

The Witcher Rogg found himself unexpectedly embroiled in a mysterious and eerie case where three sacred artifacts, sealing the immense power of the Bloodline's Supreme Being, had inexplicably vanished. The individuals with knowledge of the situation were ruthlessly silenced. Who was attempting to awaken the slumbering Bloodline King, dormant for a century? As the investigation delved deeper, and the truth slowly emerged, an unprecedented crisis in the underworld loomed ever closer...

MasterSnail · Fantasy
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60 Chs

Wrath of Dragon Rider

"Hell!" Rogge took out the half-burned cigar from his mouth, gritted his teeth and glanced at the surrounding Silver Dragon Knights.


"Don't block my way, damn guys, if you still want to know the whereabouts of the sacred artifact!" Rogge pointed at Douglas with his sword and shouted in annoyance.


"It is precisely because we want to know the whereabouts of the sacred artifact that we will not let you escape!"


Douglas raised the spear in his hand without giving up and said in a strong tone: "What did Alice tell you? Why did you kill her? Is it to hide some unspeakable crimes!"


"I don't want to kill you, but if you don't get out of the way within three seconds, don't blame me for being rude!" Rogge suppressed the anger in his heart and said viciously to Douglas. The latter stared at Rogge indifferently, without any intention of retreating. mean.


Rogge saw this and rushed forward. Douglas did not retreat but advanced, driving the griffon to open its huge claws and pounce on Rogge.


Rogge turned sideways to let go of the griffin's attack. He stabbed out with the sword in his right hand, penetrated the griffin's armor and penetrated its body. He jumped up and kicked Douglas in the chest, kicking him off the griffin. Fly down.


Douglas fell heavily to the snow, rolled over in the snow, and stood up. He looked up and saw that Rogge had jumped onto the gryphon. He grabbed the mane behind the gryphon's neck with his left hand, and cut the gryphon with his sword. The carotid artery, red blood spurted out, and the griffin wailed and collapsed to the ground.


The surrounding knights were shocked and drove their griffins to attack Rogge. Catherine hurriedly raised her double guns, and the flying bullets hit the knights like rapid hail. Several griffins were injured by the flying bullets. Staggering back.


Rogge took the opportunity to open a way, protecting Catherine and preparing to rush down the snow slope. Suddenly, there was a flash of golden light behind him, and a chain wrapped around Rogge's ankle, dragging him backwards to the ground. Rogge turned around and grabbed the A chain, his ankle twisted to get rid of the shackles of the chain, and he jumped up from the ground.


"Rogge, you have been presumptuous enough. My patience is limited!" The broken spearhead bounced off the ground and flew back into the barrel of the gun. Rogge looked up and saw Antonio standing in front of him holding a spear. The griffon Tydaris slowly landed behind him, and Tali's figure appeared on the back of the griffin.


"Antonio, do you know what you are doing?" Rogge suppressed the annoyance in his heart, glared at the knight leader and said: "If you and your stupid knights hadn't appeared, I would have caught the minions who stole the holy artifact! "


"Who is the minion you are talking about? Where is he?" Antonio lifted the visor of the silver helmet and looked at Rogge with suspicion.


Rogge shook his head gently and said: "They are the men of William the Bloody Hand. The deaths of the fishing village chief, Alice, and the Grand Master are all related to William. The person behind him is the real culprit who stole the holy weapon!"


"Captain, don't believe him. When we landed, there were only two of them here, no one else was there at all. This was all his escape plan!" Douglas pointed his spear at Roger and Catherine, and called back to Antonio. road.


"William the Bloody Hand has been imprisoned in the imperial prison for a hundred years. When I left the imperial capital, he was still imprisoned in the Condor Prison. How do you prove that this matter is related to him?" Antonio stared with suspicion. Looking at Rogge, he said meaningfully.


"I watched William the Bloody Hand kill the Grand Master with my own eyes. If you don't believe it, in the jungle behind you, there is the body of a man in black robe, that is his subordinate!"


Rogge pointed his silver sword at Antonio's back. The knight leader looked back at the direction of the jungle, pondered for a moment and said, "Douglas, take a few people to see!"


