

The Witcher Rogg found himself unexpectedly embroiled in a mysterious and eerie case where three sacred artifacts, sealing the immense power of the Bloodline's Supreme Being, had inexplicably vanished. The individuals with knowledge of the situation were ruthlessly silenced. Who was attempting to awaken the slumbering Bloodline King, dormant for a century? As the investigation delved deeper, and the truth slowly emerged, an unprecedented crisis in the underworld loomed ever closer...

MasterSnail · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Blood of Scorpio

When the golden light dissipated from the top of the snow slope and the surrounding sky gradually returned to normal, people carefully opened their eyes and looked towards where Rogge was. They saw that all the snow on the ground had been blown away by the shock wave, and the brown land appeared. Roger's figure.


He was kneeling on the ground. His clothes had been severely torn by the holy shock wave, leaving only some torn pieces of cloth. His blue wide-brimmed hat was gone, and his long brown hair was messy and scattered on his bare shoulders. , a fierce wolf-shaped tattoo was exposed from the torn clothes on his body.


"Rogg..." Seeing this scene, Tully couldn't help but shout.


Rogge slowly raised his head, and his crouched body stood upright. The sleeves on his two arms had been destroyed, exposing two thick arms with bulging veins. There were two fierce wolf claws tattooed on each arm.


When Rogge took away the hand covering his chest, people saw that the broken wide-brimmed hat was tightly attached to his chest.


He raised his head and glanced at Antonio coldly, removed the wide-brimmed hat from his chest, looked down at the little owl curled up in the hat, handed it to Catherine, spit out the cigarette butt remaining in his mouth and said, "Take care of it for me. Good Lilith!"


Catherine hurriedly stepped forward to take the hat and held it tightly in her arms, but Rogge had already rushed toward Antonio like an arrow from a string.


Seeing the fierceness of the opponent's approach, the knight leader took a defensive posture with his spear in front. Rogge's silver sword slashed at the golden spear shaft. Sparks flew everywhere for a while, and a clear trembling sound echoed in the ears of the two of them.


Antonio, who was wrestling, vaguely felt that the opponent's power was constantly strengthening. He was surprised to see the light radiating from Rogge's eyes getting brighter and brighter, as if some kind of power was pouring out from his body.


Suddenly, Rogge held the sword in his right hand and pressed down on the spear controlled by both hands with one hand. His left hand, which released the sword hilt, crossed over the spear and caught Antonio's breastplate and neck protector.


There was a continuous "click" sound, and the hard metal neck guard was deformed by Rogge's hands. Seeing that the situation was not good, Antonio raised his leg and kicked Rogge away, freeing his neck from his hands.


The moment his body separated from Rogge, Rogge's fingers slid across his breastplate, and there was a sound of metal shattering. His golden armor was actually cut with five finger-thick cracks. .


"What? This is impossible!" Antonio looked down at the five long cracks on the breastplate in shock. He had never seen anyone who could tear apart a knight's armor with his bare hands, not to mention that his armor also contained reinforcements. The sacred magic of armor!


"Although you have the armor and magic power that the Saint will give you," Rogge, who backed away from Antonio, said in a gloomy tone: "But it does not mean that you can withstand everything. There has never been anything in this world. It's unbeatable!"


"You guys are simply a devil!" Antonio stared at Rogge in shock and anger. Rogge showed a cold smile when he heard this, nodded and said: "You are right, between the demon hunter and the devil, there is no relationship between the demon hunter and the devil. It's just one step away, but for others, so why not?"


"Then let me see if you have fallen into the devil's ways!" Antonio's sonorous and powerful voice came from the golden helmet, and he himself rushed towards Rogge with his spear inverted.


Rogge did not retreat but advanced, swinging his sword to face the golden spear of the knight leader. Just when the two weapons were about to collide, a sharp scimitar stopped between the two.


"That's enough, don't fight!" Murphy took a step forward to separate the two men. The scimitar was firmly resisting the two falling weapons. The sound of the collision of the three weapons echoed in everyone's ears. The three men Staring at each other, their eyes flashed with different fighting spirits.


"Both of you need to calm down. Now is not the time to kill each other! Finding the whereabouts of the holy artifact is the key!" Murphy struggled to separate the two weapons, pushed Antonio and Rogge to both sides, and persuaded loudly and earnestly .


