
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Learning from a Master: Reconnecting with Ancestral Roots ( Part 2 )

Mu Ren knocked Mu Linfeng's head with his hand and scolded, "With such patience, how can you learn superior finger techniques?"

Mu Linfeng, even when facing Xiao Yuanqiao who killed over a dozen people from his family, did not get so angry. But now his temper was suddenly so high that he quickly said, "Disciple was too impatient."

Mu Ren nodded and said, "Try it again." Mu Linfeng performed the move several times, but Mu Ren still shook his head.

Mu Ren sighed and said, "It seems that I am too impatient as a teacher." He shook his head with a sigh and then said, "The move you just used is called 'Goose Dance in Autumn Wind.' Now I will teach you the second move, 'White Rainbow Through the Sun,' and the third move, 'Dragon Flying Across the Sky.' First, take a good look at the moves yourself."

Mu Linfeng nodded and said, "Yes."

Mu Ren immediately picked up a branch from the ground and began to spin around. The dry leaves on the ground flew up and wrapped around him. Then Mu Ren straightened his "sword" and thrust it towards the trunk of a nearby tree. Before the branch reached the tree, a piece of bark fell off the trunk. Mu Ren landed on the ground and said, "Now it's the third move."

He then jumped up, held his hand horizontally in front of his chest, and quickly pointed towards the trunk of a nearby tree.

Mu Ren put his hand down and said to Mu Linfeng, "Now you try it."

After Mu Linfeng practiced the moves a few more times, Mu Ren said, "That's enough for today. Go back and practice more. Also, review 'Acupoint Comprehension' thoroughly."

Mu Linfeng asked, "Master, didn't you say there are nine moves for Acupoint Pointing? Why did you only teach three moves? And what about the Dragon Walking Step?"

Mu Ren said, "Teaching you all at once, I'm afraid you won't comprehend it. It's better to teach you three moves first."

Mu Linfeng said, "Then, Master, come up the mountain with me. After I become proficient in these three moves, I will learn the following six moves."

Mu Ren shook his head and said, "I have other things to do. You go back first. Come here tomorrow at this time to find me."

When Mu Linfeng wanted to persuade Mu Blade to stay, he heard a clapping sound from Mu Blade. The four guards immediately appeared in front of them, and Mu Blade said, "Give that person to Linfeng."

The four guards threw Tian Wan onto the ground and Mu Blade said, "I have sealed his acupoints. You don't have to worry about him escaping anymore." Then, he led the guards and disappeared into the night.

"Master, I will come tomorrow on time," Mu Linfeng shouted. Although he said so, he hesitated in his heart, "I was supposed to go to Jiangnan tomorrow. Now, this might delay me for a few days." However, he thought that this was a rare opportunity, and he would cherish it.

After Mu Linfeng brought Tian Wan up the mountain and handed him over to a follower to watch over, he told Wu Xing that he had become Mu Blade's disciple.

"Don't worry, brother Feng. We have a large group of people, and we will go to Jiangnan in batches. I will take twenty brothers with me disguised as merchants to prepare first. After you learn the swordsmanship, you can lead the rest of the brothers to go," Wu Xing said.

"That's great," Mu Linfeng nodded and asked, "What about Yuan Yuan?"

Wu Xing knew that Mu Linfeng had feelings for Chen Yuanyuan and quickly smiled, "Your sister-in-law is waiting for you in the room."

Mu Linfeng smiled and was taken to Chen Yuanyuan's room. He knocked on the door and said, "Miss Chen."

Chen Yuanyuan's voice came from inside the room, "Is it Young Master Mu?"

Soon, the door opened, and Chen Yuanyuan stood at the door. Mu Linfeng saw that her hair was messy, and her clothes were wrinkled, knowing that he had disturbed her rest. He quickly apologized, "I'm sorry to disturb your rest."

Chen Yuanyuan replied repeatedly, "No, please come in, Young Master Mu."

Mu Linfeng pretended to hesitate and said, "It's not very convenient at this late hour."

Chen Yuanyuan said, "It's okay. Yuanyuan isn't sleepy either."

Mu Linfeng was secretly delighted and immediately stepped into the room. Chen Yuanyuan slowly walked to his side and sat down, her eyes turning red as she suddenly burst into tears.

