
Wives and Concubines

Alluring beauties, captivating goddesses, numerous married women, who could compare to me?

VixenQueen · Fantasy
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89 Chs

Immortal Style and Profound Character, Unrivaled Master ( Part 3 )

As soon as Mu Linfeng heard these words, he was about to speak, but he heard Wu Xing say, "If you still consider me the second in command, then listen to my words. Being a mountain bandit is not a long-term plan. Why not divide the loot we robbed today and disperse? As for our future, we'll each go our own way."

Someone spoke up, "Second in command, you know our background. If we disperse like this, it's like going back to where we started. Why don't you stay and become our leader? Starting today, we'll follow you." Many people immediately agreed.

However, there were also those who said, "What the second in command said is true. If we weren't afraid of the former leader's tyranny, we would have left the mountain a long time ago. Now that the former leader is dead, we should disband and leave the mountain immediately."

Wu Xing didn't know what to do when he heard this, and quickly asked Mu Linfeng, "Brother Feng, what do you think?"

Mu Linfeng looked at Wu Xing, also unsure of what to do. At that moment, Chen Yuanyuan stood up from his arms, her face as red as a tomato. Although she had been held by many men before, this was a first for her.

Mulan listened to what was being said and was about to speak, but Wu Xing interrupted: "If you still consider me as the second-in-command, then listen to my words. Being a mountain bandit is not a long-term solution. It's better if we split the spoils from today's raid and each go our separate ways."

Someone spoke up: "Second-in-command, you know our backgrounds. Won't leaving like this be the same as going back to where we started? It's better if you stay and become our leader. We'll follow you from now on." Many people immediately agreed with this.

But others said: "What the second-in-command said is true. If it weren't for the fear of the former leader's tyranny, we would have left the mountain long ago. Now that the former leader is dead, we should leave the mountain immediately."

Wu Xing didn't know what to do when he heard this and asked Mulan for advice: "Brother Feng, what do you think?"

Mulan organized his thoughts and said to everyone: "You all have valid points. I have a good idea. The gold and silver we seized from the raid today can be split among those who want to go home. For those who want to stay with Mr. Wu, you can continue following him. How about that?"

Everyone immediately agreed and some even said: "We've always followed the second-in-command. The former leader never treated us as human beings. Since Mr. Mulan is the leader of the second-in-command, we will follow him from now on. Please remember this."

Wu Xing also said: "That's great."

Mulan thought for a moment and said: "Being a mountain bandit is not a long-term solution. If you want to continue following me or Mr. Wu, why don't we go to Jiangnan? If you don't want to come with us, you can take the money and go home to start a small business or get married."

Most of the bandits were poor and destitute. Some who were afraid of danger took the money and left, while others who had nowhere to go insisted on following Mulan and Wu Xing.

Wu Xing had the stolen gold and silver brought into the hall and divided some of it into several portions to give to those who wanted to leave. After the bandits who wanted to leave had gone down the mountain, Wu Xing had the remaining jewelry packed into boxes. He counted the number of people who wanted to stay and found that there were more than fifty of them.

Mu Linfeng gathered all the people who wanted to stay in one place and counted them carefully. There were actually fifty-one people, in addition to the more than two hundred who didn't want to stay. They could form two groups.

Wu Xing said to Mu Linfeng, "It may not be convenient for such a large group to go to Jiangnan. Let's split up." So the two of them carefully divided the people into five groups and ordered some of them to stay behind to guard the mountain.

Mu Linfeng felt like he was back in his own gang now that he had so many followers. He thought about how this was the foundation of his entrepreneurial journey in a new place and felt a surge of pride.

Turning to Wu Xing, Mu Linfeng said, "You need to make them agree to three rules. After we leave the mountain, they can't continue to act like bandits."

Wu Xing nodded and immediately told the fifty-plus people, "After we leave the mountain, you can't rob or kill anyone without orders from me or Brother Feng."

Everyone nodded in agreement, but Mu Linfeng knew that if they didn't have money, they would still continue to do evil. He hoped that they could have a good future, but it couldn't be changed overnight. Mu Linfeng said to the group, "Rest for now, and tomorrow morning we'll set off for Jiangnan." The group immediately dispersed.

Mu Linfeng saw Wu Xing looking around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wu Xing frowned and said, "Tian Wan has disappeared."

Mu Linfeng only noticed that Tian Yan had already disappeared from the hall. He had been too busy and didn't notice. Mu Linfeng guessed that Tian Yan took the opportunity to escape when Mu Ren arrived or when they dispersed the bandits earlier, and nobody noticed him.

Wu Xing worried, "This is bad. If he goes to report to the nearby government office tonight and they send soldiers to attack, it won't be good."

Mu Linfeng's heart skipped a beat and he quickly said to Wu Xing, "I'll go down the mountain to pursue him. You take care of Miss Chen." He looked at Chen Yuanyuan and saw the complexity in her eyes. She seemed reluctant, as if she was worried about her own weak life. Mu Linfeng felt sympathy for her, and didn't have the urge to take her away like before.

Wu Xing laughed, "Miss Chen? Yes, yes...Miss Chen." The meaning behind his words was whether he should change his address to 'Sister-in-law'.

Mu Linfeng looked at Chen Yuanyuan and saw her blushing face. She was speechless for a moment. She naturally understood the implication in Wu Xing's words. Mu Linfeng was elated and thought that the beautiful woman didn't object. If he wasn't in a hurry to pursue the fugitive, he would have warmed up to her.

Wu Xing told Mu Linfeng that when Tian Yan was caught, he took the main road up the mountain. The other path was extremely dangerous, especially at night. He wouldn't risk it, so he must have returned by the same route.

Mu Linfeng ran all the way down the mountain but found no trace of Tian Yan. He cursed Tian Yan's ancestors in his heart. At that moment, he saw figures in the trees ahead. He immediately went over and found that it wasn't Tian Yan because there were five figures, including Mu Ren and his four generals.

Mu Linfeng saw Mu Ren standing in the middle and looking at him, so he quickly greeted him, "Mr. Mu, why are you still down the mountain? Why not stay on the mountain for the night?"

Mu Ren smiled and said, "I'm here waiting for you."

Mu LinFeng was puzzled, "Mr. Mu, you're waiting for me?"

Mu Ren nodded and pointed to the side of the road.

Mu LinFeng looked over and saw a man lying on the ground. As he approached, he realized that it was Tian Wan. He was lying on the ground motionless, and Mu LinFeng guessed that Mu Ren had used some acupoints to immobilize him.

Mu Ren said, "This man was brought down the mountain by me." Mu LinFeng's heart skipped a beat as he looked at Mu Ren in surprise. Mu Ren continued, "I knew you would come down the mountain to look for him."

Mu LinFeng didn't understand what Mu Ren meant and asked, "Does Mr. Mu have something to tell me?"

Mu Ren stared at him seriously and asked, "Are you really surnamed Mu?"

Mu LinFeng laughed, "Of course it's real, there's no falsehood."

Mu Ren said, "Nowadays, the Mu family is only in the Yunnan Mu Palace. How could you have the surname Mu?"

Mu LinFeng thought it was funny, "I came from the future, of course you wouldn't know." He then said to Mu Ren, "I'm from Nanyang, not a subject of the Ming Dynasty."

Mu Ren said, "I've been to Nanyang for a few years and have never heard of anyone with the surname Mu there. Besides, your Chinese is so fluent, you don't seem like a Nanyang person at all."