

The Witcher Rogg found himself unexpectedly embroiled in a mysterious and eerie case where three sacred artifacts, sealing the immense power of the Bloodline's Supreme Being, had inexplicably vanished. The individuals with knowledge of the situation were ruthlessly silenced. Who was attempting to awaken the slumbering Bloodline King, dormant for a century? As the investigation delved deeper, and the truth slowly emerged, an unprecedented crisis in the underworld loomed ever closer...

MasterSnail · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Fated Enemy

"What happened, Captain?" Seeing Antonio's abnormal expression, Douglas asked doubtfully.


Antonio handed him the mailbox and letter in his hand, looked back at the vast snowfield and said: "The Holy Emperor sent Goethe and Bach, and brought the Wings of Light priests to the Ice Island, and now they have arrived at the City of Shining Light. "


"Isn't that a good thing? In this way, we can completely control the situation on Ice Island!" Douglas lowered his head and glanced at the letter in his hand, and said excitedly: "We can more easily catch Rogge by cooperating with the priests!"


"I'm not worried about Rogge, I'm worried about other people." Antonio turned back and glanced at the excited expression of the deputy commander. His worried and cold eyes made Douglas feel like a bucket of cold water had been poured on him, and he smiled instantly. solidification.


"As the head of the Priesthood of the Wings of Light, High Priest Goethe is the most famous fanatic of the Holy Order. Not only people like Rogge, but also mermaids like Miss Tully are evil heretics in Goethe's eyes. !"


Antonio turned his face back to the snowfield under the snow slope, looking at the sunlight shining sparsely from the snow and fog, and said: "I don't want Goethe and the priesthood to interfere in this matter. This may make the situation here worse. confusion!"


"But they are already here. They are under the orders of His Majesty the Holy Emperor, and we cannot drive them away!" Douglas said.


"That's right, but we can't watch them mess things up. I don't want to see Goethe and his fanatics going on a killing spree on the ice island!"


Antonio turned and walked towards his griffon, and at the same time shouted an order to his subordinates: "Get on your mounts, knights, let's set off to meet the brothers of the priesthood!"



At the same time, Rogge carried the injured Murphy on his back and found a hillock sheltered from the wind. He cleared a piece of clean land under the hillock, let Murphy sit down, untied his blood-stained clothes, and tried to help He treats wounds.


"Damn, this wound is too deep, what can I do?"


Rogge looked at the severe wound on Murphy's left abdomen and could only temporarily help him wrap the wound with a cloth strip. Then he took out a cigar from the tobacco bag at his waist, lit it and handed it to Murphy and said: "Come on, brother, This will help relieve your pain."


After handing the cigar to Murphy, Rogge stood up and prepared to collect herbs. Suddenly he saw Tully's figure appearing on the side of the hillside. She walked up quickly and asked anxiously: "How is Murphy?"


"He is seriously injured and we lack treatment methods. Can you save him?" Rogge asked worriedly.


Tully hurriedly came to Murphy's side, lowered her head and unwrapped the cloth around the wound, inspected the injury and said, "I can help him stop the bleeding, but it may take some time to heal."


She lowered her head and handed the mermaid staff to her left hand. She pressed Murphy's wound with the palm of her right hand and whispered softly in her mouth. A cloud of water mist was generated from the mermaid statue on the head of the staff, gathering in mid-air to form a crystal clear petite line. Mermaid girl.


The mermaid girl floated down around the staff, followed Tully's left arm around her shoulders to her right hand, turned around and got into Murphy's wound.


Tully let go of her jade hand, and saw the mermaid girl threading a needle through Murphy's wound, sewing it up with her own body, and finally disappeared without a trace. During this period, Murphy did not feel any pain.


"It's not life-threatening, but you won't be able to do strenuous exercise for a while, and the wound may be re-opened." Tully raised her head and said to Murphy.


The adventurer nodded gratefully and said, "Thank you, Miss Tully!"


"It doesn't matter, this is what I should do." Tully turned back and nodded to Catherine, indicating to her to take care of Murphy. She washed the blood on her hands with the snow on the ground, then stood up and said to Rogge: "I want to follow You talk."


