
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Learning from a Master: Reconnecting with Ancestral Roots ( Part 3 )

When Mu Lingfeng was exhausted, he couldn't bear to harm Chen Yuanyuan. He hugged her and sang a lullaby to put her to sleep. Chen Yuanyuan had never heard a lullaby before and quickly praised Mu Lingfeng's singing. They exchanged kisses, and she couldn't fall asleep.

Mu Lingfeng's mind wandered. If future generations knew that he had Chen Yuanyuan, he would be considered a genius. But he also thought that history might have already changed, and the situation outside the Great Wall might already be chaotic. He wondered how Da Yu er was coping and if Shunzhi had successfully ascended the throne. It seemed that Chen Yuanyuan could no longer return to the capital, and Tian Wan could not release her. Everything had changed. Was it a good thing or a bad thing?

After watching Chen Yuanyuan for a while, Mu Lingfeng focused and took out a book on acupoints. He saw that there were nine major acupoints in the head alone, such as the Baihui acupoint, Shenting acupoint, Taiyang acupoint, Ermen acupoint, Jingming acupoint, Renzhong acupoint, Yamen acupoint, Fengchi acupoint, and Renying acupoint. He memorized their names and locations as well as the symptoms associated with them. When he was familiar with them, he put the book away, thinking, "It's useless to memorize them. I need to find someone to try them tomorrow."

The best candidate to try them was Tian Wan, and Mu Lingfeng couldn't help but think about how to deal with him the next day. He became drowsy and looked at Chen Yuanyuan in his arms. After kissing her forehead, he fell asleep.

The next day, Mu Lingfeng woke up and saw Chen Yuanyuan sitting by the bed. It was only a little past nine o'clock. She handed him his clothes, and he pulled her into his arms for another round of intimacy.

Chen Yuanyuan suddenly asked Mu Lingfeng, "Why is your hair so short? Are you a monk who left the temple?"

Mu Lingfeng laughed, "As I said before, I am from Nanyang. This is the hairstyle we have in our hometown."

Chen Yuanyuan nodded, then sat up and pushed Mu Linfeng away, picking up a piece of clothing and asking him, "Why is your underwear so strange? There are patterns on it?"

Mu Linfeng looked and saw that it was his sweatshirt, with a portrait of Michael Jordan on it. He couldn't help but laugh and quickly said, "This is also a specialty of our hometown. All the men in our hometown wear this."

Chen Yuanyuan exclaimed, "You people from Nanyang are really strange."

Mu Linfeng put on his clothes and answered all of Chen Yuanyuan's curious questions with "hometown specialty" and "people from Nanyang." After Chen Yuanyuan finished dressing herself, she helped Mu Linfeng tidy up.

Mu Linfeng then walked out of the room and saw Wu Xing packing up their luggage in the hall. Several carriages were already parked at the main entrance.

Wu Xing smiled as soon as he saw Mu Linfeng enter the hall and said, "It was really colorful last night."

Mu Linfeng knocked on Wu Xing's head and asked, "Is everything ready?"

Wu Xing replied, "I have already talked to the brothers. We bought several carriages early in the morning and will leave this afternoon."

Mu Linfeng nodded and said, "That's good. I'll come find you in Nanjing as soon as I finish learning my martial arts."

Mu Linfeng also had his follower bring Tian Wan to the back hall. Tian Wan's acupoints had not been released yet, so Mu Linfeng immersed himself in studying his own acupoint techniques. Little did he know that he was not proficient and ended up causing Tian Wan's head to turn purple and blue, but he couldn't express his pain.

Mu Linfeng comforted Tian Wan, "I'm helping you release your acupoints. Bear with it." Tian Wan couldn't speak because he was hit in his dumb acupoint by Mu Linfeng, so he just looked at him in silence. Mu Linfeng secretly laughed at his reaction.

Mu Linfeng practiced on Tianwan's head for half a day without any results. He had caused Tianwan so much pain that his face twisted in agony. Seeing Tianwan's uninteresting expression, Mu Linfeng went to Chen Yuanyuan's room and spent a long time in intimacy. Chen Yuanyuan said seriously, "Mu Lang, I will follow you from now on. Please don't leave me behind."

Mu Linfeng was delighted and kissed Chen Yuanyuan, saying, "As long as I, Mu Linfeng, am alive, I will never leave you behind." He then embraced Chen Yuanyuan and kissed her passionately.

Chen Yuanyuan was quickly aroused by Mu Linfeng's passion, but just as he was about to use his skills to seduce her again, someone knocked on the door. Mu Linfeng had to suppress his desire and went to open the door.

There was a man dressed in light clothing outside, who said to Mu Linfeng, "Mr. Mu, Wu Dangjia has important matters to discuss with you in the hall."

Mu Linfeng nodded and looked at his watch. It was already after 11 am, and he knew that Wu Xing would soon set off for Jiangnan. After the man left, Mu Linfeng returned to the room and said to Chen Yuanyuan, "Why don't you go with Mr. Wu to Jiangnan first? I will follow in a few days."

Chen Yuanyuan hugged Mu Linfeng tightly, shaking her head and crying, "I don't want to leave you, Mu Lang. Have you forgotten what you promised me earlier?"

