

The Witcher Rogg found himself unexpectedly embroiled in a mysterious and eerie case where three sacred artifacts, sealing the immense power of the Bloodline's Supreme Being, had inexplicably vanished. The individuals with knowledge of the situation were ruthlessly silenced. Who was attempting to awaken the slumbering Bloodline King, dormant for a century? As the investigation delved deeper, and the truth slowly emerged, an unprecedented crisis in the underworld loomed ever closer...

MasterSnail · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Snake Killer

"It seems that without any trouble, I don't want to see the cute girls anymore." Rogge looked around at the snake people who were watching eagerly, and shrugged to Murphy.


"I don't mind taking action directly, we have killed a lot of snakes anyway!" Murphy said, holding the handle of the scimitar tightly and staring at the snake captain with vigilant eyes.


"I personally agree!" Rogge said as he drew out his sword. The silver sword was like a silver rainbow heading towards the snake captain.


The captain roared, and threw four long knives at Rogge. The surrounding snakemen swarmed forward, and Murphy's scimitar arced in all directions, joining the melee.


The light of the scimitar was like an impermeable shield of sword light around Murphy. All the snake-men who approached were hit by the knife and fell to the ground. The adventurer forced the group of snakes back, shouted and chopped down the scimitar on the head, killing the snake in front of him. The soldier was split in half, blood splattered all over him.


Suddenly, a sharp whistle came from behind Murphy. He turned sharply and swung his knife to block it. A long knife hit the scimitar blade, and then bounced out and hit a snake soldier in the chest.


"Sorry brother, I didn't mean to hurt my teammates!"


A few steps away, Rogge, who had just knocked away the weapon of the snake-man captain, turned around and waved gently. Before he finished speaking, the snake-man captain had already screamed strangely and rushed forward, slashing at Rogge with a knife.


Rogge did a backflip on the spot, just in time to avoid the three long knives that were chopped down. After landing, he turned around and cut off the snake captain's arm with a sword. The captain screamed, threw away the long knife and covered the broken arm with his hand. Fall backwards.


"Do you know what I do for a living?"


Rogete walked slowly towards the captain with his sword. When he passed by the long knife that the captain threw on the ground, he suddenly kicked the long knife to the left with his foot. The kicked long knife penetrated a snake soldier without any bias. chest.


"I have two answers for your reference. The first is to kill you man-eating monsters." Rogge continued to walk towards the snake captain as if nothing had happened, and said with a cynical smile: "The second is to rely on your mouth!"


The angry snake captain looked up at Rogge's provocative eyes, let go of his injured arm and roared forward again. Rogge turned sideways to let go of the long knife he had chopped down, and at the same time knocked away another knife with his silver sword. , Shen Qianqian shrank his elbows and hit him into the cave with a brute force.


"Roger!" Murphy, who saw this scene, tried his best to kill the snake soldier beside him, turned around and shouted in the direction of the cave.


It was dark inside the cave entrance and nothing could be seen. Murphy vaguely heard a roaring sound coming from inside, as if ten thousand wild beasts were biting each other.


"What's going to happen to this guy?"


Murphy was thinking in his mind, but had no time to go in and help Rogge. He turned around to resist the attacks of several snake soldiers, swung his knife to kill two of them, took off the scabbard from his waist, and popped out the metal thorn at the end of the scabbard. The thorns came out and knocked down the last two snake warriors.


When he turned around, he suddenly saw a figure emerging from the entrance of the cave. The sunlight illuminated Rogge's face, as well as the blood stained on his face, chest and hands. There was a cold murderous intent in his eyes, which made Mo Mo Fei felt a shudder.


"Rogg?" Murphy called softly from where he stood. Rogg looked up at him, then suddenly raised the silver sword in his hand and threw it at him.


The adventurer hurriedly dodged, but the silver sword passed by him and pierced the chest of a wounded snake soldier who was preparing for a sneak attack. The snake looked at Rogge unwillingly and fell on its back.


"I reminded Catherine before to stay vigilant after the battle. I thought only rookies needed to be reminded, but I didn't expect that an old ranger like you would also make mistakes!"


Rogge said, his cold expression thawing with a smile. He walked slowly to Murphy, patted his shoulder gently, stepped forward and pulled out the silver sword that had pierced the snake man's chest.