The deputy leader agreed, glared at Rogge, and hurried away with the ten knights. Murphy and Tully, who came later, stepped forward to persuade Antonio and Rogge not to continue fighting, but both of them remained silent. , the hostility shown in his eyes cannot be resolved with a few words.


While Tully was busy making peace, Douglas hurried back with the knights. He came to Antonio and whispered a few words in his ear.


Upon hearing this, the knight leader looked back at him, frowned slightly, and turned his gaze back to Rogge's face and said, "Rogge, where is the body you mentioned?"


"Are all your men blind? You can't see a man in black robes in the white snow?" Rogge sneered and puffed out a puff of smoke. Catherine also echoed: "Yes, the body clearly fell on the snow. There are obvious blood stains around it!"


Antonio turned back and looked at Douglas. The deputy leader stepped forward and said loudly: "We have searched the surrounding jungle. There are no corpses or any blood stains at all. You are obviously lying!"


"Do you have anything else to defend?" Antonio looked at Rogge gloomily and asked.


"No, if you want to do it, you can do it now!" Rogge picked up the cigar and answered coldly.


"Wait a minute, I think there must be some misunderstanding here. Why don't we have a good talk and explain the ins and outs of the matter?" Tully stepped forward to hold Antonio, and at the same time stretched out her hand to signal Rogge not to act rashly.


"Of course I will talk to him, but he must go back with me and explain everything to me!" Antonio pushed Tully away gently, his eyes pointing like swords at Rogge.


A contemptuous smile burst out from the corner of Rogge's stubble-covered mouth, and he replied provocatively: "Then it depends on whether the teeth of the Holy Emperor's lackeys are sharp enough!"


Rogge's words angered Antonio. He closed the visor of his helmet and strode towards Rogge with a spear in one hand. The spearhead flew out and stabbed Rogge's chest like a poisonous snake spitting a message.


Rogge pursed his lips and sneered, his silver sword deflected the flying spearhead, and a hungry tiger jumped towards the knight leader.


Antonio retracted the spearhead, and the barrel of the spear was close to Rogge's drooped head, sweeping across the top of his wide-brimmed hat. Rogge leaned down and lowered his head, pointing the silver sword directly at the knight leader's left knee. Antonio took a sharp step back, Rogge rolled forward and had already rolled in front of him, and jumped into Antonio's arms.


"Try this, Mr. Knight!" Rogge yelled and punched Antonio on the breastplate. The knight leader stumbled back. The heavy metal boots helped him stabilize his body. The barrel of his right pistol swung like a dragon's tail. Hit Roger's calf.


Rogge felt a pain in his legs and his feet were unstable. His body fell backwards to the ground. He subconsciously stretched out his left hand to hold down Antonio's breastplate and grabbed it hard. Four fingers made a piercing sound on Antonio's breastplate. Metal scraping sound.


Rogge took the opportunity to somersault back and regain his footing. Antonio looked down and found that there were four deep scratches on the surface of his hard steel breastplate, as if it had been cut by a blade. He looked up in surprise. Rogge saw him moving his fingers provocatively.


"Your armor seems not strong enough. Didn't the Holy Emperor give you enough funds to build the armor?" Rogge moved his legs, which were a little sore from being hit by Antonio's gun, with a slight sneer at the corner of his mouth.


He looked around at the angry knights, spread out his hands towards Antonio, smiled and taunted: "Could it be that the money His Majesty the Holy Emperor squeezed from the people was only enough for him to eat himself into a fat pig?"


"You bastard, you are not allowed to insult His Majesty the Holy Emperor!" the knight leader roared, holding the spear tightly in his right hand and swinging the spear with all his strength. A golden light shined from the eye socket of his silver helmet, instantly killing him. The silver armor all over his body was plated with gold, and even his bright silver spear became golden.


The furious "Son of the Dragon" jumped up and stabbed Rogge with the spear in his hand. Rogge retreated sharply. The flying spearhead looked like a roaring dragon in the bright golden light, and he pounced on him with his teeth and claws. Roger.


Rogge raised the silver sword in his hand to face the spearhead, and saw a golden beam of light that instantly completely submerged his figure. Everyone present looked away in panic.


Where the strong wind rose, the roaring explosion shook the eardrums of everyone present, and a golden shock wave spread instantly from the top of the snow slope...