
Wolfhearted Love

"Seraphine, you may wonder why I chose you." "Emperor, your choice confounds me. There are others far Prettier and more deserving." Beneath the silvery canopy of moonlight, Seraphina and Wildan stood alone in a clearing, the forest's whispers their only audience. The Emperor, his gaze like liquid silver, leaned in closer to Seraphine and whispered, "I dream of you, Seraphine" Seraphine's heart skipped a beat, her breath catching in her throat. "Emperor," she stammered, "I never imagined someone like you would dream of someone like me." ---------------------- This Story Have Two Character lead, Seraphine (Female Leads), and Wildan (Male Lead) Seraphine, the perennial underdog of the pack, who has been disregarded and overlooked throughout their life. But fate takes a dramatic turn when the formidable Werewolf Emperor, wildan, arrives in search of a mate. Instead of the usual, stronger contenders, she chooses our unassuming hero. Wildan, a Young Prince of the Southern Wolfrein Kingdom Woke up, and in his dream, There are a Woman that could become her fate and to become his soulmates. he always believe, somewhere, the man is exist. Several years later, he force to take a thrown as an Emperor. with several Political intersection that he face including his Married, he has no choice but choose his bride to be The baffling decision sets in motion a series of events that will forever alter their destiny. On the night of the fabled Blue Moon, as wildan marks Seraphina as his chosen one, a surge of unimaginable power awakens within. Our once-meek protagonist undergoes an astonishing transformation, becoming a force to be reckoned with. As their love story unfolds, it weaves through a tapestry of challenges and adversities. Jealous rivals, ancient curses, and a world determined to keep them apart threaten to extinguish their budding romance. ------------------ Author Note: Update Daily at 7.00 PST

MyLawDude · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Seraphine's heart swelled with gratitude as she gazed upon the peaceful life she had managed to carve out with her  aunt in the midst of a world filled with turmoil. The tranquil moments they shared were a treasure she held dear, a testament to their strength and resilience.

However, on this particular day, as she looked at her aunt, a sense of unease washed over her. Her normally robust and healthy appearance had given way to a frail and weakened state. Concern etched across her face, Seraphine couldn't help but ask,

"Aunt, what's happened? You don't look well."

her aunt, a woman of remarkable fortitude, attempted to reassure her  with a faint smile.

"I am fine, Seraphine. Just a minor ailment, nothing to worry about."

But as Seraphine reached out to hold her wrist gently, her fingers brushed against something unusual. She noticed several fresh bruises and scars that marred her skin, and her  heart sank.

"Aunt Aldara" she said with a note of urgency in her voice, "tell me who did this to you. I won't let anyone harm you."

Her aunt hesitated for a moment, her eyes filled with a mixture of pride and gratitude. She finally sighed, her voice trembling slightly,

"You've grown into a fine young Women, Seraphine. But you must understand that these are matters I've tried to shield you from."

Seraphine's determination only grew stronger.

"Aunt, we've lived together all these years, and you've taken care of me. Now that I've become a teenager, it's my turn to be filial. Please, tell me who's responsible for this, and I promise you, I'll protect our home and our peace."

"Don't tell me about that young lord," Seraphine thought, Her intelligence serving as both a boon and a burden. She had noticed the subtle shifts in Ebonridge's dynamics, particularly among the nobility. In the past year, corruption had run rampant, with several corrupt nobles cutting off the aid that had traditionally flowed from the Southern Wolferein Kingdom.

The absence of Empress Selena, a strict and benevolent leader, was the key that emboldened these corrupt nobles. Seraphine's keen intellect had pieced together the puzzle. Her aunt's silence only strengthened Her conviction. In fact nobody know that the Emprees Selena is in coma, but for Seraphine intelligence, she know In the past, corruption had been met with swift and severe punishment—death.

But suddenly, over the past year, some nobles had grown audacious in their illicit activities they did corruption everywhere, that makes the commoners suffer. Seraphine couldn't ignore the signs. She knew something had happened to Empress Selena, an event shrouded in secrecy.

The person who appeared to benefit the most from this newfound corruption was Danang, the son of Viscount Ardianto, who held authority over border safety. Danang's affections for Seraphine's aunt, Aldara, were clear to anyone who cared to look. He had persistently showered her with gifts, all of which had been rejected by the resolute woman.

Seraphine had her suspicions about Danang's involvement in the recent wave of violence against her aunt. The young lord's frustration at her continued rejections had escalated, and Seraphine couldn't help but think that he had commanded thugs to harm her.


her aunt's refusal to provide any answers only deepened Seraphine's sense of unease. She knew that she was protecting someone, and the pieces of the puzzle were slowly falling into place. Seraphine was not merely a young wolf with a brilliant mind; she was also a determined and protective nephew who was willing to go to great lengths to ensure her  aunt's safety.

