him with a spear in one hand, and asked: "So, are we going to have a decisive battle tonight, or can we stop here and fight again tomorrow? "

Before Antonio could speak, a woman in gauze came forward from behind him, holding a staff with a graceful mermaid carved in her hand between them. She opened her red lips lightly and said in a sweet and solemn voice: " "Two gentlemen, I suggest you put down the fight for the time being. Now is obviously not the time to resolve disputes!"

"Who are you?" Antonio slowly lifted the visor of the silver helmet and stared at the beautiful woman with noble temperament in front of him, with unconcealable amazement in his eyes.

The woman cast her sea-blue eyes on his face and replied calmly: "My name is Tali, and I am the guardian of the mermaid tribe's temple."

"How do you prove what you say?" The knight leader scanned the woman's face with a scrutinizing gaze, still full of doubts about her statement.

Tully looked around in silence. Due to the previous battle between Rogge and Antonio, many villagers who had been awakened from their sleep gathered around, so there were crowds of people watching nearby.

She hesitated for a moment, then suddenly opened her arms. Antonio subconsciously prepared to resist her attack, but he saw white waves rolling around her, and her whole body turned into a mermaid suspended in the air amidst everyone's exclamations.

"Can this be used as proof? Your Excellency, Captain?" Tully gently swayed her long and huge fish tail and stretched out her white jade hands to Antonio.

"Of course, please forgive me for being rude, but why are you here? And why are you with this wanted criminal?"

Antonio put away his spear, bowed respectfully to Tully, and then glanced at Rogge behind Tully. Rogge was busy turning back to mutter something to Catherine, completely ignoring his gaze.

"I came here to find the stolen sacred components." Tali put away her fish tail and transformed into a human form, answering solemnly.

Antonio couldn't help but frown when he heard this, and asked: "Holy weapon? Is it the holy weapon that seals the soul of the Vampire King?"

"Yes, that's it." Tully told Antonio the news that the Archangel statue was stolen. The latter's face changed greatly after hearing this. As the leader of the highest knights under the Holy Emperor, he knew very well the reason why the sacred artifact was lost. severity.

"So, Mr. Rogge is helping me find the whereabouts of the Holy Artifact. I hope you two can put aside your disputes for the time being. After all, the whereabouts of the Holy Artifact is the top priority!"

At this time, Rogge, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly stepped forward and said: "Please allow me to interrupt the conversation between the two of you. Mr. Leader, I want to know why you came here suddenly? Could someone have tipped you off and warned you?" The murder of the village chief?"

"You are right. We received an anonymous letter two weeks ago. The letter said that you would appear near the fishing village in the next few days and rob and kill the village chief. I came here specially from the imperial capital Bahrain just to catch you. !" Antonio said in a majestic tone, pointing at Rogge.

"Where is that anonymous letter now?" Rogge didn't care about Antonio's provocative behavior and continued to ask calmly.

Antonio waved to his knights, and a knight took out a letter from a package on the saddle of Antonio's horse and handed it to Rogge at the command of the regiment leader.

Rogge opened the letter without using the light, and read it directly in the darkness. He raised his head and said to Antonio: "Can you give me this letter?"

"That's evidence!" The knight leader said something ambiguous.

"If your Holy Assembly wants to judge me, even if there is no evidence, they can hang me ten times!"

Rogge folded the piece of paper and put it away with a smile. He looked back at Tully and asked, "Have you two reached an agreement? If there is no problem, then Mr. Leader, let's fight again next time!"

"Where are you going?" Antonio asked Rogge, but his eyes fell on Tully's face. The mermaid glanced at the knight leader with her clear blue eyes, then turned back to Rogge.

"Don't worry about us. You should rush back to the Holy Assembly as soon as possible. If the golden crystal from the Holy Assembly is stolen, the Holy Emperor will not look good on you!"

Rogge winked at Antonio with a playful expression, held a little owl on his head, and walked away with Catherine holding a cigar in her mouth.

"He's right, Your Excellency, it's time to be more vigilant."

Tully followed in Rogge's footsteps and walked past Antonio, leaving a meaningful look in his eyes. The knight leader turned back and stared at her graceful and beautiful back for a long time.

"What are you going to do next?" Tully, who caught up with Rogge, showed a trace of hesitation in her expression. The village chief was dead and the water marks disappeared at the door of the village chief's house. The last clue was interrupted. She didn't know where to go. Recover the lost artifact.

"Do you know why I want that anonymous letter?" Rogge asked in response.

Tully and Catherine were stunned for a moment when they heard this, and then heard him continue: "I read the letter, and the writing on it was written with the left hand. It was written by the same person as the bloody writing on the wall of the village chief's house. It's very likely that it was written by the same person. Obviously, someone wants to use me as a shield to divert the attention of the Holy Association to me, or even use the Holy Association to get rid of me. "

The two girls were still confused after listening to it. They didn't understand who the mastermind behind the scenes Rogge said was. So Rogge continued: "There are only two kinds of people who hope to get the holy artifact and use the power of the Holy Society to eliminate them." Drop me, one is a vampire, and the other is a treasure hunter!"

Rogge stopped and turned back to the two of them: "The vampire is my old enemy, and the treasure hunter naturally hopes to use my 'bad reputation' to divert the attention of the Holy Assembly in order to achieve the purpose of possessing the holy artifact."

"But no matter which direction you start searching, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack!" Catherine responded softly.

Tully nodded in agreement, but Rogge smiled slightly and said, "No, it's not as difficult as you think. We only need to grasp one point to find out who is causing trouble."

"That point is..." the two asked in unison.

"Based on what I know about vampires, their bodies cannot wade through water, so they cannot dive into the deep seabed to steal sacred objects."

"For human treasure hunters, the Icewind Strait is thousands of meters deep. It is impossible for any life on land to dive into such an abyss. Therefore, whether they are vampires or treasure hunters, they must have an insider to help them."

"A traitor?" Upon hearing this, Tully's eyebrows suddenly rose and she asked in shock, "You mean, there is a traitor in our clan?"