
wizard in the world of marvel

Cross again! Carrying the magic and knowledge learned from the world of Harry Potter, he came to this Marvel world that is countless times more dangerous than the world of Harry Potter. Once you only needed to deal with Voldemort, now you have to face a large group of enemies that are much scarier than Voldemort. Abel means Alexander. Fortunately, he can still use magic from the Harry Potter world, but before that, he has to make himself a qualified wand! (translated from chinese)

Voldemortt · Movies
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161 Chs

Chapter 89: Ice Treasure Box

The Frost Treasure Box, a secret treasure handed down from generation to generation by the Frost Giants, contains almost endless frost magic power. Once activated, it can freeze almost the entire planet. It was originally placed in the secret treasure room of Asgard. Now it fell into Loki's hands and became his strongest weapon!

Among the blue and white ice chest, the black shadow that was swimming freely suddenly revolved around the central point at high speed. Under Loki's control, it sprayed amazing frost in the direction of Abel and the weird giant snake. The magic energy turned into a snow storm with extremely low temperature in an instant, swept out in an instant!

   Under the snow storm that the frost magic turned into, everything was frozen.

   Naturally, that weird giant snake is no exception. Under the frost magic power, it was frozen before it had time to struggle, and it turned into an ice sculpture and died in the hands of Loki who called it to this world.

   New Mexico is full of wilderness and deserts, but now there is an extra icy land that is not small in size and contains frost magic power. If you want to restore the original appearance, I am afraid it will take years to calculate.

   gradually stopped using the Ice Treasure Box, and Loki looked at the wilderness that had turned into a polar region of ice and snow, with a smile that belonged to the winner on his face.

But at this moment, Loki suddenly saw that near the corpse of the weird giant snake that was frozen in the ice, a flash of light flickered. Loki's eyes were slightly narrowed. There was no IQ who went offline to check the situation, but Raising the ice chest in his hand again, another blizzard came in the direction of the fire.

   Frost magic energy blasted out again, and the blizzard came again!

   But this time the blizzard didn't make the fire extinguish, but Loki found that the fire became brighter and brighter, and he could even see Abel in the ice!


Accompanied by a blast, black and red flames like ocean waves rose to the sky, and at the same time spread in all directions, not afraid of the blizzard or even the super low temperature of the frost magic energy, and constantly nibbling the frozen wilderness toward Loki The direction is surging.

   "The fire of hell? How could you control the fire of hell! Is there anything you have to do with Mephisto!"

   did not answer Loki's words at all. At this time, with the help of hellfire, Abel broke free from the shackles of the ice layer, waved the wand in his hand and turned the fire of **** into fiery snakes, and rushed towards Loki.

Seeing the fire snakes that the fire of **** turned into, Loki immediately adjusted the ice chest, and the frost magic energy sprayed directly to the fire snakes. The two extreme energies collided, but there was no sound. , A large amount of **** fire and frost demon can eliminate each other and turn into nothing.

At this time, Loki looked at the **** fire that was still overwhelming him. He finally realized what, especially when he saw standing in the **** fire, but was not affected by the **** fire at all, raised his hand. The fire of **** is like an arm's finger between the shots. There is only one possibility to control the fire of **** to such an extent!

   "You... actually have some authority over the fire of hell!"

Authority is the most mysterious power in the universe. Even if he calls himself a **** and Thor is called Thor, he does not have any authority. According to Loki's knowledge, in Asgard, those who have the authority Only his father Odin, mother Frigga, and Heimdall guarding the gate of Asgard!

Among them, Frigga's authority is only a trace of magic authority, while Heimdall's authority is part of insight, and these authority are not obvious to the improvement of combat power. As for what Odin, the father of Asgard, has mastered The power of authority was something that Loki didn't know and couldn't know.

Now that he masters the Ice Treasure Box, he thought that anyone would be able to fight head-on. However, in the first battle when he came to the earth, he encountered Abel, a human mage with partial **** fire authority, which made Loki I was jealous and fearful, and finally retreated in my heart.

The scarlet eyes of the frost giant were slightly narrowed, and another force was added to urge the Frost Treasure Box to spray out a larger amount of frost mana, making those **** fires weak, and then Loki prepared to collect the ice. Treasure box fled the earth and returned to Asgard.

But at this moment, with the distortion of space, Abel appeared in front of Loki in an instant, raised his hand and grabbed the handle of the Ice Treasure Box, neutralizing the Ice Treasure Box with the heat of **** fire to resist his control. The low temperature, and wielding a magic wand to steer the fire of **** toward Loki.

   Either give up the ice chest or be buried in the fire of hell!

I have to say that at the critical moment, Loki can really be regarded as a brave guy. He immediately gave up the precious ice chest in the universe, quickly retreated and collapsed like a bubble, and disappeared in Abel. In front of.

Abel tries to find Loki, but as he expected, if Loki wants to escape with his mind, there are really not many people in this world who can stop him and catch him unless as before, Luo After Ji concealed himself, he stayed in a place to ridicule himself, otherwise Abel would not have the power to stop Loki from escaping!

   What's more, now Abel has more important things to do, and that is to find a way to take away the ice chest that is resisting him.

Putting the ice chest on the ground, Abel watched that as soon as he touched the ground, there was an ice layer spreading outwards along the ice chest as the center. Once again, he swung his magic wand and manipulated a fire of **** into fire. The circle surrounds the ice chest, resisting the spreading ice and low temperature.

   Standing in place, Abel thought for a while, and finally came up with a way to temporarily store the ice chest.

   took out a large amount of materials from the storage bag, Abel used the fire of **** to quickly melt those materials, and added some other materials, and finally formed a kind of magic alloy.

When it is in a liquid state, wave the magic wand to shape it into a cuboid safe, put the ice treasure box into it, and then quickly engrave a large number of magic patterns and patterns on the surface of the safe. The ancient magic text finally temporarily stored the Ice Treasure Box.

First restrain the **** fire from outside, and then Abel waved his magic wand and lightly tapped the safe. The safe was immediately put into the storage bag and placed in a corner of the space inside the storage bag. Finally he breathed a sigh of relief, watching the sky gradually brightening, turned and disappeared into a twisted vortex.

   As for this piece of land that was intersected by the heat and cold caused by the battle between Abel and Rocky, it later became a tourist attraction in New Mexico. Of course, that was a story.