

The Witcher Rogg found himself unexpectedly embroiled in a mysterious and eerie case where three sacred artifacts, sealing the immense power of the Bloodline's Supreme Being, had inexplicably vanished. The individuals with knowledge of the situation were ruthlessly silenced. Who was attempting to awaken the slumbering Bloodline King, dormant for a century? As the investigation delved deeper, and the truth slowly emerged, an unprecedented crisis in the underworld loomed ever closer...

MasterSnail · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
60 Chs


Rogge suddenly opened his eyes in his sleep, sat up from the ground suddenly, and listened to the movement around him. A creeping sound of scales sliding on the ground reached his ears.


"You heard it too, right?" Lilith emerged from the hood and asked Rogge softly.


Rogge nodded silently and pushed Catherine and Tully beside him with his hand. At the same time, Murphy also sat up from the ground. He also heard the unusual sound and looked at Rogge with inquiring eyes.


"If I guess correctly, the enemy is coming!"


After Rogge said this, he suddenly stood up from the ground. There was a flash of cold light, and a short knife like a snake's teeth fell from the sky and landed on the spot where Rogge had just left.


"Break time is over!"


Rogge drew his sword and rushed towards the direction of the dagger like lightning. A male snake man rushed out of the pine forest, holding three same daggers in his four hands. His free hand extended a sharp claw. Pounced on Rogge head-on.


Rogge leaned over and rushed in front of the snake man, stepped sideways to pass the two short knives that were being chopped at him, used his silver sword to hold the snake man's third knife and sharp claws, and flew up to kick his two arms on the left, knocking him down. The two daggers in his left hand were kicked away, and then he punched him in the left chest.


The snake man staggered backwards. Rogge was about to take advantage of the momentum to attack. Suddenly he heard a scream from behind and another snake man warrior rushed out of the woods. Murphy saw this and drew his sword. The scimitar flashed in the morning light. A bright arc of light was drawn in the middle, forcing the snake man who rushed towards Rogge to retreat.


Taking advantage of Rogge's distraction, the first snake-man warrior twisted his long snake tail and swept towards Rogge's legs. Rogge did not retreat but advanced, jumped up and pounced on the snake-man, the silver sword in his hand flashed, Cut one of the snake man's arms into two pieces.


He stretched out his hand to clamp the snake man's neck in mid-air, jumped over his head with a somersault, landed firmly and twisted, with a click, the snake man's neck was broken into two parts.


Rogge added another sword with his right hand, and the blade pierced the snake man's back. The snake man warrior immediately collapsed to the ground.


The snake man who was fighting with Murphy saw that the situation was not going well and forced Murphy back and fled into the woods. Rogge turned around and rushed to Murphy's side and said: "Catch him and kill him. Don't let him run back to report the news!"


"You wait here, don't go anywhere!" Rogge turned back to Tully and Catherine and then disappeared into the woods with Murphy.


Tully and Catherine glanced at the corpse of the snake man lying dead on the ground, and looked at each other uneasily. Suddenly they heard a strange sound coming from the surrounding forest. They looked around warily, and unexpectedly a black shadow fell from the sky and fell on it. into Tully's arms.


"Yeah!" Tully and Catherine were startled, and looked down at the little Lolita in their arms in horror. Lilith put her hands with black silk gloves around Tully's neck and looked at the two of them. Looking shocked and angry, he burst into laughter.


"Why did you suddenly fall from the sky? Aren't you with Rogge?" Tully looked up at the sky in confusion and asked Lilith, who was smiling broadly in her arms.


The little girl smiled mischievously and said, "I don't want to chase some basilisk with them. It would be more comfortable to find a soft embrace!" After saying that, she put her face against Tully's chest and held her hands tightly. He hugged her and kept pushing into her arms.


Hearing this, Tully and Catherine looked at each other, helplessly looking at the coquettish Lilith in her arms, with expressions of both laughter and tears on their faces.


On the other side, Rogge and Murphy quickly caught up with the snake warriors. They attacked the snake warriors from the left and right sides. Seeing that they could not escape the pursuit of the two men, the snake warriors turned around and angrily waved four short knives at the two warriors. People were hacking at him with knives.


