
woke up in Mha with Leviathan transformation

Nift20 · Teen
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6 Chs

year's later

Well Its not all bad, within 3 years my body has gone through some changes, such as growing lime green scales on my whole and gills on my throat and ribs but can still breathe outside water. when my parents First say this they took me to the doctor immediately. the fist thing they did was take my blood, and a normal check up it was quite interesting seeing how they would use their quirks for some of these test compared to the one I was from. when the doctors were fished and I was waiting they told me that my quirk was quite unique, the first thing they say was I had some kind of mutant transmission I can go through and that I have control over lightning and water. they didn't know to what extent but they saw I had more electricity flowing through me and the water was in my body was storing some kind of Energy source. while at the doctors they told me to try and transform I couldn't for some reason, so they moved on to elemental manipulation, I was able to start up a few cracks of lightning but not long, same with water; I was just able float the water up but nothing else but it was fun doing the test. the doctors found it odd that my quirk came in a lot sooner what was more interesting was that I also had the extra toe joint on, if it wasn't for my transformation they would of just marked me quirkless, which is really lazy due to the fist test they did was an extra. when I got home my parents were really happy that my quirk wouldn't be hazardous to me and they named my quick as a minor half water and lightning quirk. When it came to school my parents were quite worried due to my appearance, with the very next day the white of my eyes turned black with green slits, my parents were afraid that I would face quirk discrimination. My appearance really didn't bother me I actually found it to be cool looking, but I also understand the situation my parents were in, so they decided to home school me through middle school up until middle middle school. five years past (and I'm seven by the way) while being home schooled I practiced on my quirk, the fist thing I practiced was my water manipulation it was hard at first but it was like having a new limb to control, I tried levitating it of the ground and tried shaping it, while in the bath tub when my whole body was submerged I felt a better connection with the water liked how birds feel up in the air. I didn't practice my lighting much I was able to create much more sparks with it than usual, but i guessed I needed to be in contact with lightning or thunder to get a better understanding. I didn't just stay home and study and practice during the the years my parents always took me to the play ground to play with other kids buy when they the kids saw my appearance it scared some of them but when they wanted to play villains and heroes I always become the villain, I even had some bullies due to how I looked, due to those problems it made my parents glad to home school me. My parents would also take me camping or to a swimming pool, but due to the chlorine I didn't really like to swim in the swimming pools and I also found an gross aspect of why I didn't like to swim in the regular swimming pool, because due to my quirk also giving more of an hinted scents I could also taste when people pee or fart in the water. when it came to camping me and my parents would go to a mountain where there is a lake where people fish. I loved camping more because I was able to see under water without scuba gear and about to catch some fish with my teeth or hands. my Father would fish the normal way while my mother would be the one cooking while me and my father were fish, I'd usually mess with my father while fishing like pulling on the line or scare away the fish, it was quite fun seeing his annoyed reaction, but one time the fishing line caught me with my mouth when I bit..... Know hear me out the bait was really entice it wasn't a worm but it was some kind of meat my father put on the bait and next thing I knew the hook pierced through my lip and to my horror my father was yanking it as if it was a big fish it was starting to get really painful till the point I started transforming but when I had enough I jumped out the water on the deck with my father in shock and with me with a piercing hook coming from my mouth and to me and my father surprised my scales changed color and I had a spiked tail ( author not how to train your dragons the tail is like the Razor Whip but with different colors ) when my mother saw the injury I had she called the Hospital and scolded me. when we arrived at the hospital my tail kept moving around and it was a whole new experience for me it felt like another limb I had to get used to when the doctor tried to remove the hook my tail was out of control due to my nervousness and my tail smacked one of the doctors away and stabbed one , it was up until the doctor put me unconscious and retrained my tail that the doctors was able to carefully removed the hook from my mouth but to their amazement when they removed it my injury started to heal itself. I ended staying at the hospital to reevaluate my quirk and they found out that my scales have gotten stronger and that I now have spiked teeth and that my bones have grown stronger and that my hands and feet look like they also have claws. The doctor told me that my transformation isn't complete yet, the doctor talked to me and my parents saying that my quirk might have a fear response in order for me to be able to get my full transformation. Within those few weeks I started to get used to my tail and I tried to pull out my claws which wasn't to hard to do on my eight birthday on December 23 (Author note Yes I'm know putting the date of my character birthday know) My father decided to take me and my mother on a cruise. Author note what could possibly go wrong.

This is my First fic or novel or whatever but please let me know your thoughts criticism. I would really appreciate. Thanks for taking the time to even look at my fic.

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