"For me, catching wanted criminals is also my responsibility, and it is equally important as tracking down the sacred artifacts!"


Antonio pointed the spear in his hand at Rogge. Rogge pushed the spear away with his silver sword and sneered: "That's right. The Holy Assembly has always been a two-pronged approach. Angels during the day and devils at night. Both are equally important!"


"Those who tarnish the reputation of the Holy Society must pay the price!" Antonio rushed forward angrily and stabbed Rogge in the chest with his spear. Murphy reached out to grab the spear shaft, but the spearhead flew out and flew towards Rogge.


Rogge dodged sideways, passing the whistling spearhead, and stabbed the torn gap in Antonio's breastplate with the silver sword in his right hand, but Murphy pressed the sword with his knife and failed to hit.


Just when the three of them were in trouble, Douglas, the deputy commander on the side, suddenly walked around with a spear, raised his spear and stabbed Rogge from the side and rear.


Catherine screamed when she saw this, and Rogge had already seen it with his peripheral vision. He hurriedly lowered his waist to pass the spearhead, and grabbed the spear shaft in front of him with his hands.


He grabbed Douglas's spear shaft tightly and pulled him towards him with force. The silver sword in his right hand stabbed his abdomen. Douglas, who was staggering, could not control his actions and rushed towards Rogge's cold silver sword. .


Antonio on the side quickly stretched out his spear and tried to block Rogge's silver sword. Unexpectedly, Murphy also took a step forward and pushed Rogge away. Antonio's spear happened to stab Murphy in the left abdomen.


Murphy grunted, shook his body, took two steps back, grabbed Rogge's arm and pushed him back.


"Brother, how are you?" Discovering that Murphy was injured, Rogge hurriedly turned around to support him. Antonio saw that he accidentally injured Murphy and intentionally stepped forward to check the injury, but met Rogge's cold gaze and couldn't help but stop. When he came down, he turned around and scolded Douglas for not making a sneak attack.


"I'm fine. Listen to me. The grudges between you and the Holy Association should not be fought to the death at this time. You and Antonio must put it all aside. The most important thing is to trace the whereabouts of the holy artifact. If the two of you fight to the death, in the end, The guys who stole the sacred artifact should be happy!"


Hearing Murphy's persuasion, Rogge raised his head and glanced at Antonio. The knight leader happened to turn around and look at the two of them. The two looked at each other for a moment. Antonio took the initiative to dissipate the spear in a burst of golden light and put away the weapon. Expressed his willingness to call a truce.


"Come on, brother, come with me, I can't safely hand you over to the Knights!" Rogge couldn't help but carry Murphy on his back, turned and walked down the snow slope.


Several knights stepped forward to try to block them, but Antonio waved them away. Rogge slid down the snow slope with Murphy on his back, and strode away in the direction of the black-robed man's escape with Catherine holding Lilith.


"You should also follow. Rogge is leaving with Murphy like this. They are not in a position to help Murphy treat his injuries. It will be much easier to deal with his injuries with you!" Antonio walked up to Tully and said to her.


Tully was hesitant about this, but when she saw Antonio's initiative, she nodded in agreement, turned around and slid down the snow slope, chasing after Rogge in a hurry.


Antonio walked to the edge of the snow slope and watched their departing figures from a distance. He heard Douglas, who was following behind, asking anxiously: "Captain, why do you want to let them go? This is the best chance to catch Rogge!"


"No, you are too impatient!" Antonio took off the silver helmet on his head, revealing short dark red hair, and turned back to Douglas with a solemn expression.


"Rogg's fighting power is beyond our imagination. Defeating him will not take a matter of seconds, but Murphy's injury cannot wait. Maybe it would be better to change the way now. Tully and Murphy should be able to He gets more in his mouth!"


He glanced at Douglas solemnly and said, "Don't worry, Rogge can't escape from the island. The Mage Tower will always monitor his whereabouts. This matter is not over yet!"


"Understood, Commander!" Douglas replied.


At this moment, a white owl fell from the sky and landed on Antonio's shoulder.


The leader of the Knights recognized this as the messenger owl from the Mage Tower that delivered letters. He reached out and took the letter box from its leg, opened the letter inside and looked at it carefully. He said to himself in surprise: "Why are they here?" ?"