
Wolfhearted Love

"Seraphine, you may wonder why I chose you." "Emperor, your choice confounds me. There are others far Prettier and more deserving." Beneath the silvery canopy of moonlight, Seraphina and Wildan stood alone in a clearing, the forest's whispers their only audience. The Emperor, his gaze like liquid silver, leaned in closer to Seraphine and whispered, "I dream of you, Seraphine" Seraphine's heart skipped a beat, her breath catching in her throat. "Emperor," she stammered, "I never imagined someone like you would dream of someone like me." ---------------------- This Story Have Two Character lead, Seraphine (Female Leads), and Wildan (Male Lead) Seraphine, the perennial underdog of the pack, who has been disregarded and overlooked throughout their life. But fate takes a dramatic turn when the formidable Werewolf Emperor, wildan, arrives in search of a mate. Instead of the usual, stronger contenders, she chooses our unassuming hero. Wildan, a Young Prince of the Southern Wolfrein Kingdom Woke up, and in his dream, There are a Woman that could become her fate and to become his soulmates. he always believe, somewhere, the man is exist. Several years later, he force to take a thrown as an Emperor. with several Political intersection that he face including his Married, he has no choice but choose his bride to be The baffling decision sets in motion a series of events that will forever alter their destiny. On the night of the fabled Blue Moon, as wildan marks Seraphina as his chosen one, a surge of unimaginable power awakens within. Our once-meek protagonist undergoes an astonishing transformation, becoming a force to be reckoned with. As their love story unfolds, it weaves through a tapestry of challenges and adversities. Jealous rivals, ancient curses, and a world determined to keep them apart threaten to extinguish their budding romance. ------------------ Author Note: Update Daily at 7.00 PST

MyLawDude · Fantasy
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17 Chs

First Meeting

Seraphine stirred in a wooden room nestled deep within the heart of the forest. Her eyes blinked open, adjusting to the dim light filtering through the rustic windows. Her body felt fragile, wrapped in bandages that spoke of care and attention.

She surveyed her surroundings, taking in the spacious yet humble chamber. It was evident that the room had been crafted with a skilled hand, the woodwork showcasing intricate designs and the craftsmanship of the builder. The sense of solitude and peace hung in the air, a stark contrast to the turmoil she had recently endured.

Seraphine's gaze returned to her own body, noticing the bandages that covered her injuries. A mix of gratitude and sadness welled up within her. It was clear that someone had tended to her wounds, but the realization of the extent of her suffering left her with a deep sense of sorrow.

As she gingerly touched the bandages, she couldn't help but wonder where she was. "Viscount Ardianto's abode?" she whispered to herself, struggling to recall the events that had led her to this place. But it seemed unfamiliar. To her knowledge, this place should have been his, yet something didn't quite add up.

Seraphine's mind swirled with questions, her journey shrouded in mystery. She knew that this place held secrets and answers, and she was determined to uncover them, even if it meant unraveling the enigma of her current situation.

Seraphine, still in a state of surprise and confusion, blinked as she heard a soft, melodious voice. Her gaze locked onto the figure of a stunning woman who entered the room. 

The woman was a vision of ethereal beauty, her presence captivating and her features delicate yet striking. Her flowing ebony hair cascaded like a waterfall, framing a face adorned with the grace of a serene goddess. Her deep, expressive eyes held a warmth and kindness that immediately put Seraphine at ease.

In that moment, Seraphine felt as though she were gazing upon the most beautiful woman she had ever seen. Her heart skipped a beat, and she swallowed hard, momentarily speechless.

The enchanting woman extended a welcoming smile, breaking the spell of silence. "You woke up?" she inquired gently. "No need to be so engrossed, dear." She introduced herself with a soft giggle. "My name is Susi, Susi Ironclaw. But you can just call me Susi, sister."


'I seems to hear it somewhere'

The name "Ironclaw" struck a chord within Seraphine, as if she had heard it somewhere before, but the memory remained elusive.

Susi, with a tender smile, urged Seraphine to relax. "Just keep lying down, okay?" She poured warm water into a basin, her graceful movements accompanied by a soothing aura of caring and compassion. As she tended to Seraphine's needs, a sense of safety and trust enveloped the room, and Seraphine began to realize that she had found herself in the presence of a guardian angel in this time of need.

Seraphine's eyes widened with concern as the memory of her aunt being in Danang's clutches flooded her thoughts. With a sense of urgency, she implored, "Wait, my aunt! Where is she? She can't marry him, please, you have to save her!"

Susi, still radiating an air of calm and grace, smiled gently at Seraphine's panicked pleas. "Don't worry, dear, Your aunt is safe. She's in the next room over from yours."

A rush of relief flooded over Seraphine, and she let out a long sigh, her fear and worry momentarily eased. The knowledge that her aunt was nearby, under Susi's care, brought a renewed sense of hope and gratitude.

Seraphine, her curiosity piqued and her gratitude for Susi's presence growing, couldn't help but voice her questions. "Who are you? Are you by any means Danang's Sister? I'm sorry, but can you help us, please?" she pleaded.

Susi chuckled at the suggestion of being Danang's sister, her laughter a musical and disarming sound. "Me, that Crap's sister?" she teased, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Do I look anything like him?"

Seraphine, with a subtle nod, agreed with a small smile. "Yeah, that... that man couldn't possibly have a beautiful sister like you." He is so fat, that fat man couldn't have a beautiful sister like her.

