
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Learning from a Master: Reconnecting with Ancestral Roots ( Part 1 )

Mu Linfeng saw the sharpness in Mu Ren's eyes and knew he couldn't hide the truth from him, but he couldn't just tell him that he came from the 2nd century.

Mu Linfeng's gaze flickered as he struggled to answer Mu Ren. If it were someone else, Mu Linfeng could have easily come up with a lie, but he had already witnessed Mu Ren's skills in the mountain stronghold earlier.

Taking a deep breath, Mu Linfeng said, "I'm sorry, but I cannot reveal where I am from. However, I am indeed surnamed Mu."

Mu Ren looked at Mu Linfeng and slowly walked towards him. Mu Linfeng felt an invisible pressure approaching him. Mu Ren stared at him for a long time before saying, "I don't need to know where you are from. I just want to know if you really are surnamed Mu." Mu Linfeng was puzzled as to why Mu Ren was so insistent on knowing if he was surnamed Mu, but he couldn't figure it out.

Knowing that he couldn't hide anything from Mu Ren, Mu Linfeng decided to ask directly, "What if I am not surnamed Mu?"

Mu Ren looked up at the moon and sighed, "If Tianbo were still alive, he would be your age now."

Confused, Mu Linfeng asked, "Who is Tianbo?"

Mu Ren nodded and said, "He was my nephew, who was killed by Xiao Kuo Yuan 15 years ago."

Mu Linfeng felt a chill in his heart and saw the sorrow in Mu Ren's face. Compared to the immortal air and Daoist temperament earlier, Mu Ren now seemed to have a kind, grandfatherly quality. Mu Linfeng could see that Tianbo was the person Mu Ren loved most.

Thinking about his own childhood, where he and his brother had to rely on each other to survive, and how he couldn't join the underworld, Mu Linfeng suddenly felt sad.

Lost in thought, Mu Ren didn't notice Mu Linfeng's expression and sighed, "Now that the Mu family has no successor, I am truly ashamed of our ancestors. My only wish is for the Mu family's martial arts to find a successor and be passed down through the ages. I saw your natural talent on the mountain earlier, so I wanted to pass on my martial arts to you. However, the Mu family has an unwritten rule that our martial arts cannot be passed down to those outside of the family. If you are really surnamed Mu, then I am not violating our ancestral teachings."

Mu Linfeng was delighted to hear that Mu Ren wanted to take him as a disciple and asked eagerly, "Does Master Mu really mean what he says?"

Mu Ren nodded but expressed hesitation, "However, your identity is unclear, and I cannot decide at the moment. Please keep this in mind."

Mu Linfeng immediately replied, "I am indeed surnamed Mu."

After a moment of silence, Mu Ren said, "I also believe that you are surnamed Mu."

Not wanting to miss this opportunity, Mu Linfeng asked, "Does Master Mu have any more doubts?"

Mu Ren looked at Mu Linfeng for a long time without saying anything, which made Mu Linfeng feel uncomfortable under his gaze.

Suddenly, Mu Linfeng thought of something and said, "I understand, Master Mu is worried that I have bad character and might harm the world with the martial arts I learn."

Mu Ren smiled slightly at Mu Linfeng's insight and replied, "You are very clever."

Although Mu Linfeng guessed correctly, he couldn't guarantee his own character. He couldn't tell Mu Ren that he was a talent from another era with excellent character, as he knew that even he wouldn't believe it.

After watching Mu Linfeng for a long time, Mu Ren sighed, "Let's leave it to fate. If you really pose a threat to the world after you learn martial arts, I believe that Heaven will take care of you."

With that, Mu Linfeng became Mu Ren's disciple, and Mu Ren taught him the Mu family's ancestral "acupoint manipulation" and "dragon step" martial arts.

Mu Linfeng exclaimed, "Acupoint hitting technique? Dragon-walking steps?" It was only then that he remembered how the bandits outside the temple on the mountain had been struck by Mu Ren's acupoints without noticing, and he couldn't help but feel excited.

Mu Ren didn't answer, he turned around and said to the four family generals, "You take Si Dai and guard the forest." The four immediately took Si Dai and went into the forest, guarding it from all sides.

After the four family generals had left, Mu Ren said, "Although our Mu family has many renowned martial arts, you are born with special talents. However, considering your age, which is already past the prime time for practicing martial arts, I can only teach you these two sets of skills for now."

Mu Linfeng was surprised and said, "The combination of Acupoint hitting technique and Dragon-walking steps is already unbeatable. I am not greedy, being able to learn these two sets of Mu family's unique skills is already a great fortune in my life!"

