
Wolfhearted Love

"Seraphine, you may wonder why I chose you." "Emperor, your choice confounds me. There are others far Prettier and more deserving." Beneath the silvery canopy of moonlight, Seraphina and Wildan stood alone in a clearing, the forest's whispers their only audience. The Emperor, his gaze like liquid silver, leaned in closer to Seraphine and whispered, "I dream of you, Seraphine" Seraphine's heart skipped a beat, her breath catching in her throat. "Emperor," she stammered, "I never imagined someone like you would dream of someone like me." ---------------------- This Story Have Two Character lead, Seraphine (Female Leads), and Wildan (Male Lead) Seraphine, the perennial underdog of the pack, who has been disregarded and overlooked throughout their life. But fate takes a dramatic turn when the formidable Werewolf Emperor, wildan, arrives in search of a mate. Instead of the usual, stronger contenders, she chooses our unassuming hero. Wildan, a Young Prince of the Southern Wolfrein Kingdom Woke up, and in his dream, There are a Woman that could become her fate and to become his soulmates. he always believe, somewhere, the man is exist. Several years later, he force to take a thrown as an Emperor. with several Political intersection that he face including his Married, he has no choice but choose his bride to be The baffling decision sets in motion a series of events that will forever alter their destiny. On the night of the fabled Blue Moon, as wildan marks Seraphina as his chosen one, a surge of unimaginable power awakens within. Our once-meek protagonist undergoes an astonishing transformation, becoming a force to be reckoned with. As their love story unfolds, it weaves through a tapestry of challenges and adversities. Jealous rivals, ancient curses, and a world determined to keep them apart threaten to extinguish their budding romance. ------------------ Author Note: Update Daily at 7.00 PST

MyLawDude · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Bully The weak

Seraphine, her red hair tied back and her worn-out red hoodie, took a deep breath. She started walking, the hoodie clinging to her like a loyal companion. The forest enveloped her, with the rustling leaves and distant wildlife creating a soothing backdrop to her journey.

As she moved forward, her determination grew stronger, and she ventured into the unknown, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead.

In the way to The Corp

Seraphine gazed at the distant border of Ebonridge Town, where the wolf army was preparing to defend against an impending attack from the Western Wolfenar.

Wolf as weak as her, that's only at Omega Level can also enchanted his vision, she look at the border of Ebonridge town, 

It was a sight that stirred a sense of duty and longing within her. She shook her head, not out of disinterest but out of the bitter realization that he was too weak to join the ranks of the defenders.

"I Am too weak"

In his town, every able-bodied Wolves either man or woman was expected to enlist in the army to protect their homeland. However, Seraphine had been deemed the weakest among the Omega wolves, and she had vivid memories of being brutally beaten by several gamma wolf brats during the testing process.

'Am I really a wolvie?'

She couldn't help but doubt his own identity as a wolf, questioning whether she truly belonged to the pack. The weight of his inability to defend the city pressed upon her, and she began to fear for the town's future.


However, this moment of tranquility was suddenly shattered by the eerie howling of wolves. Panic gripped Seraphine as the pack emerged from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with a primal hunger. Their leader, a massive wolf with a commanding presence, stepped forward. This was Danang, the son of the Viscount Danang, a Delta Wolf.


A man comes out, a fat man named Danang Ardianto comes with smug face

'Well, here they come, the brat wolvies', Seraphine scoffed,

"You look Uglier than usual, girl"

"And you look fat bug", Seraphine reply,

hearing this make danang's face twist but he keep his smile, he know he ugly, but this shameless dog, make him lose face

"You know today is your end, right?".

"I don't know",

As Danang continued to taunt Seraphine, he did so with a cruel, mocking tone. His voice dripped with disdain and arrogance, and his sly smile seemed to relish in her discomfort.

"You should know, Seraphine," Danang said with a malicious grin, "I tend to make your auntie my concubine. But she always rejected me." His words were punctuated with a deliberate pause, as if savoring the effect they had on her.

"I am also a man with a reputation to uphold, and I didn't have any choice but to teach her a lesson," he admitted, his confession for beat her auntie up both chilling and unapologetic.

Seraphine's eyes bore into Danang's with an intense contempt. The pain and anger within her were visible in her gaze, and her clenched fists and gritted teeth were a testament to the boiling rage she struggled to contain.

Danang, undeterred by her anger, continued to speak, taunting her further. "Now what can you do, huh?" he sneered, his smirk widening.

"A weakling, ugly woman like you."

Seraphine's appearance had been marked by her challenging life. Her clothing, tattered and worn, hung loosely from her lean frame. Stains and patches adorned her attire, and her shoes were scuffed and threadbare. The hardships she had endured were etched in the lines on her face, and her hands, calloused from work, told the story of a life of struggle.

