
Wolfhearted Love

"Seraphine, you may wonder why I chose you." "Emperor, your choice confounds me. There are others far Prettier and more deserving." Beneath the silvery canopy of moonlight, Seraphina and Wildan stood alone in a clearing, the forest's whispers their only audience. The Emperor, his gaze like liquid silver, leaned in closer to Seraphine and whispered, "I dream of you, Seraphine" Seraphine's heart skipped a beat, her breath catching in her throat. "Emperor," she stammered, "I never imagined someone like you would dream of someone like me." ---------------------- This Story Have Two Character lead, Seraphine (Female Leads), and Wildan (Male Lead) Seraphine, the perennial underdog of the pack, who has been disregarded and overlooked throughout their life. But fate takes a dramatic turn when the formidable Werewolf Emperor, wildan, arrives in search of a mate. Instead of the usual, stronger contenders, she chooses our unassuming hero. Wildan, a Young Prince of the Southern Wolfrein Kingdom Woke up, and in his dream, There are a Woman that could become her fate and to become his soulmates. he always believe, somewhere, the man is exist. Several years later, he force to take a thrown as an Emperor. with several Political intersection that he face including his Married, he has no choice but choose his bride to be The baffling decision sets in motion a series of events that will forever alter their destiny. On the night of the fabled Blue Moon, as wildan marks Seraphina as his chosen one, a surge of unimaginable power awakens within. Our once-meek protagonist undergoes an astonishing transformation, becoming a force to be reckoned with. As their love story unfolds, it weaves through a tapestry of challenges and adversities. Jealous rivals, ancient curses, and a world determined to keep them apart threaten to extinguish their budding romance. ------------------ Author Note: Update Daily at 7.00 PST

MyLawDude · Fantasy
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17 Chs

First Meeting (2)

"And that's the story, Quiet Magnificent right," Susi say with admiration in her voice, 

Seraphine, still adjusting to the reality of her situation, looked at Susi with a sense of bewilderment. "So, His Majesty is quite a cold person," she remarked, her curiosity piqued by the revelations of the previous events.

"Quiet magnificent, right?"

Seraphine nodded, acknowledging the power and authority she had witnessed in the Southern Emperor.

"Is he strong?"

"Yeah, of course," Susi continued, chuckling. "He is the strongest in our generation."

The conversation took a curious turn as Susi studied Seraphine, a thoughtful and intrigued expression on her face. "I don't know, but it seems His Majesty is quite like you," she mused, her eyes locked onto Seraphine with an interesting look.

Seraphine, uncertain about the comparison, couldn't help but ask, "How could he be like me?"

Susi hesitated for a moment, her thoughts veering toward something unspoken. "Well," she said carefully, "in some ways, perhaps your strength of character, your resilience." She paused, and her voice softened. "He sees something in you, I think."

Seraphine, flattered yet surprised, had her doubts.

"But in terms of beauty... I'm not that beautiful, am I?" She didn't see herself as particularly stunning, especially when compared to someone like Susi.

Susi smiled, her gaze filled with understanding.

"Actually I also want to know the reason too, but Beauty comes in many forms, and it's often in the eye of the beholder"

Seraphine couldn't help but feel a sense of nervous excitement as Susi whispered, "He's here." Her heart quickened, and she instinctively straightened her appearance.

A moment later, the door opened, and the Southern Emperor, Wildan, entered the room.

Wildan was attired in a regal and impeccably tailored outfit befitting his status. His attire exuded power and authority, yet there was a touch of grace and sophistication that softened the imposing figure he cut. His clothes were made from the finest materials, adorned with intricate designs and delicate embroidery, reflecting the attention to detail befitting a ruler.

As Seraphine looked upon him, she couldn't help but be struck by his sheer handsomeness. It was the first time she had ever encountered a man of such remarkable appearance, and she found herself both captivated and overwhelmed by his presence.

Susi addressed him with the appropriate respect, saying, "Your Majesty," to which he nodded in acknowledgment.

With a gracious smile, he turned to Seraphine. "Thank you, Susi. Could you give us some time?"

"Of course, Your Highness," Susi replied, excusing herself from the room. Before leaving, she shared an encouraging look with Seraphine, offering silent support.

Wildan settled into a chair positioned near Seraphine's bedside, his intense gaze fixed upon her. She began their conversation with a tone of gratitude, acknowledging his role in saving her and her aunt. "Well, Your Highness, thank you for saving me and my aunt. I'll repay the favor in the future."

