

"I'm sure slapping my daughter wasn't a part of this, right?"

Araxie had nothing to say other than nodding.

"Then why did you hit her, huhh?"

"Sh...she was talking ill about me... I mean my friend."Oh no! She almost exposed herself but thank God Marina didn't mind.

"So what? What if she said dirty about her, how does it concern you?"

On hearing that, Araxie immediately fell down on her knees since she couldn't believe that Marina could ever say such a thing! "This means Judith was right and this woman here.... she doesn't love me any bit. She doesn't care if I live or die."she breathed in realization.

This left some people shocked along with Araxie. They too didn't expect such words from a mother's mouth.

"Follow me dear."Marina grabbed her daughter's hand and took her inside the house.

Araxie who was planning to go and apologise to Judith later changed her mind and followed those two enemies of hers. "You've left me with no choice but to stalk on you both. I have to know what's going on in your minds."she thought while composing herself to eavesdrop their conversation.

"What were you thinking. How could you say something like that to an outsider? I always thought that you're old enough to differentiate between right and and wrong but after what happened today, I've realized that you still need to be watched over just like a little kid. I can understand you're so delighted about all that's happening but you need to think about me too. All of my plans flopped because of that girl's foolishness. What would I tell Mr Jung now. I can't believe the opportunity I had slipped out of my hands like that. I should've kept a close eye on that silly girl but it's over now. We won't be owning the company anymore. I hate you, Araxie!"

For a moment Araxie felt disgusted with herself. She was feeling bad that she didn't believe Judith and her daughters.

Without being noticed, she ran straight to Judith's house to apologise. "I'm such a fool that I didn't listen to you in the first place. I'm very sorry, I shouldn't have shouted at you earlier. You see.. I always found it hard to believe that Marina dislikes me. I could see it but my heart never wanted to believe. Forgive me please."

"It's okay dear. Every daughter would've done the same for her mother. One doesn't need to give birth to be called a mother, one obtains that title by raising someone up and that's what Marina has been doing for you. She's like a mother to you in the end."Judith comforted her.

"I'm so bad."she was cursing herself.

"Don't talk like that child. It's good that you've known who she really is."

"Mom is right. It's good to deal with her now that you've got to know her true colours."Aurora who liked fights and wars intervened.

"You're all right. It's high time I turned the tables on her that she wouldn't even realize that it's my doing!"she said with her voice filled with bitterness.

"How will you do that. I hope you aren't planning to confront her."

"Of course I won't do that. It's high time I cooked something for her for everything bad she ever done to me. I've heard enough. That woman has been mistaking my simplicity as my stupidity, but not anymore! It's time I fought back for what I truly deserve."she was talking with so much determination and courage.

"That's Araxie I have been trying to see all along. Thanks Araxie. We're always behind you to support you."her friends assured.

"Thank you so much, especially you ma'am. You're truly the best mother in the world universe. Thank you for treating me like your very own daughter. Thank you Sara and Aurora... you're the sweetest friends one could ever ask for. You're amazingly nice. Thank you for loving me this much and on top of that, you all treat me like a family. I really appreciate." They couldn't believe she was emotionally driven at the moment.

"Hey, that's enough. You're making us feel embarrassed."

"Mom is right, you're making us emotional right now. It's enough Araxie. Stop crying, hmmm? You've cried enough my dear."

"I won't cry anymore. I've got a reason to be strong. Take care of everyone ma'am. I'm going far away. I don't know if my mission will be a success or not, but I promise I will come back to check on you. Mother was planning on getting me married without my consent but now... I'll get myself a man of my dreams and I'll bring him over to take her blessings. Just wait and watch! I know she's very cunning but don't worry. I'll handle her so well that she'll be requesting me to spare her reputation. Right one people still doubt the rumors about her, I'll use this to my advantage. Very well Araxie..."she was talking to herself which left just as well as her daughters confused.

"At least tell us what you're planning on doing. You know we won't tell anyone about it. Don't you trust us Araxie? I hope you don't take us as rumormongers."Sara seemed not settled. She always liked knowing a thing and its details but here, Araxie was talking in tongues and she looked like she really didn't want to tell them anything.

"Are you going to expose Marina in front of everyone?"Aurora too wasn't at peace.

"I will take your leave. Bye everyone."

Being on a mission to be with Trion, Araxie walked miles and miles looking for Trion's father.

She was able to find his address using the bead she got from her love, Trion.

"Wow. This place is so beautiful."she said when she could view a large castle from where she stood, at the top of the hill. "I wonder how those people behave. I hope they won't be rude to me since I'm a stranger here. Oh good Lord, let them not tease me."she breathed before slopping down the hill.

The moment she reached the palace's gates, all the guards were already alert because they saw her coming from the hill too.

"Good evening."she greeted but received no response. "Strange!"she sighed inwardly.

"Who are you. What are you doing here. Whom did you come to see?"everyone was asking her.

