

The Witcher Rogg found himself unexpectedly embroiled in a mysterious and eerie case where three sacred artifacts, sealing the immense power of the Bloodline's Supreme Being, had inexplicably vanished. The individuals with knowledge of the situation were ruthlessly silenced. Who was attempting to awaken the slumbering Bloodline King, dormant for a century? As the investigation delved deeper, and the truth slowly emerged, an unprecedented crisis in the underworld loomed ever closer...

MasterSnail · Fantasy
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60 Chs

The murder caused by the black cloak

"Catherine!" Rogge jumped up from the ground after hearing the gunshot. Tully also stood up from the ground in a hurry. They looked down the mountain together, but they only saw Murphy's figure looking back up the hillside.


"What happened?" Roger shouted down the hillside.


"I don't know. Just now, Miss Catherine saw a dark figure in the snow to the northwest. She ran over to see the situation. She didn't know why there was gunshots!" Murphy shouted towards the hillside.


"Don't move, I'm going down right now!" Rogge waved his hand to comfort Murphy, then turned to Tully and said, "You take care of Murphy, I'll go see what's going on!"


After saying that, he walked directly down the northwest slope. Tully stopped him from behind and said worriedly: "You still haven't taken your sword at the bottom of the mountain. Don't go there with bare hands!"


"Being bare-handed doesn't mean I'm powerless!"


Rogge waved his fist at her, and the sharp wolf claw tattoo on his arm flashed through Tully's blue eyes. His figure had already rushed down the hillside like the wind, heading in the direction Murphy pointed. Go away.


He used his keen eyesight to capture the footprints left by Catherine on the snow along the way. After traveling for about a kilometer, he finally saw the girl's silver figure blending into the vast snow and fog. She was squatting in the snow, looking intently. What.


Rogge walked up lightly. When he was less than ten steps away from Catherine, the girl suddenly turned around and pointed the silver gun in her hand at him. A solemn murderous intention flashed in her eyes. But after a second, he relaxed and was replaced by surprise and intimacy.


"It turns out it's you, I thought you were a bad guy!" She put away the silver musket and stood up, smiling and said to Rogge.


Rogge walked up to her with a smile and replied calmly: "I'm not a good person to begin with, Lilith told you!"


"Pfft!" Catherine couldn't help laughing. Rogge winked at her, stepped forward and looked at the object wrapped in a black cloak on the snow and asked, "This is how you wasted a bullet and then killed us. The reason for telling the world about his position?"


"Yes, Teacher! I'm looking for clues!" The girl put her hands behind her back and said with a pursed smile. Rogge glanced at her curiously, and found a bit of naughtiness and liveliness he had never seen before in her smile.


He deliberately made a serious face and said solemnly: "Who allowed you to call me teacher? I never accept apprentices because I don't want to be hunted down by those killer masters who turned into undead. The knights and vampires are enough for me to deal with!"


"Hehe, no way! Even if it does come, you can handle it because you are the most powerful demon hunter!" Catherine praised in a sweet voice with a smile.


"Little girl, when did you learn to talk sweetly? Murphy must have taught you this!" Rogge smiled and touched Catherine's head, squatting down in front of the black cloak. The girl squatted down and wanted to defend herself, but Rogge stopped him with a gesture.


"If you want to be my disciple, you have to be obedient, honey. A talkative Lilith can't be a disciple, she can only be a partner!"


As he spoke, Rogge lifted up his black cloak, glanced at the body under the cloak, turned back to look at Catherine with a shrug, and said, "I won't tell Lilith, and don't tell anyone what I just said!"


"Yes!" Catherine glanced at the snow fox covered under the cloak and quietly stuck out her tongue. The fox's body had been bruised with blood from the bullets of the handgun and had become cold at this time.


"Okay, let's see what clues this can provide us." Rogge looked at the body of the snow fox, lit a cigar and asked: "What happened just now? Why did you suddenly chase it here? Come?"


