

The Witcher Rogg found himself unexpectedly embroiled in a mysterious and eerie case where three sacred artifacts, sealing the immense power of the Bloodline's Supreme Being, had inexplicably vanished. The individuals with knowledge of the situation were ruthlessly silenced. Who was attempting to awaken the slumbering Bloodline King, dormant for a century? As the investigation delved deeper, and the truth slowly emerged, an unprecedented crisis in the underworld loomed ever closer...

MasterSnail · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Beauty’s Heart

Seeing the alluring woman standing half-naked in the water, the five people present couldn't help but froze.


After staring blankly at the woman for a few seconds, Murphy turned his face away in embarrassment. Catherine blushed and lowered her head. Tully frowned slightly and focused her gaze on Roger's face.


Rogge stared at the woman silently all the time, and the other woman seemed to notice that he was different, staring at him with a pair of watery golden eyes, without any trace of reserve or shyness on his face.


She slowly swam to the shore, leaned against the lake shore in a graceful posture, and tenderly hooked her fingers towards Rogge. A strange smile appeared on the corner of Rogge's mouth, and he walked towards the woman.


Tully saw this and pulled his arm. Roger turned around and saw her frowning and shaking her head. He smiled silently, broke away from Tully's hand and continued to walk towards the woman.


"Rogg!" Murphy shouted when he saw this. Rogge continued to walk forward without looking back. He stopped a step away from the woman, looked at the woman leaning on the shore with a smile, and leaned over. He extended his hand to her and asked, "Miss, is there anything I can do for you?"


The woman looked at him without saying a word, stretched out a slender jade arm and gently held his hand. Although Rogge was wearing black leather gloves and could not touch the woman's delicate skin, he could still feel it. To the softness and lightness that those little hands bring.


The woman stretched out her other hand to him and looked up at him with her arms wide open. The smile on Rogge's face was mixed with fascination and affection. He gently took her other hand and held the two tender little ones. Bai held it tightly in his hand.


"Something seems wrong!" Murphy, who was standing behind, turned back to Tully and Catherine and said.


Catherine also sensed something was wrong with Rogge. She pulled out the silver gun from her waist and was about to shoot the woman away, but Tully held her down.


"Don't act rashly, we don't know that woman yet, let's take a look first before talking!" Tully said to Catherine, while exchanging glances with Murphy. The adventurer nodded in agreement, and quietly touched his waist with his right hand. He pressed the handle of the scimitar.


The beautiful woman holding Rogge's hands gently pulled him toward her. Rogge slowly lowered his head and bent down as if to lean in for a kiss. However, when his face and the woman's face were only less than ten meters apart, Centimeters later, his body suddenly stopped in place.


The woman glanced at Rogge in surprise, and pulled him down with both hands, but Rogge's body remained motionless, leaning over and staring at her face like a stone statue.


The woman became impatient, frowned and gritted her teeth, trying hard to drag Rogge's arm down with both hands, but to no avail.


Seeing that her two arms could not drag Rogge, the woman became violent and stretched out two equally white arms from the water. She grabbed Rogge's arm and dragged him into the water, but no matter how hard she tried, Roger remained as solid as a rock, unable to move an inch.


"I'm sorry, miss, I know you want to find a bathing partner, but I'm not a suitable candidate. I naturally hate water, did you know?" Rogge suddenly smiled and said to the woman.


A trace of surprise flashed in the woman's golden eyes. Without warning, Rogge dragged her out of the water with force, broke free of her hands with both hands, and flew up with a kick that hit her in the abdomen. The woman whined and fell into the hot spring lake on her back. There was a splash of water on the lake.


The three people standing behind were shocked. They watched Rogge turn around and walk slowly. Before they could understand what was going on, water suddenly splashed in the hot spring lake behind Rogge, and the woman jumped into the sky from the water. To Roger.


It was only then that people saw her true appearance: this woman whose upper body had two more arms than a human being, and her lower body actually dragged a slender snake tail covered with scales, with sharp claws showing on her four snow-white arms. The charming face showed a ferocious look.