She almost thought they were all dumb only to find that they refused to reply her greetings on purpose.

"My name is Araxie. I've come to meet the king and...."she was about to add on when one of them cut in with a sensible question like, do you have any appointment with him?"

"Ahhh..of course."she lied with that weird smile on her face.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes sir. You can go ahead and ask him. I'm sure he might've forgot, don't you think?"

"Hmmm! Why do I feel like you're forging everything. You don't even know how to lie."they were laughing at her.

"Are you here to harm our lord again?"a cold tone spoke from behind.

"Oh no... Not at all."

"You said you have appointment with him but unfortunately for you he isn't well for any appointments. So would you please tell us the truth. Did anyone send you here. Are you perhaps hiding poison. What do you want?"

Araxie had gone out of words. She knew it would be a problem if she told them the real reason. She needed to do something to get inside.

She was about to do her magic when a voice spoke from the building asking the guards to let her in.

"Wait, isn't that His Highness's voice? Did he come around?"they all looked happy and just like that, they ran straight inside the castle leaving her outside.

"Let me show you to the king's room."a young boy, Leon who was playing around said to her.

"Sure." It didn't take long before she landed her eyes on that king, the man she had come looking for but unfortunately he laid flatly unconscious in his bed!

"But he's still unconscious, then who's voice was it? Who asked us to let you in. Are you somehow practicing magic on us madam."the man who had been giving her a strange gaze asked. He was yelling at her in fact, that she couldn't think of what to say anymore.

"Get out of here."

"I didn't do anything and I..... I'm not here to do anything bad to him. I'm seeing him for the first time. So tell me, why would I have bad intentions for him."

"I'm sure you want to add to his pain. Tell me, who sent you here?"

"No one did. I just came here because I wanted to ask him something important."

They were still arguing when they heard the king mumble something and he said like, T-i-a.

"Tia. Did he just say Tia?"Araxie's lips fell suddenly.

"Do you know who Tia was?"the man was becoming too much just like a detective.

"Wasn't she his first wife?"

"How did you know that. Only a few people in this palace now know about it. How come a stranger knows this!"the simple expression on his had changed to a worried one.

"And why should I tell you. Moreover you're sending me back without talking to Mr Beryl."she pointed.

"What happened to him actually?"she asked.

"I thought you know it all."

"I might not be Knowing it all but with just one glance at someone, I get to know everything."

"What! Are you a magician or something?"

"I think you won't allow me to stay, will you? How about if we could just ask him what he really wants with me."

"Are you insane or something? How would he tell us when he can't even open his mouth? He doesn't know what's going on around him- he's in a comma. He has been like this for two years now."this man's once serious eyes were now teary.

"Why are you worrying so much. He'll be fine. Didn't you hear what he just said."she reminded him.

"I don't believe my ears. I think we're both imagining things."

"We're not."Araxie assured with confidence.

Seeing her whisper something with her eyes closed, the man seemed shocked by what he just saw. The king moved his hand before calling out for Neel while his eyes fell open though he still looked weak.

"Yes my king."

Oh! So this strict man's name is Neel. Not bad, though!"she breathed.

"Hello everyone. Guess what, our king has come around."Neel couldn't handle this excitement alone but to run around the palace informing everyone.

Just in a bit, the room was crowded. Everyone wanted to look at him.

"I'm fine my people. I missed you all."he assured them.

"Greetings Mr Beryl. I'm sorry I didn't know I would find you in that state in which you were. Actually, my name is ar...."

"Tia?"the king cut in.

"What! Why is he taking me as his wife now?"she looked worried.

"I'm not Tia sir. My name is Araxie."she corrected.

"Then where is my Tia. I feel as if she's right here next to me."

"I think he still needs to rest."Neel pointed.

"No Neel. I've slept enough and I'm now perfectly fine. I know I'm sounding strange but it's what I'm feeling. I don't know why but her presence is affecting me. It feels as if she's my Tia."

"Everyone leave now. I think you should leave them alone."Neel told those who were in the room.

"Won't you leave us alone too?"Araxie asked Neel.

"No ma'am. I can't leave my king with a stranger."

"Really.... you still...."

"Let him be. I trust him. Don't you remember how he kept our secret when we didn't want to conceive in our first five years of our marriage." Maybe the king really believed she was his Tia.

"It's obvious that he loved Tia so much."Araxie would tell herself.

"I'm Araxie, a daughter to late Michael Rodrigo from Akira city."she gave a brief introduction about herself so he wouldn't take her for Tia again.

"I know. My Tia was also from Akira Sea. I think you've heard about it."

"Yes sir. It's actually my favorite place now."Araxie mumbled.

"I'm sure you know my Tia, don't you?"

"I know her so well. She's the one who has sent me here."she lied.

"Tell me dear. What does she need. I can surely provide. But why hasn't she come over to see me yet? It's been twenty two years since I last saw her. I wanted to visit her and apologise but the committee stopped me because they were under my second wife's orders. I wish I could meet her once."