"I am too weak," she muttered inwardly, clenching her teeth in frustration. her brilliant mind was a double-edged sword, giving her  insights into the mysteries that surrounded them but also filling her  with a sense of helplessness in the face of danger.

But week Doesn't means hopeless, she grinned.

"Aunt I need to go", Seraphine start to walk out

"You Don't want to take revenge, aren't you?"

"No, Aunt, I knew my capabilities"

"Seraphine  Look at my eyes, and Promise me" She urge

Seraphine go walk to her aunt, tap her soulder and say, "I Promise" she smiled 'to beat the shit out of him', she added it in her mind

"Good bye Aunt, Take Care"

"Good Bye"


Without further ado, Seraphine decided it was time to take action against the young lord, Danang. She may be weak in strength, but her true power lay in her  intelligence and cunning. Dealing with a brat like Danang, who had crossed over too many lines, would be an easy task well within his capabilities.

Over the past few years, Seraphine  had been secretly building a business empire known as "The Corp." This organization, led by a mysterious figure with unparalleled business acumen, had its trade operations spread throughout the city. Viscount Ardianto had become increasingly frustrated as The Corp's activities defied tracing, cutting through the web of corruption that had entangled trade in the region. The noble who had imposed exorbitant taxes on trade were left to suffer as their ill-gotten gains dwindled.

One of The Corp's most successful operations involved taking control of the city's market. Seraphine had strategically positioned her organization to dominate key sectors of the economy. Under the guise of legitimate business ventures, The Corp had systematically undercut the monopolies that certain corrupt nobles had established.

Through shrewd negotiations and fair business practices, The Corp had managed to lower prices and increase the availability of essential goods, thereby alleviating the burdens placed on the common citizens by the oppressive taxes imposed by these nobles. The corrupt nobles, who had previously profited immensely from their monopolies and high prices, found their ill-gotten gains rapidly diminishing.

The Corp's financial system, meticulously designed by Seraphine and her associates, ensured that their operations were insulated from any attempts to trace them back to the source.  ensuring that her company could not be blamed for its activities.. This left the corrupt nobles baffled and increasingly infuriated, as their efforts to undermine The Corp's activities repeatedly failed.

In the past, Seraphine  had been unbothered by the antics of noble brats, choosing instead to focus on her  growing business empire.

She was prepared to face any physical confrontation with a smile on her face and let bygones be bygones, she remembered she beaten up by the noble kids for being weeks and she cannot fight back and she just go back home while laughing .

But if someone dared to involve her aunt in their schemes, it was an entirely different matter.

"I won't let you harm Aunt Aldara any longer," Seraphine  silently vowed as she contemplated her next moves.


In the a royal room, Danang Ardianto, a son of the Viscount Ardianto, a Fat man with a round face and unkempt hair, groggily awakened. His beady eyes scanned his surroundings, and he saw the wolf girl lying beside him. He grinned at the sight of her and stretched his plump hand toward her, as if reaching out to claim his prize.

As he continued to reach out, his phone began to ring. He quickly snatched it up and answered. A voice on the other end informed him that "the job is done." Danang's smirk widened at the news, his confidence swelling.

His thoughts quickly turned to Aldara, the woman he lusted after. Her beauty and grace had captivated him from the moment he had laid eyes on her. She bore the telltale signs of age and wisdom in her weathered appearance, her fur a harmonious blend of gray and white. Her gentle, amber eyes held a depth of kindness that had drawn him in.

Yet, despite his infatuation, Aldara had vehemently rejected his advances. In his desperation and obsession, he had resorted to sending someone to threaten and beat her. The nephew's life was used as leverage against her, a cruel tactic to bend her will to his desires.

Danang's triumph and sinister intentions were abruptly shattered as he felt an overwhelming, suffocating force close in on him. Gasping for air, he crumpled to the ground, his senses reeling. The room seemed to close in around him, and his vision blurred as if some unseen hand had clamped down on his throat.

"What Happen"

A chilling realization dawned upon him as he struggled for breath. Someone was plotting against him. Panic surged within him, and his mind raced, trying to decipher who could have orchestrated this attack.

Despite the ominous feeling that had gripped him earlier, Danang Ardianto attempted to shake off his unease. He swiftly gave orders to his subordinates.

"Hei, prepare the men. We're going to catch that weak wolf,"

he commanded, trying to regain control of the situation and assert his authority.