Rogge and Murphy avoided the sharp edge of the dagger. Rogge ducked behind Murphy and leaned over to use his shoulder as a springboard. Murphy jumped back and stepped on Rogge's shoulder with his long boots. Rogge pushed his shoulder hard. As he stood up, Murphy jumped up and struck the snake man's head with the scimitar in his hand.


The snake man raised the short knife in his hand to block Murphy's attack, but unexpectedly, Murphy just made a feint, rolled over in mid-air and landed in the snow not far away, while Rogge flashed out from behind Murphy. , the silver sword in his hand pierced the snake man's chest.


At this time, it was too late for the snake man to adjust his posture to block Rogge's attack. The sword edge went straight through the snake man's chest. With Rogge's sword drawn and roundhouse kick, the snake man collapsed to the ground with a whine.


"Did we fall into a snake den?" Rogge stepped forward and took a look at the body of the snake man. He turned back to Murphy who came to him and said, "Why are there so many snake men around here?"


"Maybe the snake girl you killed was not an ordinary character. I heard that the snake people are a matriarchal clan, and women have a higher status than men. These two male snake people are obviously here for revenge." Murphy stared down. Said the snake-man corpse at his feet.


Before Rogge could answer, a scream suddenly came from the woods. The two of them recognized that it was Catherine's voice. They couldn't help but feel startled. They hurriedly dropped the snake man's body and ran towards the hot spring.


When they returned to the shore of the hot spring, they found that Tully, Catherine and Lilith were all missing. There were more than a dozen male snake-man corpses discarded on the ground, and Tully's staff lay quietly next to the corpses. On the ground, Catherine's two silver muskets were also scattered on the ground.


"You really have to pay back the money if you come out to fool around!"


Rogge stepped forward to pick up the two silver muskets on the ground, opened the chamber and checked the bullets inside. He turned back to Murphy who picked up Tully's staff and said: "There are almost no shortage of bullets. They must have been attacked. And The enemies are many."


"We have to find them as soon as possible, those basilisks will eat them!" Murphy said with a gloomy face.


"There are traces of snake tails here, let's follow them!" Rogge looked around and found the snake people's whereabouts in the snow not far away. He hung two silver muskets on his waist and talked with Murphy Let's catch up together.


When Rogge and Murphy chased along the traces, Catherine and Tully, who were firmly controlled by the snake warriors with four hands, came to the snake in the valley under the escort of more than 20 snake warriors. people station.


They were escorted through the snake people, feeling the fierce light in their eyes. They were escorted through the camp like lambs to be slaughtered by the snake people and entered a dark cave.


After twisting and turning in the twists and turns of the cave, the two were finally escorted outside a large cave deep in the cave. Several naked snake girls stood at the door. After seeing them, they stepped forward to talk to the leader of the snake men. Get talking.


After a brief conversation, the snake girl led the captain and the three snake soldiers who escorted them into the cave. The two saw a huge python statue standing in the center of the cave. A ray of light fell from the hole above, shining on the statue. superior.


In front of the rock throne under the statue, there are two rows of young snake women standing with hands hanging down. A mature and beautiful snake woman is leaning on the armrest of the throne, looking at the people who come forward with evil eyes.


"Queen, we are back!"


The snake captain stepped forward and saluted, and the two soldiers escorting Catherine and Tully pushed them down in front of the queen at the same time. Another soldier took a step forward, bowed and stretched out a hand to the queen, and the little owl's head came from his His hand was exposed.


"Hey, you old and ugly bug, let him go quickly! Otherwise, he will roast you all and eat you!" The little guy struggled to stretch his neck outwards, opened his little eagle mouth and pointed at the throne. cried the Snake Queen.


The Queen glanced at her coldly, swept her gloomy gaze across the faces of Catherine and Tully, and finally landed on the face of the snake captain, and asked: "Aren't there two more people?"


Before the captain could answer, Lilith shouted first: "Your stupid bugs can't catch them. When he comes, he will make you all into snake meat soup, and make me a snakeskin skirt by the way!"


"Take that noisy little thing and feed it to my children!"


The queen glanced at the little owl impatiently, and the soldier who was holding her immediately turned around and walked to the corner of the hall, pulled a stone slab from the ground, revealing a hole with a bottom filled with poisonous snakes, and threw Lilith down.