Wildan, however, was far from content with a vague promise of future repayment. Leaning closer, his handsome face drawing near to Seraphine, he asked with a sly and enigmatic smile, "Oh, and what kind of favor are we talking about here?"

As he inched closer, their faces were just a breath apart, and the proximity left Seraphine feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment. She stammered nervously, "No, no, I'll pay with... with money."

Wildan, however, interjected with a dismissive tone, "You can't."

The intensity of his presence grew, and his lips were tantalizingly close to hers as he leaned in. Seraphine, overwhelmed by the sudden closeness and the commanding aura he exuded, felt her heart race.

With trembling nerves, she asked, "Then... then what do you want, Your Highness?"

A mischievous glint danced in his eyes as he whispered, "What I want?" His lips were dangerously close to hers, and Seraphine, overwhelmed by his proximity, implored,

"Please, Your Highness, don't..."

As Wildan's eyes turned blood-red, and his fangs extended, he slowly moved closer to Seraphine's neck. The room grew tense, and Seraphine's eyes widened with shock as she realized the danger she was in.

When Wildan's fangs sink into her neck, a deafening howl echoed through the night. The full moon's eerie glow intensified, casting long shadows in the room. Seraphine's strength surged

"It's hurt" 

Then after 5 minutes, the extremely hurt become pleaser as she moans

"UMM", She Grit Her Teeth

Then, The unimagine thing happen, 

A full moon give her a terrifying impose strength

Early Omega

Middle omega

Peak Omega

Earlier Delta

Middle Delta

Peak Delta

Her strength grow at the terrible state,

Seraphine's true potential was revealed. Her eyes began to glow with an otherworldly light, and her strength grew exponentially. She unleashed her newfound power, pushing Wildan away with a forceful burst of energy, sending him crashing into the room's wall.

In the midst of their intense confrontation, Wildan fixed a steely gaze upon Seraphine and spoke with a sinister grin playing on his lips,

"As expected, Seraphine, but not enough."

Before Seraphine could react, she launched a frenzied attack against Wildan, driven to a point where she had lost all sanity and control. Wildan, seemingly unperturbed, extended his palm, and from it, a radiant light burst forth. An intricate binding materialized from the surrounding shadows, ensnaring Seraphine in an intricate web of ethereal ropes that held her limbs and body in place. 

As the mystical restraints tightened around her, Seraphine let out a furious roar, and her howls filled the room, echoing her fierce struggle to break free. The battle between them had taken a chilling turn, with Seraphine's unbridled fury countered by Wildan's calculated and dominating power.

Suddenly, a series of knocks reverberated from outside the room, and Susi Ironclow, an ally, entered with a deeply concerned expression. "Your Highness, are you alright?" Susi inquired, worry etched across her face.

With a calm yet authoritative tone, Wildan reassured her,

"I am fine. Wait a moment, okay."

Turning his attention back to Seraphine, Wildan stepped closer and spoke with an air of authority,

"I will wait for you. Thirty days from today, you must come to the kingdom." His words held an enigmatic promise that left Seraphine in a state of both trepidation and curiosity, locked in an intense battle of wills with Wildan, her destiny hanging in the balance.

As the radiant light from Wildan's binding dissipated, a wondrous transformation began to overtake Seraphine. Her once thin and ordinary skin turned into a dazzling, alabaster expanse, glowing with an otherworldly luminosity. Her formerly unremarkable visage underwent a remarkable metamorphosis. What was once an unassuming face was now an embodiment of celestial beauty, reminiscent of a moon goddess. Her features were symmetrical and enchanting, with eyes that shone like silver pools, and lips the color of the purest rose.

Her vibrant red hair, once ordinary, now cascaded down her back in a cascade of fiery splendor. Each strand seemed to glisten with an inner radiance, a stark contrast to its former state. Seraphine's beauty was so captivating that it seemed to transcend the bounds of human description.

But the transformation didn't end there. Seraphine's body, in a final surge of metamorphosis, shifted into that of a white wolf. The transition was awe-inspiring to behold. Her form expanded and stretched, her limbs elongated into those of a graceful and powerful wolf, and her once-human body was now covered in thick, luxurious fur as white as freshly fallen snow. Her eyes remained silver, filled with a wisdom that only an ancient creature could possess.

After the stunning transformation, Seraphine's newfound beauty and wolf-like grace seemed to put her into a deep slumber. Her new appearance was as ethereal as the moon itself, leaving Wildan as he had witnessed. A warm and genuine smile graced his face, appreciating the unique and unpredictable turn of events that had transpired before him.