Mu Linfeng was puzzled and quickly asked, "Miss, why are you sad?"

Chen Yuanyuan replied, "I am originally a Kunshan courtesan. This Tian Wan took a liking to me and said he would present me to the emperor. Little did I know that he would have wicked intentions and force me to submit along the way. Just when he was about to have his way with me, bandits attacked us. Luckily, Mu Gongzi came to my rescue, or I would have fallen into the hands of the bandit leader."

Upon hearing that Tian Wan had been disrespectful to Chen Yuanyuan on the way, Mu Linfeng was already furious. Moreover, historical records showed that Tian Wan would not send Chen Yuanyuan to the Emperor after entering the capital, but keep her for himself, and jealousy arose in his heart. But seeing Chen Yuanyuan's pitiful appearance, he couldn't help but feel sorry for her. He knew that as a woman, if she wasn't born into a good family, her only options in life were to either be a servant or a prostitute, and she would eventually die of illness and old age. He reached out and wiped away her tears.

As Mu Linfeng wiped Chen Yuanyuan's tears, he felt her skin was incredibly smooth, and his heart couldn't help but stir. He embraced her, and to his surprise, Chen Yuanyuan didn't resist and instead lay in his arms, still sobbing.

Mu Linfeng said confidently, "Yuanyuan, I won't let anyone bully you again in the future."

At this moment, Mu Linfeng had forgotten that if he had Chen Yuanyuan, there would be no meeting between Wu Sangui and Chen Yuanyuan, no "Yuanyuan Song" composed by Wu Meicun, and no couplet in it that read, "Six armies mourn in white, crown in blood for a woman's plight."

It was uncertain whether Wu Sangui would surrender or not, but Mu Linfeng couldn't care less about that right now.

Mu Linfeng felt Chen Yuanyuan's soft chest rubbing against his, raised her chin with his hand, gently pecked her lips, and then held her tightly. He suddenly felt as though he was desecrating a divine being. He had never felt this way before with any woman he had slept with, even those whose social status was obviously higher than Chen Yuanyuan's. Although they were not aristocratic women, they were still proper women. Chen Yuanyuan was just a prostitute, yet she aroused such feelings in Mu Linfeng.

Chen Yuanyuan seemed to sense Mu Linfeng's heartbeat quickening and also panted in his embrace. Mu Linfeng felt a burning sensation in his chest. He didn't know if Chen Yuanyuan was intentionally teasing him or if he had unwittingly aroused her desire. He looked down at the beauty in his arms, and she seemed as delicate as a spring peach. Suddenly, he had an impulse not to return to modern times. It was only the second time he had such a strong desire since he came to the Ming Dynasty.

At this moment, Mu Linfeng only wanted to hold the beautiful woman in his arms, regardless of history or any connection to him. After all, he had already killed Huang Taiji, and who knew if history had already been rewritten?

As their heartbeats accelerated, Mu Linfeng was consumed by desire and could no longer resist. He immediately lifted Chen Yuanyuan and passionately kissed her. Instead of resisting, Chen Yuanyuan moved in rhythm with Mu Linfeng, and though she was not inexperienced, Mu Linfeng's exceptional kissing skills conquered her.

Mu Linfeng's hands instinctively found their way under Chen Yuanyuan's clothes and began to ravage her breasts. Chen Yuanyuan trembled with pleasure as Mu Linfeng teased her earlobe and breathed warm air on her sensitive areas. She sat on Mu Linfeng's lap and gasped, "Lord Mu..." but her words were silenced as Mu Linfeng kissed her again.

Using advanced male skills from the 21st century, Mu Linfeng overwhelmed Chen Yuanyuan, who was not just any prostitute, but rather an artist who sold her talents, not her body. She had never been moved by any man before, but this man with his unique hairstyle and peculiar words was different from any she had encountered in the brothel. He had captured her heart.

Mu Linfeng effortlessly carried Chen Yuanyuan to the bed and gently laid her down. With a blush on her face, she watched as he undressed and then slowly removed her clothes. Gazing upon Chen Yuanyuan's flawless beauty, Mu Linfeng was overcome with primal desire. What followed was a scene of passion and ecstasy, with the sounds of their breathing and moaning filling the room like a melodious song that lingered for a long time.