"hmm", he command his gang to beat up Seraphine as usual, soon they gather and beet up Seraphine, Seraphine, as an omega try to handle but to not avail, she cannot defend, because they have 10 man group, 

The fight was an uneven clash of numbers and power. Seraphine, the lone wolf, stood in the center of a circle formed by Danang's henchmen, ten formidable Gama wolves. These bullies were larger and stronger, fueled by their cruel intentions and motivated by their leader's command.

As the first blow was thrown, it struck Seraphine squarely in the chest, sending her stumbling backward. The force behind the punch was overwhelming, causing her to gasp for air. Before he could regain his footing, another strike landed on his jaw, making his head snap to the side.

Seraphine attempted to mount a defense, but she found herself swarmed by fists, feet, and teeth. She blocked some attacks with her arms, but the relentless barrage left her vulnerable. The onslaught continued, with kicks and punches landing on her body from every angle. Each impact was like a hammer blow, driving her closer to the ground. a pour of blood comes from her mouth.

As the gang continued their brutal assault on Seraphine, their violent jeers and cruel laughter filled the air. Seraphine endured the pain, her body aching from the relentless blows.

"Is this all you've got, Seraphine?" Danang taunted, his mocking voice cutting through the chaos. "You thought you could stand up to us? What a joke!"

Amidst the flurry of punches and kicks, Seraphine managed to speak, his voice strained but filled with a determined spirit.

"You may win this battle, Danang, but I'll never yield to the likes of you."

Danang's smile faded, replaced by a look of irritation. "You're even more stubborn than I thought," he grumbled, allowing his anger to flare. "Well, let's see how much you can take."

But from a far, there are a roar comes,

"Stop stop the beating please please..." A beautiful omegas women run, the attacker stop and make a way for her to run to Seraphine and held Seraphine up,

"Dear.... are you alright?, I am sorry because of me, I should accepted his propos..." Aldara, Her Aunt Break into tears

"No...Aunti", Seraphine grit her teeth, "Don't you dare said that" 

"But you, you beaten up, I can't ... I can't", a tear comes down to her. she keep patting her beloved Nepwew, She is Everything to her. and look at Seraphine's miserable condition, make her heart hurt

As the situation grew increasingly desperate, Danang saw an opportunity to gain what he desired. He looked at Aldara, his tone a mix of cruelty and calculation. "Aldara," he sneered,

"If you agree to marry me, I will let Seraphine go. I can be merciful, you know."

Aldara's heart ached as she considered the impossible choice before her. On one hand, her niece's life hung in the balance, and on the other, she faced a future with a man she despised. The tears in her eyes mirrored the excruciating decision she had to make.

"Auntie, don't do This", Seraphine, still conscious despite her injuries, summoned the last of her strength to shake her head weakly, 

"He doesn't deserve you."

"I can't bear to see you suffer because of me."

"But you, you've been hurt too," 

Inside the depths of Seraphine's mind, regret clawed at her heart like a relentless beast. She couldn't help but replay the events that had led them to this dire moment, over and over again.

'Why didn't I act sooner?, I should have seen this coming.'

'I hate myself for not being stronger'

'I hate it'

'I hate it'


'I just want to leave peacefully, why'

'Why A piece of shit like you always come like a bug'


"I HATE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", She roar, Her eyes because blood red,

Seraphine, trembling from a mix of anger and astonishment, stared at the mark on her neck. 

As the mark on Seraphine's neck continued to brighten, the forest around them seemed to hold its breath. Suddenly, from various points in the woods, a series of "howls" echoed through the night. It was as if the wolf spirit of the forest had awakened, a powerful and ancient force that had been dormant.

Danang, his arrogant demeanor now tinged with unease, turned his attention to the mysterious howls that reverberated around them. His subordinates, equally puzzled and somewhat fearful, exchanged uncertain glances.

"What's happening?" Danang demanded, his voice revealing the first hints of concern.

One of his subordinates, with a touch of fear in his voice, replied, "I,,,I,, don't know Lord. It's as if something has been awakened, something we can't control."

The air grew heavy with an oppressive force, and Seraphine felt a sudden pressure on Her chest, as though a great weight were bearing down upon Her. Her surroundings became dim, as if a looming darkness was descending upon the area.

As Seraphine's consciousness wavered and she teetered on the brink of unconsciousness, she managed to catch a fleeting glimpse of a very handsome man standing before her and look at her. Her voice, feeble and desperate, managed to utter a single word, "Help."

With that plea, Seraphine's strength failed her, and she collapsed


Amidst this overwhelming energy, a resonant and regal voice pierced the silence. The announcement, delivered with unwavering authority, echoed through the area, breaking the stillness.

"His Majesty, The Southern Empreror has come."