"Okay, let's go to the hillside! Let Murphy have a rest quietly." Rogge looked back at Catherine and said, "Lilith will be left to you!" The girl nodded in agreement and watched them climb up one after another. Go up the hill.


"Please say what you have to say, but I don't want you to be a lobbyist sent by the regiment leader." Rogge cleared a piece of clean land in the snow on the top of the slope, sat down and lit a cigar.


Tully followed up quietly, not in a hurry to say anything, but took off Rogge's dark blue cloak and wrapped it around his ragged body.


Rogge looked back at her with inquiring eyes, and Tully sat down next to him and said, "You are so uncool today, and you are nothing like the you I knew before."


"Thank you, that's because you have never really known me!" Rogge said meaningfully as he looked back at the surrounding snowy and misty fields.


"I really don't know what kind of grudge you have with Antonio. You have to fight to the death like this." Tully said as she picked up the snow on the ground around her and gently rubbed it on her body. The snow fell quickly. It turns into water and penetrates into her skin, replenishing the water lost in the mermaid's body.


"Me and him?" Rogge looked back at Tully's snow bath, smiled and shook his head: "The relationship between me and him is like a witcher and a vampire, it's just a cat-and-mouse game, there is no personal grudge. "


"Then why are you so angry? You seem to have a burning hatred towards him and the Holy Society."


"I just don't want to see Lilith being harmed by the Holy Society again," the smile on Rogge's face condensed into a solemn tone, and he said in a solemn tone: "That little guy has already been killed once by the Holy Society, and I don't want to let him She goes through it a second time" (see Chapter 2 for details).


"Lilith..." Tully opened her eyes wide in surprise and raised her head to look at Rogge. Rogge told her about Lilith's experience. Tully was very surprised after hearing this. She didn't expect that naughty little owl. I have such a painful past.


"Now you know why I hate the Holy Gathering, right?"


Rogge stared at her sad expression, took a deep breath from his cigar and said: "Lilith is just one of thousands of examples among human beings. To the Holy Emperor, they are not living beings, but like cattle and sheep. victim."


"I understand how you feel, but I don't think Antonio is that kind of person. He didn't know about Lilith's existence just now. He didn't mean to hurt the little guy!" Tully's expression showed an excitement that was eager to defend. .


"I understand that Antonio is the most upright person among the Holy Society believers I have ever met, otherwise he would not have let us leave just now!" Rogge nodded slightly in agreement.


"So, can't we put down the fight and work together to find the holy artifact?" Tully looked at him with expectation and said emotionally: "Even if it's for me..."


Rogge looked back at her sincere eyes, put the cigar in his hand gently into his mouth, and sighed: "Maybe one day, I will work side by side with him to deal with possible troubles, but not now..."


Tully was speechless and couldn't help but sigh softly. She suddenly remembered Alice's murder and quickly asked Rogge for the truth.


Rogge told Tully about "Bloodhand" William and the three men in black robes. Tully was surprised after hearing this. She thought for a moment and said: "So, it is probably William who stole the body of the men in black robes. As for the white fluff on Alice's hands, is it Douglas?"


"It's not that I didn't doubt Douglas, but Antonio wouldn't believe me based on that tuft of fluff."


Rogge frowned, lowered his head and fiddled with the white snow in front of him and said, "And I haven't figured it out. If it was William who really stole the body of the man in black robe, why didn't he help the man in black robe escape?"


He raised his head and looked at Tully and continued: "I have fought with him and seen him kill the Grand Master with my own eyes. His power is superior to mine. He can completely save his men and prevent them from falling into my hands." , leaked the secrets of him and the organization, but he was indifferent to it. I don't understand what he was thinking?"


"Perhaps he just wants to use these people to lure you and the Knights into chasing each other and make you kill each other!" Tully lost no time in reminding Rogge.


"This possibility is not ruled out, but I always feel that this matter is not that simple." Rogge murmured to himself with deep meaning, and suddenly heard an earth-shattering gunshot from the nearby snowfield.