

The Witcher Rogg found himself unexpectedly embroiled in a mysterious and eerie case where three sacred artifacts, sealing the immense power of the Bloodline's Supreme Being, had inexplicably vanished. The individuals with knowledge of the situation were ruthlessly silenced. Who was attempting to awaken the slumbering Bloodline King, dormant for a century? As the investigation delved deeper, and the truth slowly emerged, an unprecedented crisis in the underworld loomed ever closer...

MasterSnail · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Cold Hunter



Seeing the little owl being thrown into the hole by the snake soldiers, Tully and Catherine screamed in unison. They struggled to get up to rescue, but were held down by the snake soldiers and could only watch helplessly. The stone slabs of the burrow were covered.


"Okay, tell me, where are the other two people?"


The Snake Queen cast her gloomy gaze back on the Snake Captain's face, and the Captain replied respectfully: "Queen, we did not arrest them, but sent two soldiers to lure them away."


"What? Didn't you understand what I said? I want you to catch them all, and I want to use their blood to pay tribute to my daughter!" The queen stared at the captain angrily and shouted.


The snake captain quickly replied: "Queen, calm down, we didn't let them go on purpose!" He calmed down and continued to explain: "These people are extraordinary. The two men leading them are both dressed as rangers. I'm worried about the lack of manpower. That's why I didn't dare to fight hard."


The captain lowered his head and glanced at Tully and Catherine who were pinned to the ground by the soldiers. He pointed at Tully and said to the Queen: "Even so, we paid a huge price. This witch's magic killed us easily. A dozen soldiers!"


"Witch?" The Queen glanced at Tully and asked suspiciously, "Why did the witch come here?"


"I am not a witch, I am the guardian of the mermaid tribe's temple. My companions and I have an important mission to go to the Titan's fortress!" Tully raised her head and said loudly to the Snake Queen.


"The mermaid tribe, I know you." The queen nodded slightly.


Tully was secretly happy when she heard what she said. She was expecting things to turn around, but she heard the Queen sneer: "But what does that have to do with me? I don't care why you came here, I just want to Revenge my daughter!"


She raised her head and looked at the snake captain and asked, "How do you plan to catch those two men?"


"Don't worry, queen, we have left marks along the way. They will definitely follow us to find this place. When the time comes, we just need to come out in full force to tear them into pieces and pay homage to the princess's soul!" the snake captain said confidently.


"I don't see, you are quite scheming. Go ahead and arrange it. Keep these two women separately and don't let them run away!" The Queen said while waving her hand to signal them to leave.


The snake captain bowed and ordered the soldiers to drag Tully and Catherine up from the ground and take them out of the cave.


Outside the cave, Rogge and Murphy appeared near the snake man's station. The two hid behind a big rock and peered at the station below the hillside. It was located on the edge of the forest and was the only exit of the valley. The snake people were at the mouth of the valley. Wandering around like a checkpoint on the road.


"I have long heard that the Snake People on Ice and Snow Island are powerful, and now it seems really good!" Murphy said to Rogge.


"I'm afraid these are just some tribes of the Snake People. The power of the Snake People will never be just this small. If the Titan King is the emperor of Ice Island, then the Snake People Queen is the king of the principality."


Rogge glanced at the snake sentries not far away and continued: "As for these, they are at most the Duke's escorts."


"No matter who they are, we can't deal with so many people!" Murphy frowned and shook his head gently.


"You're right, we have only two choices: slip under their noses, or lure them away!" Rogge looked back at Murphy and said. Murphy was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise: "You don't want me to lure this group away, do you?"


"No, on the contrary, I'll lure them away while you sneak into the cave to save people!"


Murphy shook his head after hearing this: "How can that be done? There are so many snake soldiers that can block the entire valley entrance, and you can't escape at all!"


Rogge was about to speak when he suddenly heard the cry of a cub coming from the forest behind him. He had an idea and asked Murphy to follow him. He turned around and tiptoed towards the direction of the sound.