"Let's go, our rescue operation isn't over yet!" Rogge shook off the blood drops on the sword blade, turned around and strode towards the cave. Murphy glanced at his back silently, and followed quickly with a scimitar in hand. Go up.


The two entered the cave and walked past the body of the snake captain. With the faint light at the entrance of the cave, Murphy noticed that the upper body of the snake captain had become bloody, as if it had been chopped into pulp by a sharp knife.


He frowned, looked back at Rogge who was walking in front as if nothing had happened, and walked past the body silently.


The two walked in the intricate cave for a long time. Murphy felt that he had lost his way. He stopped Rogge and hoped to discuss the route, but Rogge smiled and said: "Don't worry, we will be there soon. Just follow the scent of the snake!"


"Smell?" Murphy looked at Rogge in surprise and sniffed the surrounding air vigorously. He smelled nothing except the damp and rotten smell in the cave.


Despite this, Rogge continued to move forward unswervingly, and Murphy had no choice but to follow. Not far away, several snake women suddenly appeared in front of them.


"What did I say?" Rogge turned back and smiled at Murphy, turned around and faced the snake girl with his silver sword in hand. The snake girls also noticed the appearance of the two of them, stretched out their claws together, and shot a row of green arrows at the two. The smell of poisonous nails.


Rogge tore off the dark blue cloak from his body and threw it at Snake Girl. The robe spun rapidly in the air, knocking off some of the nails, and the rest of the nails penetrated the cloak and shot directly at Rogge.


Rogge swung his silver sword and knocked back the poisonous nails that exuded green aura. Several snake girls were hit by the rebounding poisonous nails and fell to the ground immediately.


"Don't be reluctant to do something just because she's a beauty, brother! Sometimes beauties are poisonous snakes!"


Rogge rushed towards the remaining snake girls, cut off the head of one snake girl with a swing of his sword, then kicked the other snake girl against the wall with a roundhouse kick, and nailed the snake girl next to him with the silver sword in his hand. on the wall.


Just when he was about to draw his sword to kill the fourth snake girl, the sharp scimitar flashed past him and penetrated the snake girl's chest.


Rogge glanced at the fallen snake girl and heard Murphy's voice coming from behind: "I admit that I am not as professional as you in hunting monsters, but the difference is only in determination, not skill."


"You're right, brother, the demon hunter has a heart as hard as stone!" Rogge said, walking towards the snake girl who was kicked down against the wall, and before she could stand up from the ground, he cut her throat with a knife. .


He pulled out the scimitar from the ground and threw it to Murphy. Without picking up the cloak he dropped on the ground, he turned around and strode into the cave. He saw the Snake Queen leaning on the throne and ten people standing in front of the throne. Snake maid.


"If I'm not wrong, you are the leader of this snake tribe!" Rogge stepped forward calmly, looking at the snake queen on the throne and said, Murphy followed closely, beside him He stopped and looked at the queen and the snake maids with vigilant eyes.


"If I guess correctly, you are the guy who killed my daughter!" The Snake Queen straightened up, stared at Rogge's bloody face with gloomy eyes, and said suppressing the anger in her heart.


"Demon hunter Rogge pays tribute to the snake people!" Rogge raised his hand to his eyebrows with a smile and made a salute gesture. The snake queen's face suddenly changed, and she stared at Rogge's face and asked: "You Is that the 'lone wolf'?"


"Unexpectedly, my bad reputation has spread to the ears of the snake people!" Rogge looked back at Murphy jokingly, and asked the queen with a smile: "Tell me, where did you hide those two girls? "


"If you want to know their whereabouts, then pay for my daughter's life first!" the queen shouted through gritted teeth.


"Your daughter?" Rogge thought for a moment and smiled suddenly: "I remember, it was the beautiful snake whose neck I stabbed by the hot spring lake, right? Do you want me to pay for her life?"


He lowered his head and gently stroked the blade of the silver sword. He raised the sword and pointed it at the Queen. A provocative smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said, "Then you have to discuss the sword in my hand. If it agrees, I will I promise you with great mercy!"


 "You are asking for your own death!" The Queen gritted her fangs in hatred, suddenly stood up from the throne, pointed at Rogge and Murphy and shouted angrily: "Kill them!"