Mu Ren smiled slightly and nodded, "Acupoint hitting technique and Dragon-walking steps were created by our ancestor, Qianning King Mu Ying. Because he had caused too much bloodshed during his life, he didn't want to harm anyone anymore in his later years, so he created these two sets of martial arts."

Mu Linfeng knew that Mu Ying was an important general during the Hongwu Emperor period. He had accomplished many feats, such as managing the Sichuan-Tibetan barbarian regions and expanding the frontier by thousands of miles. He didn't expect that Mu Ying was also a martial arts master, which was not recorded in history. Mu Linfeng listened as Mu Ren explained that Mu Ying's kind heart didn't want to cause too much bloodshed, which further increased his respect for Mu Ying. Mu Linfeng asked Mu Ren, "What is so exquisite about these two sets that can subdue enemies without hurting them?"

Mu Ren explained, "Acupoint hitting technique is quite simple, similar to other martial arts schools' acupoint techniques, but what makes it special is that the acupoints hit by us Mu family can only be unlocked by our Mu family members."

Mu Linfeng smiled and said, "A unique secret technique!"

Mu Ren nodded and continued, "The general acupoint technique involves using internal force to activate finger movements and targeting the major acupoints of others. However, the Mu family's acupoint technique is different. It doesn't require any internal force. As long as you remember the finger movements and use them properly, it can be very effective. If combined with the Youlong step, it can be even more powerful, achieving twice the result with half the effort!"

Mu Ren asked, "So you mean using the Youlong step to dodge attacks and quickly hit the other person's acupoint?"

Mu Ren nodded with a smile and said, "Yes, that's right. These two sets of martial arts don't require internal force. They only require strong memorization and repeated practice!"

Mu Ren clapped his hands and exclaimed, "Great! Can you teach me now, master?"

Mu Ren smiled and said, "Well, first I'll test your knowledge of acupoints and the Eight Trigrams and Five Elements."

Mu Ren said, "Acupoints? I only know about the temple acupoint, which was mentioned in eye exercises."

Mu Ren was surprised and asked, "Eye exercises?"

Mu Ren covered his mouth and said, "Oh? It's a kind of exercise in our hometown that protects the eyes."

Mu Ren asked, "Have you learned any martial arts before?"

Mu Ren said, "I've learned karate, combat sports, and Sanshou, for a few years."

Mu Ren was curious and asked, "Karate? Sanshou? Combat sports? Which martial arts are these?"

Mu Ren explained to Mu Ren, knowing he wouldn't understand, and casually said, "Oh, they're just some tricks I learned when I was a child."

Mu Ren nodded and took out a book from his pocket, handing it to Mu Linfeng, saying, "You must study this 'General Understanding of Acupoints' day and night, memorize it thoroughly, and understand the location of acupoints in the human body and the symptoms that will arise from pressure."

Mu Linfeng took the book and randomly flipped to a page. He saw a figure of a human body on the page with labels next to it, but it was already late at night and he could not see it clearly. He casually put it in his pocket and said, "Yes, I will study it diligently, Master."

Mu Ren nodded and looked at Mu Linfeng, saying, "There are a total of nine moves in acupoint pressing, and I will teach you three tonight." Mu Ren then started to point at a tree in front of him, with his moves being extremely fast and unique, switching between yin and yang styles. In no time, he had already performed several moves, leaving clear marks on the trunk. It was as if the marks had been made by hot incense.

Mu Ren stopped and stood on the ground, turning to Mu Linfeng, asking, "Did you see clearly?" Mu Ren's expression was solemn, and his tone was full of authority. Although Mu Linfeng wanted to say that he had not seen it clearly and asked Mu Ren to do it again, he immediately nodded and said, "Yes, I saw it clearly."

Mu Ren nodded and said, "Now, you try it."

Mu Linfeng stretched out his finger and looked at it, closed his eyes, and thought about the moves that Mu Ren had just shown him. He tried to make a move, but Mu Ren immediately called out, "Wrong." Mu Linfeng continued to try several moves, but Mu Ren kept calling out, "Wrong."

Mu Linfeng said, "I clearly followed your moves, Master. Why are they all wrong?"

Mu Ren shook his head and said, "The technique is in the intention, not just in the form. You only saw my moves but failed to understand the subtlety of my swordsmanship. Moreover, you need to combine movement and strength to truly perform acupoint pressing."

Mu Linfeng sighed and said, "Then, Master, please explain the subtlety to me. Why should you teach me the technique?"