The two cautiously approached the place where the sound came from, and saw a snowman cub with white fur wandering in the snow. This little guy, who had not yet grown claws and teeth, seemed to be lost, and kept calling out from his mouth.


"Maybe we can use it!" Rogge turned back to Murphy and said.


The adventurer shook his head unconfidently and said: "Such a little guy was eaten by the snake man in one bite. It has no effect at all on delaying time!"


Before he finished speaking, a loud roar suddenly came from the woods not far away. The little snowman heard the call and immediately screamed in response. Seeing this, Rogge rushed up to pick up the little snowman without hesitation, and turned towards the snake man's station. Run in the direction.


The little snowman held in Rogge's arms kept struggling and wailing, and the sound made the adult snowman uneasy. Its roar became more and more urgent, and it rushed towards the direction where the cub's voice came from.


While controlling the struggling little snowman, Rogge and Murphy rushed to the area where the snake man was stationed and threw the little snowman in his hand towards the snake man station.


The little guy fell on the thick snow, rolled forward like a snowball for a while, struggled to get up from the ground, and suddenly found several fierce snake men standing next to him, and he screamed in fright.


The little snowman's cry alerted more snake men, who surrounded him from all directions. The nearest snake man had already grabbed the little snowman from the ground and showed the sharp knife in his hand to the little snowman.


At this moment, an adult snowman rushed out of the woods. Seeing the little snowman caught in the hands of the snake people, the adult snowman was immediately irritated. It let out an earth-shattering roar and pounced on the snake people.


Relying on the strength of their numbers, the snake people swarmed up and started a fierce battle with the snowman. Although the snowman was big and round, he was ultimately outnumbered and soon became covered with wounds. His desperate and sad roar, accompanied by the frightened cry of the little snowman, echoed in the sky above the valley.


"Are we too cruel to do this?" Murphy, who was hiding behind the boulder, couldn't help but lowered his head and sighed softly, asking full of self-blame.


Rogge's face didn't show any emotion at all. He was as calm as if nothing had happened. He just watched silently as the snake people attacked the snowman with their long fangs and claws. At this moment, a burst of noise suddenly came from the forest. roar.


"They are coming..."


Following Rogge's soft whisper, countless snowmen rushed out of the forest crazily and pounced on the snake people in the snake man station. These fat white-haired giant beasts seemed to be desperate for their lives, stretching out their strong and sharp claws to attack. The snake people launched a violent revenge.


Seeing this scene, Rogge stood up from behind the stone, turned around and said to Murphy in a cold tone: "Brother, the law of the jungle is the law of nature. In order to survive, we must do whatever it takes. The big forest does not accept moralists, and kindness cannot save Tali and the strong." Catherine!"


After saying that, he quickly walked out from behind the boulder, followed closely by Murphy. He looked at Rogge's back with complicated emotions, feeling terrible at the coldness and determination he showed.


He suddenly wanted to know what allowed this man to maintain such cruel calm at any moment.


But at this time, Murphy had no time to think about this. He drew his sword and followed Rogge. The two took advantage of the fierce battle between the snowman and the snake man to quickly cross the station, relying on the trees and rocks along the way to avoid the snake reinforcements, and soon found to the cave where Catherine and Tully were.


At this time, there were only a few snake soldiers guarding the entrance of the cave. Rogge saw that the opponent's soldiers were very few, so he turned around and made a gesture to Murphy. The two jumped out from behind the bunker and rushed towards the entrance of the cave. The snake at the entrance of the cave When the soldiers saw someone coming, they waved their weapons and came forward.


In the flash of lightning, the body of the last snake soldier collapsed in a pool of blood. Rogge turned back and waved to Murphy, then turned and walked towards the dark cave.


Suddenly, a group of snake soldiers rushed out of the cave and surrounded the two people. The leader of the snake soldiers held four long knives, pointed at the two men and said with a fierce smile: "You are very smart, but you think you can easily break in by creating chaos." It would be a big mistake to enter here!"