Susi's laughter continued, and her warm demeanor put Seraphine at ease. "To answer your question about that bug called Danang," she began, "You don't have to worry about him. His Majesty, Wildy has already taken care of him."

"His Majesty?,, Wildy?" Seraphine repeated, finding the name rather unusual. 'What a weird name,' she mused, trying to process the turn of events that had brought her into the care of this mysterious woman, who seemed to hold a connection to someone named Wildy.

Wait, Ironclaw, A duke of the Southern Kingdom, She is his Daugther?, why she has come to this small place?,

"Your lady"

"Shh, Just Call me Sister Okey"


"No But"

"About His highness?"

"Well he busy with some boring official business, and About Last night", She start to tell the story about Last night Incident.


"His Majesty, The Southern Emperor has come !!!"

All eyes turned to the man who embodied royal elegance, draped in resplendent attire. His presence commanded the attention of everyone in the vicinity, and an air of reverence surrounded him.

The Emperor's gaze, however, was directed at a singular point in the crowd, focusing on the red-haired woman who had been on the brink of collapse. In her moment of weakness, her identity remained unknown to the Emperor, but he couldn't help but be drawn to her.

With a hint of disbelief and uncertainty, Danang stammered, "Is he... His Majesty?" The presence of such a prominent and revered figure in this seemingly remote location left him bewildered and apprehensive.

'How can he be here', What a shit luck'

The atmosphere in the forest turned tense as the Southern Emperor, Wildan, approached Seraphine, the unconscious woman with fiery red hair. His presence exuded an aura of power and command, and his gaze never wavered from her.

Ignoring Danang's polite words, Wildan took hold of Seraphine gently, his fingers brushing against her skin, and his sharp eyes took in every detail of the abuse she had endured.

"How silly you are," he said to the girl in his hand,  a genuine look of distress clouding his features. He couldn't help but feel a sense of worry.

"135," Wildan stated, his voice carrying a cold and stern authority.

Danang, stunned and fearful, could only manage a bewildered, "What?"

Wildan's gaze remained fixated on Seraphine as he continued, his voice carrying an edge of danger, "You and your man hit her 135 times. To a wolf, striking a defenseless girl repeatedly is a grave sin."

As Wildan spoke, an oppressive aura emanated from him, enveloping everyone present. Their knees buckled under the weight of this overwhelming force, and they found themselves unable to stand against the potent energy that exuded from the Southern Emperor.

As Wildan, the Southern Emperor, gazed at Danang, his eyes became more radiant, and his presence began to take on a fearsome quality. He couldn't conceal his anger at Danang's actions.

"My mother always told me to be gentle with women," he said, his voice laced with disappointment. "And here you are, a mere viscount's son, committing such acts. What if my mother were to learn of this?" His eyes, filled with intensity, locked onto Danang as a shift in his demeanor revealed his true nature.

Wildan's words left no room for denial, and he let his primal instincts take over. His fangs and claws began to make an appearance, a clear indication of his status as an Alpha.

Danang, realizing the gravity of the situation, tried to defend his actions. "We messed up, Your Highness," he stammered. "She attempted to attack a noble. She's poor, and I thought she was trying to steal from me. In this country, there's a rule against assaulting a noble, right?"

But Wildan's patience was waning, and his oppressive aura continued to grow heavier. "Do you think I believe that?" he retorted, his voice echoing with authority and anger.

Panicked and desperate, Danang quickly yielded. "No, no, Your Majesty. If you want both of them, take them."

The oppressive gravity intensified, crushing them ever so slightly, as their pleas for mercy grew louder and more desperate. 

"Help! Sorry, Your Majesty, please have mercy!" Danang and his companions cried out, their voices strained by the crushing force.

Wildan's response was cold and unforgiving. "Mercy? Even if you die, I don't care."

But then, a voice called out, "Hendra!" 

A majestic wolf emerged, a Beta Wolf, a vice commander within the royal corps, and a loyal companion of the Southern Emperor. His piercing, intelligent eyes held the wisdom of a seasoned warrior, and his gaze could shift from a stern, no-nonsense expression to one of unwavering loyalty when he looked at his sovereign, Wildan. Hendra's loyalty was unwavering, and he would stop at nothing to carry out his commander's orders.

"On your command, Your Highness,"

Hendra said with unwavering loyalty. He understood the gravity of the situation, and with a solemn nod from Wildan, he acted swiftly.

"You Know What to do"

Wildan, carrying the unconscious Seraphine, was followed by Miss Susi Ironclaw, who had rescued Aldina. The path to justice was unfolding, and those who had wronged Seraphine and her aunt would be held accountable.

Hendra, facing Danang and his associates, informed them of the kingdom's rules. "By the laws of the kingdom, and with His Highness's decree, you, without any evidence, have beaten a girl. You shall receive 500 lashes and serve a 10-year sentence in prison."

The gravitational force continued to bear down on them, making it increasingly difficult to bear.

Hendra posed a final question, the weight of judgment in his words. "Are you guilty?"

Danang, struggling to withstand the gravitational force, could only manage a faint response. "I am," he admitted, and one by one, those who had participated in the cruel attack succumbed to the relentless pressure.

With their confessions, justice was served, and the crushing gravity slowly released its hold on them.