The snake woman roared and pounced on Rogge. Rogge looked back and saw her flying down in the air. Four sharp claws rushed forward from the left and right sides, stabbing Rogge like twenty sharp daggers.


Rogge stared at the woman's face calmly, turned around and stretched out the index and middle fingers of his right hand, leaned forward to avoid the snake girl's sharp claws, and hit the snake girl's throat with his two fingers.


Time seemed to have frozen. The snake girl's four claws stopped at a position less than five centimeters away from Rogge, her eyes staring directly at him. Rogge stared at her quietly, with a confident murderous look in his eyes. It seemed as if he was the hunter, not the snake woman's prey.


"No matter how good a beautiful snake is at camouflage, it can't cover up its seven inches..."


Rogge looked into Snake Girl's eyes and suddenly withdrew his right hand, leaving a blood-red hole in Snake Girl's throat. After a moment, a stream of blood spurted out from the throat and fell on Rogge's body. and the ground beneath your feet.


Seeing the snake woman falling back into the lake, the blood dyed the hot spring lake red, Rogge calmly turned around and walked towards the three companions. The three of them looked at him in surprise as he lowered his head and wiped the blood from his fingers with his robe. , completely failed to reflect what happened.


"I remember a sage said that no one knows what is hidden in the chests of beauties, just like we can't predict whether what is below her waist is a human leg or a snake's tail." Rogge said. , raised his head and glanced at Tully with a smile.


When the Mermaid Guardian heard what he said, there was a moment of embarrassment on his face. Rogge continued to smile and said, "I hope you don't mind, dear Miss Guardian, I don't mean to say this against you!"


He smiled apologetically and respectfully at Tully, turned back to Murphy and Catherine and said, "Let's go, guys, there's still a long road ahead!" After that, he strode towards the way he came.


Murphy, Tully and Catherine looked at each other's back and hurriedly chased after him. Murphy quickly came to Roger and asked: "How did you do it? I have never seen anyone who can poke with their fingers." Cut off a person's throat, let alone a fierce snake man!"


"It's nothing. Witchers can always do things that ordinary people can't do easily, because our job is to do things that ordinary people can't do."


Rogge smiled in a relaxed tone, looked back at Catherine and Tully, and continued: "If it were a male snake man, I could even take out his heart with my bare hands!"


The two girls raised their heads in surprise and saw Rogge raising his right hand, curling it into a hook and shaking it in front of them, and said with a smile: "But as a gentleman, it is very rude to use such tricks on women casually. Yes, even if she is a snake, even if I want to kill her."


"Stop bragging. It's going to be dawn soon. We've been walking all night. Let's find a place to sleep quickly!" Lilith, who was woken up, popped her little head out of the hood behind Rogge and pouted. The little bird's mouth shouted with a look of boredom.


"You sleepy little thing, you're not tired even after walking, but you've been lazy all night but you're here complaining all the time!"


Rogge reached out and put the little fur ball back into his hat. He looked up at the surrounding woods and found another piece of white mist not far away. He pointed there and said, "There seems to be a hot spring over there. Let's go over there and see if we can find it." A place to rest."


"There won't be another snake over there, right?" Catherine asked uneasily.


"Don't be afraid, it doesn't matter even if there is, we can just improve the food. The dry food in the Mage Tower is really terrible!" Rogge calmly spread his hands and led the three of them towards the hot spring.


When they came to the hot springs, they found that the surroundings were silent and there were no suspicious signs.


The four people decided to set up camp here. They found a spacious and clean place to sit down by the lake. They washed themselves with the hot water in the lake to relieve their physical fatigue. Then they took out the dry food they had brought with them and lay down by the lake after eating. , decided to take a nap.


The warm water vapor emanating from the hot spring made the four people who had worked hard all night gradually fall into sleep. No one noticed a pair of golden eyes looking at them from the shadow of the woods on the road they came from.