"Just now, I was staying by Mr. Murphy's side, taking care of Lilith who was sleeping. The two of us chatted casually about each other's affairs. While we were talking, a black figure scurried over from the snow on the north side and headed towards here. Bian ran over, and I felt that it didn't look like an ordinary animal, so I chased it."


"You probably thought of it as a person lying on the ground and running with all four paws on the ground, right?" Rogge turned back and tilted his head and joked. Catherine smiled shyly and nodded lightly.


"Well, I have to admit that young people have rich imaginations, but their experience is much worse! But it doesn't matter, our work is not in vain!"


Rogge lifted the fox up from the ground, pointed at its snow-white fur and said, "There are no traces of being fixed on this little guy, indicating that the black cloak on his body was not put on by humans."


"You mean, it accidentally discovered this cloak on the snowfield?" Catherine looked at Rogge in surprise and asked.


Rogge shook his head slightly and said: "No, the fox will not be curious about inedible things, but this cloak did fall on it accidentally."


He grabbed the fox's neck, pointed its mouth towards Catherine, pointed to the white hair around the mouth and said: "Did you see it? There are red marks on these hairs, not many but concentrated around the lips, lips and There is also residual red on the teeth, which indicates that it has just bitten something."


"Is it a human?" Catherine keenly thought of the man in black robe. Rogge nodded approvingly and smiled: "I think so. If these blood stains are left by the fox when it eats its prey, the blood stains around the mouth must be within a certain range." It won't be that small."


He threw the fox on the ground, grabbed the black cloak from the snow, held the lower corner of the cloak in front of Catherine and said, "Did you see it? There are blood stains and bite marks here. When standing normally, the fox must jump up to bite, and the fox would not dare to attack a strong human head-on. "


"This shows that when the fox bit, the man must have been sitting on the ground, with the corners of his cloak wrapped around his legs. Maybe he was wrapping himself in the cloak to rest, or he might have fallen asleep. The fox took the opportunity to get close and bite It hurt his leg."


"After the man woke up, he resisted the fox's bite and pulled off his cloak to cover him in order to escape. The fox was suddenly entangled in the black cloak and couldn't distinguish the surrounding situation. He couldn't break free and fell into panic, so Then he would run around in the snow with his cloak on."


At this point, Rogge threw down his cloak, stood up and said to Catherine: "Come on, let's search in the direction where the fox ran. Maybe we will find blood stains, so that we can find traces of that guy. We must not do it again this time." Let him run away!"


"Okay!" Catherine stood up and took Roger, following the paw prints left by the fox on the snow.


The two followed the tracks left by the fox, and finally found dots of blood under a boulder standing in the snow, as well as limping footprints extending north. Roger immediately asked Catherine to go back and report the news. Invite Murphy and Tully to come and gather with Lilith.


Not long after, a speeding sleigh stopped in front of Rogge. Rogge looked curiously at the sleigh, which was made entirely of ice and snow and shaped like a two-wheeled carriage. He smiled and said, "If I'm not wrong, This must be Miss Mermaid's work!"


"Yes, Murphy has limited mobility, and we need some faster means of transportation!" Tully opened the car door and said to Roger: "Come up quickly, if you miss this car, you won't be able to find the next one! "


"I'm so happy to catch the last train!" Rogge boarded the carriage and sat down next to Murphy, closing the ice crystal door.


Tully gave an order, and the seals pulling the cart rushed out like flying arrows. The magic power given to them by the mermaid staff made these fat little guys squirm and move forward quickly, no less than a sprint. sled dog.


Not long after traveling, a figure appeared in the distance on the snowfield ahead. The black figure was particularly conspicuous in the white snow. His steps were staggering and he seemed to have an illness on his legs. He was walking with difficulty in the snow.


"That's that guy, chase him and catch him!" Rogge turned back and said to Tully.


The mermaid guardian gave instructions to the seals, and the ice crystal sleigh rushed towards the man quickly. Unexpectedly, before he could get close, a group of goblins suddenly appeared in the snow around the man in black. They swarmed up and threw the man to the ground with seven hands. The eight-legged one was tied up tightly and dragged westward with a rope.