
wizard in the world of marvel

Cross again! Carrying the magic and knowledge learned from the world of Harry Potter, he came to this Marvel world that is countless times more dangerous than the world of Harry Potter. Once you only needed to deal with Voldemort, now you have to face a large group of enemies that are much scarier than Voldemort. Abel means Alexander. Fortunately, he can still use magic from the Harry Potter world, but before that, he has to make himself a qualified wand! (translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Movies
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161 Chs

Chapter 90: Ice authority

 Acquiring the Ice Treasure Box was actually unexpected by Abel. Strictly speaking, this thing is not so easy to get.

You must know that Odin is not dead now, but just asleep. Once Odin wakes up, Abel wants to maintain a good relationship with Asgard, so as to obtain the support of Asgard's many materials and even magic knowledge. Then you must return the Ice Treasure Box.

   Unless Abel changes his plan, it doesn't matter what his relationship with Asgard is, then he can completely take the Frozen Treasure Box as his own. Asgard has Odin, and the earth also has ancient one. No one is afraid of anyone.

Of course, even if he goes back, Abel has the opportunity to gather a large number of treasures, including the ice chest, into his own hands. He only needs to wait for the Asgard gods to have a chance to get the Asgard treasury at dusk. Various treasures within.

   So Abel is more inclined to maintain a good relationship with Asgard according to the original plan, anyway, the Frozen Treasure Box can be returned to his hands sooner or later.

Back in the house he rented, Abel regretted not getting the body tissue of the multi-clawed monster snake. If he can successfully obtain the nerve of the multi-clawed monster snake as the center of the rod, he can create a qualified one again. The wand is out.

   It is a pity that under the dual ravages of Frost Demon and Hellfire, the body of the multi-clawed monster snake has been completely wiped out, and there is no possibility of using it.

   waved his magic wand and lifted his foot out of the mirrored space.

In the mirrored space, Abel took out the metal box containing the ice treasure box like a safe, and carefully waved his wand to take the ice box out of the metal box. Abel was quite excited about the ice treasure box. Box for research.

After a long time, Abel sighed. Even though he inherited the knowledge of magic in the previous life, and also learned a lot of Kama Taj's magic, because the magic mutation in the previous life made his fighting ability really good, it should be right. The knowledge of magic in the world is really far from enough.

   It took more than a long time, and the research on the Frost Treasure Box only knew the reason. Either he could only give up his own ideas, or he had to find foreign aid to help.

   Thinking of this, Abel made a seal with one hand, and a small circle composed of fire wires appeared in Abel's hands.

   "Gu Yi Mage, are you interested in researching the Frost Giant Clan's treasure, Frozen Treasure Box?"

As soon as Abel's words fell, a portal appeared beside Abel. Gu Yi walked out of the portal and looked at Abel who was studying the ice chest in the mirror space, even if it was Gu Yi's. With a steady state of mind and concentration, he raised his eyebrows slightly, revealing a look of surprise.

"Mage Abel, I have to admit that you really brought me a big surprise. In Kama Taj's core books, there are records of most of the treasures in the universe, the Frost Giants. The Frost Treasure Box is one of them. It is said that after the Frost Giants were defeated by Asgard, the Frost Treasure Box disappeared. It is said that it was taken away by Asgard and sealed up. I don't know the Abel Master. How did you get it?"

   "I accidentally defeated a sneaky Asgardian who called himself a **** and snatched it from him."

   "Calling himself a god?" Gu Yi's face became slightly serious, and he asked seriously, "Did he say what he is called?"

   "He said he was called Loki!"

   "Rocky... so it was him..."

   Abel looked at Gu Yi Mage and deliberately smiled: "Gu Yi Mage, who is this Loki?"

"If Asgard is the realm of the gods and the people in it are all gods, then it is not unreasonable for Loki to call himself gods, but in my opinion, they are just more powerful aliens. At most, only Odin, the lord of Asgard, can be called a god, and the others are much worse."

   "Then if I take this thing, it shouldn't cause any trouble to the earth?"

   Although I knew in my heart that there was an ancient earth, I was not afraid of Asgard, but I still have to say some things.

"It doesn't matter, the people of Asgard invaded the earth, and they also brought this dangerous thing. It is a violation of the peace contract. The reason lies on our side. There is no need to worry about Asgard, and now Odin But there is no energy to deal with these things."

  Speaking of which, Gu Yi also sat down and began to study the Ice Treasure Box.

   I have to say that Gu Yi's magical strength is amazing, and there are also few magical knowledge that can be reached. Alberta hasn't figured it out for a long time. In less than an hour, Gu Yi figured out the secret of the Ice Treasure Box.

   Seeing Abel was stunned, and an accented Chinese sentence came out in his mind inexplicably, your uncle is still your uncle...

   deserves to be an ancient one!

"Master Abel, I'm still wondering why the Frost Treasure Box contains such a huge amount of Frost Mana. It turns out that the Frost Treasure Box contains a large piece of Frost Power. It is precisely because of this power. The existence of power makes the frost magic power in this ice chest almost endless."

   "Ice authority? It turned out to be like this... It's a pity, so it seems impossible to use this thing."

   Just as the clansmen of the Frost Giant clan can use the Ice Treasure Box, no one in Asgard can use it.

   The power of authority is not to get its power when you get it. You must have the corresponding strength to use the power of authority, such as the frost magic power of the Frost Giant clan, you can use the power of ice authority.

   For example, Abel obtained a trace of **** fire power through the alienated fierce fire curse, and then he could control the **** fire. If he did not use the fierce fire curse, he could not control the **** fire.

   Abel's magical power is not weak now, but he is really powerless to control the power of the ice authority.

   "Mage Abel, if you want to use the power of the ice authority, it's not impossible.

  Of course, it is impossible to completely control this Frost Treasure Box, but I can strip a trace of Frost Authority from the Frost Treasure Box. If there is only a small trace of authority, it is not completely impossible to use it.

   As a price to help you, I also need to extract some ice power from it. I don't know what do you think of Master Abel? "

   "Instead of looking at a gold mine in front of me, I can't do anything. It's better to hold a gold brick firmly in your hand. Just like the ancient master you said, go and do it. If you need my help, just speak up."

   "If you want to strip away the power of ice in the ice chest, even if there is only a trace, it is very troublesome. With your help from Mage Abel, it will really save me a lot of trouble."