Mu Linfeng naturally did not want to leave Chen Yuanyuan, but he also understood what he wanted. He kissed her lightly on the forehead and then went to the hall.

When Mu Linfeng arrived at the hall, he saw that Wu Xing and more than twenty people were already dressed and ready to go. Each of Wu's men held a firearm, which made Mu Linfeng uneasy. He quickly said to Wu Xing, "We don't need to bring out those firearms."

Wu Xing agreed and immediately ordered his men to hand over all the firearms. They were all locked up in boxes, and there were several boxes. Mu Linfeng asked, "How many are there?"

Wu Xing held up one finger, which surprised Mu Linfeng.

Wu Xing said to Mu Linfeng, "Once we arrive in Nanjing, we will immediately find a house to settle down in. The mansion will be called 'Mu Mansion,' and I believe it will be easy for you to find after you arrive."

Mu Linfeng smiled and nodded, "That's great. I'll leave everything to you, brother. But what about Tianwan? How do we deal with him?"

Wu Xingdao said, "In my opinion, it's best to kill him to eliminate future troubles."

Mu Linfeng patted his shoulder and laughed, "That's why we're part of the underworld."

Wu Xing immediately ordered someone to bring Tian Wan up. Mu Linfeng remembered something and said, "When you go to Nanjing, besides buying a house, take a look at places with suitable locations and buy two more gatehouses. When I go there, we can expand."

Wu Xing nodded, "Don't worry. I know what to do."

Mu Linfeng and Wu Xing exchanged a few more words, and Wu Xing ordered the remaining 20 people to follow Mu Linfeng's orders before immediately leaving the mountain.

Mu Linfeng ordered the rest of the people not to leave the mountain for three days and to pack up their belongings. They would head south the day after tomorrow at noon. Mu Linfeng then returned to Chen Yuanyuan's room.

Mu Linfeng lay on the bed and took out "Acupoints Universal Knowledge," continuing to read. Chen Yuanyuan sat on the side and looked at Mu Linfeng. Mu Linfeng turned his head and smiled slightly, hugged Chen Yuanyuan, and lay her in his arms.

Chen Yuanyuan asked, "Mu Lang, what book are you reading?"

Mu Linfeng replied, "It's 'Acupoints Universal Knowledge,' which specializes in studying the acupoints of the human body."

Chen Yuanyuan blinked her eyes several times, seemingly puzzled. Mu Linfeng looked at the book and saw that the second most concentrated acupoints in the human body were the abdomen and chest, including 14 acupoints such as the Zhong Wan, Jiu Wei, Ju Que, Shen Que, Qi Hai, Guan Yuan, Zhong Ji, Qu Gu, Ying Chuan, Ru Zhong, Ru Gen, Qi Men, Zhang Men, and Shang Qu acupoints. As Mu Linfeng read about the symptoms of each acupoint, he gestured on his own body. Finally, he played around and ended up at Chen Yuanyuan's breast at the base of the breasts acupoint, leading to a romantic moment.

After Mu Linfeng finished dinner and checked the time, it was almost 8 o'clock, which was the same time he encountered Mu Ren yesterday while searching for Tian Wan. Mu Linfeng immediately got up and quietly left the room, fearing he might wake up Chen Yuanyuan, and then ran down the mountain.

Upon reaching the forest, Mu Linfeng found that Mu Ren and the four family generals were already waiting for him. Mu Linfeng ran over and quickly smiled, "Master, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long."

Mu Ren looked at Mu Linfeng for a long time before asking, "How did yesterday's three moves go?"

Mu Linfeng slapped his forehead, thinking to himself, "Oops, I spent all my time reading 'Acupoint Common Sense' and fooling around with Yuan Yuan."

Mu Ren noticed the change in Mu Linfeng's expression and said, "Show me what you learned yesterday."

As soon as the words were spoken, the four family generals immediately left the forest. Obviously, the Mu family's swordsmanship was not passed down to outsiders, not even close family members were allowed to watch.

Mu Linfeng relied on his memory to perform the three moves he learned yesterday. After watching, Mu Ren shook his head continuously and said, "No improvement."

Mu Linfeng blushed and argued, "I only learned for a day. If Master can give me more guidance, I believe I will improve."

Mu Ren looked up at the bright moon in the sky and sighed deeply. Mu Linfeng noticed that Mu Ren seemed to have something on his mind and quickly asked, "Master, do you have any troubles?"

Mu Ren looked at Mu Linfeng and sighed again, "I want to teach you well, but I don't have much time left."

Mu Linfeng was puzzled and asked, "What's the matter, Master? Tell me, maybe I can help you."

Mu Ren smiled slightly and patted Mu Linfeng's head, "Silly child, you don't need to worry about my affairs. As long as you can learn my swordsmanship well, I have no other demands."

Mu Linfeng was surprised and asked, "Master, are you sick?"

Mu Ren was startled at first, then said, "I'm fine, I just have to go outside the barrier to compete with someone."

Mu Linfeng finally relaxed and said, "So it's just a competition. Master, your martial arts are rare in the world, what's the big deal about a competition?"

Mu Ren laughed and shook his head, "This person is not like an ordinary opponent."

Mu Linfeng was curious and quickly asked, "Does this person have such high martial arts skills that even Master is wary of him?"